10, Number 17 (2015)
Efficient 2D-DCT Architecture
for Video Applications
pp 37311-37315
R.Lalitha and P.Suryaprasad
Effects Of Zoning In 2002
Indonesian Standard Earthquake Design For Steel Frame Weight
pp 37316-37319
Mohammad Ghozi, Anik Budiati and Syariful Alim
A Detailed Review On Atlas Based
Segmentation Of MRI Brain Images
pp 37320-37325
R. Krishnaswamy and S. Nirmaladevi
Self-Stabilization of Cluster
Head Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Protocolthrough the Fuzzy Relevance Degree of
the Node
pp 37326-37331
T Madhu, S S V N Sarma and J V R Murthy
Baffle-based Sloshing Mitigation
Technique for Liquid Storage Tanks
pp 37332-37336
Sung Ho Yoon and Kee Jin Park
The Pseudospectral Method for
the Optimal Control Problem
pp 37338-37339
T. Raghunathan
Real-time Spatial Video Panorama
using Iterative Compositing
pp 37340-37345
P. Venkat Rangan, Balaji Hariharan, G Uma, Ramkumar N and Rahul Krishnan
Kalman Filtering Techniques For
Fault Detection And Diagnosis In Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor
pp 37346-37350
P V Sunil Nag, Sabarish R P Nair,Gowtham M, Sibichakravarthy V, T D
Shivendran and Manjunath S
Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) in
Indian Public Sector Enterprises
pp 37351-37352
C.Subramaniam and R.Krishnaraj
An Accurate Effort Estimation
using Least Effort Multipliers based on Fuzzy Estimation Algorithm for
Software Development
pp 37353-37358
SIWT-SPIHT: A Shift Invariance
Wavelet Transformation based SPIHT for Image Compression
pp 37359-37364
Trupti Ahir and R.V.S.Satyanarayana
Scale to Composition Fault
Inclined (SCFI): Heuristic Scale to Assess the Impact of Composition
towards Fault Inclined
pp 37365-37372
V.Sujatha and G.Appa Rao
Improvement of the Voltage
Stability in the Thirty Bus System Employing Wind Generation using UPQC
pp 37373-37378
G.V. Prasanna Anjaneyulu and P. Sangameswara Raju
On The Study of Interference
Mitigation Method in K-user MIMO Interference Channel
pp 37379-37382
A. E. Rakhmania, P-Y. Tsai and O. Setyawati
Implementation of Klein’s
Utilizability function for Chennai, Trivandrum and Visakapatnam
pp 37383-37388
S. Ravichandran and J. David Rathnaraj
BER analysis of OFDM system over
Nonlinear fading channels
pp 37389-37395
V. Jagan Naveen, K. Krishna kishore and P.Rajesh kumar
Performance Enhancement of
Composite Web Service Based on QoS Aware Trust Score
pp 37396-37402
F.Ezhil Mary Arasi, S.Govindarajan and J.Antony Judi
An Improved Automated System To
Filter The Unwanted Messages In OSN User Wall
pp 37403-37408
M.Srividya and M.S. Irfan Ahmed
Optimization of MFAAF Process
Parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization
pp 37409-37413
T. C. Kanish, Vijith Kalathil and S. Senthil Kumar
Client Based Security for Cloud
CRM Application
pp 37414-37420
M.Vanitha and C.Kavitha
Numerical and Experimental Study
on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Micro-Channel Heat Sinks
with Longitudinal Fins Array
Prakpum Sriromreun and Paisarn Naphon
Risk analysis of operating room
using the Bayesian Network Model
pp 37428-37433
Bouchra Zoullouti, Mustapha Amghar and Nawal Sbiti
Performance Evaluation of Power
System Stabilizer
pp 37434-37446
S. Karthikeyana and G. Mohan
Early Detection of Disease in
Bittergourd Leafs at Germination stage
pp 37447-37452
Sam Abraham, T. S Balasubramanian and Dhanasekaran
Comparative Analysis of Two
Stochastic Models with Varying Demand
pp 37453-37460
Reetu Malhotra and Gulshan Taneja
Prediction And Optimization Of
Process Parameters On A22e (Bimetal Bearing) Using RSM And Genetic
pp 37461-37468
R.Babu, D. S. Robinson Smart, G.Mahesh and M. Shanmugam
Implementation Of Data Integrity
And Regenerating Data Using Erasure Code
pp 37469-37472
Yoshitha and Nalini Sampath
Flow Visualization on Naca2421
Airfoil with and without Piezo Electric Effects
pp 37473-37480
V. Madhan Raj and Dilip A Shah,
Software Based Methodologies to
Extend Energy Level of Android Mobile Devices
pp 37481-37487
Thanapal P and Saleem Durai M.A
Web Usage Mining: Discovery Of
The User’s Navigational Patterns Using Elm And SKPCM
pp 37488-37494
D.Anandhi and M.S. Irfan Ahmed
5 W’s and 1 H: The Furtive of
Interactive Reality Television
pp 37495-37501
V. Vijay Kumar and S. Arulchelvan
Effective Preprocessing
Methodology For Web Usage Mining
pp 37502-37507
E. Manohar and D. Shalini Punithavathani
Congestion Control in TCP
Network Using a Time Delay Model Based Fluid Dynamics
pp 37508-37512
K. Lefrouni and R. Ellaia
Effect of Happiness on Aging,
Self-esteem, Life Satisfaction, Family Support, and Social Participation
of the Elderly in the Community on the Depression
pp 37513-37520
Hyea Kyung Lee and Hee Kyung Kim
Study on the Development of a
Compact and High-efficiency LED Fog Lamp for Passengers Cars
pp 37521-37524
S. J. Park and Y. L. Lee
An Exhaustive CHAID based
Authentication Approach for Remote Health Monitoring
pp 37525-37530
Meenakshi Nawal, Mahesh Bundele and G.N.Purohit
Ensuring Efficient Data
Protection on Cloud by Distribution Concurrency
pp 37531-37533
Uvaneshwari.M, Deepan. S, Ganesan. R and Naveen Raju. D
An Overview on Multimodal
pp 37534-37538
Optimal Placement Of Energy
Storage Units Using Particle Swarm Optimization With In A Deregulated
Power System
pp 37539-37544
O.Hemakesavulu, M .Pala Prasad Reddy and Beeram Manasa
Design And Analysis Of Vsc’s To
Weak Grids Using Self Tuned Fuzzy Logic Control
pp 37545-37551
S.Anupama, O.Hemakesavulu and E.Poojitha
A Critical Review and Comparison
of Cloud Storage Providers
pp 37552-37560
Gurram Sunitha, S. Swarajya Laxmi and D. Rajani Bai
Congestion Based Load Balancing
Using Mulipath Routing In Mobile Adhoc Network
pp 37561-37565
S.V.Karthik and S.Audithan
Simulation of Buck Converter fed
PMBLDC drive using PI and Fuzzy Logic Controllers
pp 37566-37570
V.Sudha and M.Nandhini Gayathri
Quality Restrain Coding in
Network Security Using Optimal Attack Graph Modeling
pp 37571-37577
Gouri R Patil and A.Damodaram
Distributed Machine Learning
Based Biocloud Prototype
pp 37578-37583
Mansaf Alam, Shuchi Sethi and Kashish A Shakil
Trust based secure information
exchange between user and sensor node using authentication method and
verified at each gateway node in wireless networks
pp 37584-37586
Cascading of Two Rectangular
Waveguides by Using HFSS, Cascade and MATLAB software
pp 37587-37591
Hemant Singh Pokhariya, Sourabh Bisht and Vikas Rathi
Cluster based quantification to
identify significant ERP critical failure factors
pp 37592-37594
Prafulla Bafna, Avneet Kaur and Nidhi Choudhary
PAPR Reduction for OFDM system
using ABC and PSO Algorithms
pp 37595-37600
N. Mary Sandhya, G. Sanath Kumar and V. Jagan Naveen
Investigation of Cold Start and
Idling Emission Characteristics of Ethanol-Gasoline Blends in SI Engine
pp 37601-37604
Anish Krishnan and S. Thirumalini
Training and Development in IT
pp 37605-37609
Sindhuja. A, Ashok Thiakarajana and R.Krishnaraj
New Modifications of Aggressive
Packet Combining Scheme with improved performance
pp 37610-37615
Y. Saring, Y. Bulo and C. T. Bhunia
An Application Connected with an
Approximation of Stochastic Difference Equations
pp 37616-37618
M. Reni Sagayaraj and P. Manoharan
Risk Mitigation Delay Design of
Natural Gas Pipeline Project
pp 37619-37623
Roy Gamma
A Novelblind Audio And Video
pp 37624-37629
T Geetamma and J Beatrice Seventline
Design of a Crankshaft Driven
External Gear Type Lubricating Oil Pump for a Multi-cylinder Diesel
pp 37630-37634
Arjun Hareendran, Srihari S and Bhaskar V
Experimental Study On Thermal
Comfort Of Helmet Using Phase Change Material
pp 37635-37638
B.Meganathan, Yuvanarajan.R, Yuvaraj.R, Vishal.P.V, Saravanan.A and
Sorensen Filter For Impulse
Noise Removal
pp 37639-37644
M.Jayamanmadharao, KVVS Reddy and P Mallikarjunarao
Closed Loop Operation of
Switched Reluctance Motor with Hysteresis Controller
pp 37645-37650
Stella Kurian and Nisha G. K
A Significant Approach for
Implementing Parallel Image Processing using MATLAB with Java Threads
and Its Implementation in Segmentation using Otsu’s Method in Multi Core
pp 37651-37657
Sanjay Saxena, Shiru Sharma and Neeraj Sharma
Framework of Gesture for blind
people usable at touch mobile phones
pp 37658-37663
Shabnam Mohamed Aslam and Govindarajan Swaminathan
A Study on Combustion of
Torrefied Food Waste Pellets
pp 37664-37667
J. Poudel and S.C. Oh
Improved Performance Dynamic
Voltage Restorer with Seven level Multilevel Inverter
pp 37668-37678
K.Chandrasekaran and V.K. Ramachandaramurthy
A Three Phase Four Leg Inverter
with a Single Vector Quantity as Control Signal
pp 37679-37684
Bhaskar Bhattacharya and Ajoy Kumar Chakraborty
The Method and Instruments for
Induction Motor Mechanical Parameters Identification
pp 37685-37691
A. Egorov, V. Belogusev and K. Kozlov
A Study on Combustion of
Torrefied Corn Stalk Pellets
pp 37692-37696
J. Poudel and S.C. Oh
A Novel Approach for Energy
Efficient Clustering in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
pp 37697-37706
Shanmugasundaram T.A and V. Vijayabaskar
Parallel Computing in Genetic
Algorithm (GA) with The Parallel Solution of n Queen’s Problem Based on
GA in Multicore Architecture
pp 37707-37716
Sanjay Saxena, Neeraj Sharma and Shiru Sharma
Breast Cancer Detection Using
Relevance Vector Machine
pp 37717-37723
B.M.Gayathri and C.P.Sumathi
Effects of Limestone Dust on
Geotechnical Properties of an Expansive Soil
pp 37724-37730
Akshaya Kumar Sabat and Prabina Kumar Muni
Multi Scale Performance of
Feature Extraction for Human Head Recognition
pp 37731-37736
Panca Mudjirahardjo, M. Fauzan Edy Purnomo, Rini Nur Hasanah and Hadi
Path Sensitized Glitch Free
Approach using NCL with Return to One Protocol: TSNCL+
pp 37737-37746
J. Sudhakar, A.Mallikarjuna Prasad and Ajit Kumar Panda
An Improved Pattern Extraction
from Frames in Text Mining
pp 37747-37750
B Sankara Babu, K . Rajasekhar Rao and P.Satheesh
MRAS Speed Observer for Low
Speed Estimation in Sensorless DTC-SVM Induction Motor Drives
pp 37751-37757
Mini.R, Shabana Backer.P, B. Hariram Satheesh and Dinesh M.N
Processing and Mechanical
Characterization of Al-WC-Co Hybrid composite produced by Powder
Metallurgy Process
pp 37758-37762
K.Sireesha, Ch. Siva RamaKrishna and SR.Viswanath.Manta
The parametic study of Titanium
alloy (Ti6%Al4%V) cutting process by Finite Element Analysis
pp 37763-37767
Jaruwat Chompradit and Surasith Piyasin
Proposal for a busy wait bolt
semaphore algorithm controlled to handle interlocking in Android
pp 37768-37774
Nancy Y. Gélvez G, Danilo A. López S and Jhon F. Herrera C
The Effect of Self-Efficacy,
Critical Thinking Disposition and Self-Confidence of Core Nursing Skills
on Clinical Competence in Nursing Students
pp 37775-37782
Han Mi Lee and Hee Kyung Kim
Uncertainty Cyclicity and
pp 37783-37791
Evgeny A. Kuzmin
Development of the Automated
Control System for Concrete Plant with Two Units Concrete Mixing
pp 37792-37798
Andrey Vladimirovich Ostroukh, Igor Vadimovich Nedoseko, Alexander
Nikolaevich Pudovkin and Yashar Elshan-ogly Nuruev
Investigation On Variations In
Geometry And Microstructure Of Weld Deposits Due To Interpulse Current
And Its Frequency
pp 37799-37805
S.P. Sankar and P. Palanisamy
A Novel Discrete Spreading
Scheme with RC Filter for PAPR reduction in OFDM System using Multiple
pp 37806-37812
Darshankumar C. Dalwadi and Himanshu B. Soni
Performance Analysis Of Dynamic
Routing Protocols Using Random Waypoint Model For Manet In Ns2
pp 37813-37816
An Improved Neural Network
Learning Algorithm Using Glow-worm Swarm Optimization for Software
Defect Prediction
pp 37813-37823
V.Jayaraj and N. Saravana Raman
Design of an automated system to
measure and test the electrical parameters of CT/Inductor using Labview
pp 37824-37828
Swathi. R and N. Kirthika M. E
Onboard Auxiliary Hydrogen
Production In Automobiles Using Wind Energy
pp 37829-37833
Ravi Prasad P.S, Joshuaraj Immanuel K, Varun A.K, Lalith Sharavan C,
Vignesh Kumar M
Design Of Wireless Sensor
Network In Agricultual Reforms
pp 37834-37838
B.v.v.satyanarayana, K.S.Ravi
Design and Implement of Light
Weight QoS Algorithm for Ad hoc Networks
pp 37839-37845
Seyed Hossein Hosseini Nazhad Ghazani and Rasim Alguliyev
Influence of Artificial
Lightweight Aggregate on Mechanical Properties of Foamed Concrete
pp 37846-37850
Md Azree Othuman Mydin and Nangkula Utaberta
Improvise Overpasses: Study on
Utilizing Spaces below Flyover
pp 37851-37856
Md Azree Othuman Mydin and Nangkula Utaberta
Inductor-Coupled Bidirectional
Dc-Dc Converter With Loss Reduction For Hybrid Electric Vehicles
pp 37857-37865
S.Meenakshi, D.Manimegalai and R.Santhosh Kumar
Study on Effects of
Magnetization of Fuel on Diesel Engine
pp 37866-37870
Nikhil Tom Varghese, D Senthil Kumar and M Vivek
Topology optimization of forming
pp 37871-37876
Krishnakumar V J, Joshi C Haran and Antoni Manekshaw
Classification of Structured
Documents: An approach based on SURF features
pp 37877-37886
Santosh Naik, R. Dinesh, Prabhanjan S and Smitha B. A.
An Improved Method for
Segmentation of Abnormal Tissues in MRI Brain Images using Modified
Entropy and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm
pp 37887-37893
Smitha J C and S Suresh Babu
Influence Of Anodization
Technology On Wear Resistance Of D16t Aluminum Alloy
pp 37894-37896
N.F. Kolenchin, V.N. Kuskov and P.N. Shadrina
Information Processing Of
Revitalized FMCG Brands – Role Of Customer Purchase Location
pp 37897-37902
Rashmi Sud Chaudhry, Y. Medury and Vandana Ahuja
Comparison of the Performance of
Linear Prediction Residual Algorithm on Different Medical Images
pp 37903-37908
Preethi S and Gayathri V
Optimal Topology Design of
Intermediate Steel Moment Resisting Frames with Reinforced Concrete
Shear Walls
pp 37909-37916
Mehdi Babaei and Sasan Taherkhani
On Warped Products
pp 37917-37920
Jae-Up So, Hye-Ran Jang and Yeo-Jin Song
An Improved Intrusion Detection
System (IIDS) using Enhanced Sequential Probability Ratio Test (eSPRT)
Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
pp 37921-37926
Ram Pradeep Manohar and E.Baburaj
Development of an Improved
Dynamic Algorithm to Enhance Energy Saving in Long Term Evolution Mobile
Access Networks
pp 37927-37934
E. Obi, S.M. Sani and S. Garba
Analysis of APC and Code of
pp 37935-37938
Koj Sambyo, Anish Kumar Saha and C.T. Bhunia
Control Design for a Utility
Interactive Inverter based on Time-delayed Estimator
pp 37939-37944
Kyeong-Hwa Kim and Ngoc Bao Lai
A Novel Approach to Combat Web
Spam Classification in Search Engine using Decision Tree Classifier with
Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection
pp 37945-37952
D.Saraswathi and A.Vijaya
A feature weighting method
based on category-distribution divergence (CDD)
pp 37953-37959
Lu Yonghe, Ye Zeyuan and He Xinyu
An Analytical Model for
Evaluating Routing Performance of AODV Protocol for MANETs with Finite
Buffer Capacity
pp 37960-37972
Suresh Babu Ch, K.Gangadhara Rao, B.Basaveswara Rao and K.Chandan
Characterization of macro and
microstructural behaviour of a compacted clay to the optimum Proctor
pp 37973-37980
Assia Benchouk, F-E. Mounir Derfouf, Said Taibi and Nabil Abou-Bekr
Development of a coordination
scheme in the framework of structural decentralized supervisory control
of discrete-event system
pp 37981-37991
Sang-Heon Lee and Jae-Sam Park
An Addressing Mechanism for
Network Partitioning and Merging in Wireless Ad hoc Networks
pp 37992-37996
N. Ramakrishnaiah and P. Chenna Reddy
Modified Adaptive Gateway
Discovery Scheme Using Hybrid Routing Protocols in Multicast
pp 37997-38002
K. Palani and P. Ramamoorthy
A Unified System For Offline
Handwritten Character Recognition And Language Interpretation
pp 38003-38008
Magesh Kasthuri and V.Shanthi
Ranking of Shelf life models
based on Smart Logistic Unit using the ELECTRE III method
pp 38009-38015
G. La Scalia, R. Micale, A. Certa and M. Enea
Firefly Optimization and Mixed
Tree Based Clock Distribution Network for an Optimal Energy FFT
pp 38016-38024
A. Sridevi and V. Lakshmi Prabha
A Study On Brand Switching And
Consumer Preferences Towards Soft Drinks With An Emphasis On
Distribution Processes And Market Expansion Strategies And Pricing
Implemented At Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd Vijayawada
pp 38025-38037
K. Venkateswara Raju and D. Prasanna kumar
Big data and transport
modelling: opportunities and challenges
pp 38038-38044
P. Chandrasekar
Development of Advanced Sonar
Sensor Model for Underwater Terrain Mapping based on Occupancy Grids
pp 38045-38050
Sejin Lee and Donghyun Kim, Alade O. Tokuta
The mathematical formulation of
the problem of determining the horizontal well productivity
pp 38051-38054
B.Sagindykov, T.Jatykov, Z.Bimurat, K.Bimuratkyzy and N.Jumagulova
Growth and Characterization of
Organic Nonlinear Optical (NLO) 1, 3-dinitrobenzene single crystals by
vertical Bridgman method and its prospects as electro-optic modulators
pp 38055-38060
S..Vijayakumar, P.Srinivasan and S.Dinagaran
Experimental Investigation and
Analysis of Optimum Cutting Parameters for AISI1042 Using CVD Tool in
Turning Operation
pp 38061-38065
A. Hemantha Kumar, G. Subba Rao and T. Rajmohan
Sharing Computation Resources
for Large-Scale Recognition System-on-Chip (SoC)
Seung Eun Lee
Performance Evaluation of
Electric Motor Based On Review of Bearing Lifetime and Windings
pp 38070-38077
Noviadi A. Rachman and Agus Risdiyanto
B-Core Theorems in Ultrametric Fields
pp 38078-38080
S. Sangeetha and V. Srinivasan
Development of intelligent
electrical network relay protection combined with fast-speed automatic
transfer switch
pp 38081-38084
Kryukov Y.A, Kirov E.F, Naumov O.E and Ivanov V.V
Experimental research and
methods development of an efficiency estimation of intelligent power
management state of the building systems of the real object
pp 38085-38089
Sedov Artem, Ainagulova Aliya and Temirgaliyeva Ainur
Grain structure evolution at
sintering of the bulk Bi2Te3 nanomaterial under hot pseudo-isostatic
pp 38090-38095
Oleg Ivanov, Roman Lyubushkin, and Oxana Soklakova
Systems Of Management And
Tendency Of Development Of Organic Dairy Cattle Breeding In The World
And Kazakhstan
pp 38096-38101
Murat Aliyev
Matrix Of MEMS Pressure
Transducers For Tactile Diagnostics Devices
pp 38102-38104
D.V.Gusev, R.S.Litvinenko and V.S.Sukhanov
Metal extraction from ore
benefication codas by means of lixiviation in a disintegrator
pp 38105-38109
Vladimir I. Golik, Yuri I. Razorenov and Oleg N. Polukhin
Prediction of development
prospects of roller support designs for conveyor systems
pp 38110-38115
Yerzhan Y. Shayakhmetov, Bolat A. Manezhanov, Toqtasyn M. Mendebayev,
Omar T. Temirtasov, Rysbala R. Ibragimova and Yermek T. Abilmazhinov
The Development Of
Infrastructure Security For Distributed Information Computer Environment
Based On Secured Portal Network
pp 38116-38120
Igor S.Konstantinov, Sergej A. Lazarev and Oleg V.Mihalev
The development of titanium
BT1-0 deformation twins under repeated exposure of concentrated load
pp 38121-38123
Nikolai V. Kamyshanchenko, Vladimir V. Krasilnikov, Ivan S. Nikulin and
Alexander V. Galtsev
The nanostructured coating
based on carbon and silver Aleksandr
pp 38124-38126
Aleksandr I. Kolpakov, Sergei S. Manokhin, Zhanna Yu. Chefranova, Nina
I. Zhernakova, Aleksandr A. Dolzhikov, Sergei V. Shkodkin, Kseniia A.
Bocharova and Vadim N. Dmitriev
Resource-And-Time Method To
Optimize The Performance Of Several Interrelated Operations
pp 38127-38132
Vladimir Anisimov, Evgeniy Anisimov and Mikhail Sonkin
Development of fast-speed
vacuump breaker drive with voltage of 6-10kV
pp 38133-38135
Kriukov Yu.A, Kirov E.F, Karasev M.V and Ivanov V.V
Evaluation of PCA Based Image
Denoising Methods
pp 38136-38145
Abinaya P and Sangeeta K
Vendor Selection in
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Environment: A Comparative Study by MADM
pp 38146-38153
Prabjot Kaur
Breathing Rate Estimation from
a Single-lead Electrocardiogram Acquisition System
pp 38154-38158
Nazrul Anuar Nayan, Nur Sabrina Risman and Rosmina Jaafar
Development of a simple Power
Electronic Controller for Grid Connected PV Systems
pp 38159-38166
Binu Ben Jose, D. R.
Surface Modification of Die
Steel Materials Machined by Powder Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining:
A review
pp 38167-38176
Nitin K. Khedkar, T.P.Singh and VijayKumar S. Jatti
Mobile Phone Radiation Effects
on Action Potentials in Brain-Arm Nerve Fibres of Human
pp 38177-38182
A. Othman, N.R. Mohamad and M.Z.M. Jenu
pp 38187-38191
Abhilash J. Nair and C. Lakshmikanthan
Named Entity Recognition,
Extraction and Classification using Conditional Random Field with Kernel
pp 38193-38198
Deepinder Kaur, Er.Rohit K. Bhullar, Sandeep Singh Brar and K. Kumaresan
Structural Mechanics Analysis
on Automobile Electromagnetic Control Valve on ANSYS
pp 38199-38201
WANGWENHAIa and HaengMukCho
Experimental Determination Of
Gasoline Vapor Loss Due To Sloshing In A Fuel Tank
pp 38202-38204
Jithin Jolly and C. Lakshmikanthan
Development of Design to
Schedule the Project using CPM and its Impact on the Project Management
pp 38205-38213
K.Kavitha and S. Jacob Pratabaraj.
Design And Implementation Of
Resistive Threshold Logic In Dsm Technology
pp 38214-38218
S.Govindarajulu and C.P.V.N.V.S.Jyosthna Devi
Design Of Novel Domino Circuits
For High Performance And Energy Efficient Vlsi Implementation
pp 38219-38227
S.Govindarajulu and M.N.Jyosthna
A Technical Review on Intrusion
Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) Methodologies
pp 38228-38240
S.Bharath Reddy and D.Malathi
pp 38241-38244
Midhun Mohan S and S. Thirumalini
pp 38245-38250
Multi-Agent System Technology
for Distributed Data Mining and Clustering Using JADE
pp 38251-38254
S. SulaihaBeevi and K.L.Shunmuganathan
A spelling mistake correction
(SMC) model for real-word error correction
pp 38255-38260
Swadha Gupta and Sumit Sharma
A Research Survey on Computer
Aided Diagnosis of Ischemic Stroke Detection Using CT and MRI Images
pp 38261-38266
R. Kanchana and R. Menaka
MRI Image Fusion Method based
on Classification of BEMD Components
pp 38267-38270
V. Deepika, M. Suchetha and R. G. Sangeetha
An Analysis of the Effects of
Electrical Energy Distribution on the Economic Growth of Kota Medan
pp 38271-38273
Junaidy Burhan, Erlina, Sirojuzilam, Nes Yandri Kahar, R. T. Mohamad and
A. A. Zulkefle
A Pragmatic Study of
Evolutionary Techniques Based Energy Efficient Hierarchical routing
protocols - LEACH And PEGASIS
pp 38274-38285
AshaGowda Karegowda, B. G Premsudha and Devika G
Regional Planning and
Development of Kota Medan: Effect on Electrical Power Distribution (Case
Study on Medan City Development Area
pp 38286-38290
Junaidy Burhan, Sirojuzilam, Erlina, Nes Yandri Kahar
Experimental Investigation on
RCC Hollow Short Circular Columns with FRP Jacketing
pp 38291-38295
S. Thirumoorthy and M. Sivaraja
Perturbing Sensitive Data using
Additive Noise
pp 38296-38301
A.V.Sriharsha and C. Parthasarathy
Shallow-Water Acoustics
Investigations for Underwater Detection and Seabed Imaging
pp 38302-38307
Henry M. Manik
Improved Security to private
cloud through Novel Chaotic based Bio-cryptic Cloud Security Mechanism
pp 38308-38314
Sudhakar Godi and Rajasekhar Rao Kurra
Optimization of K-Prototype
Clusters with Genetic Algorithm for Customer Segmentation
pp 38314-38319
I Made Ari Santosa
A Study On Stress, Job
Involvement, Job Satisfaction And Burnout In Faculties Of Government And
Self Finance Colleges At Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
pp 38320-38331
Fine Tuning of Fuel Maps Using
Data Acquisition System on a FSAE Car
pp 38334-38342
Yagnavalkya Mukkamala, Sparsh Sharma and Ujjwal Pandey
Design of Adaptive Wavelet
Algorithm for Audibility Enhancement
pp 38343-38348
J. J. Chopade and N. P. Futane
A Study of the family of Affine
Projection Algorithms
pp 38349-38353
Subhash Chandra Yadav, Pradeep Juneja and R.G.Varshney
3D Interaction Glove: Virtual
and Physical Space Realization Through Data Glove
pp 38354-38357
Sang Muk Lee, Jung Woo Shin, Oh Seong Gwon and Seung Eun Lee
Comparative Study of
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Processor in FPGA For Functional
pp 38358-38361
S.Karthik, S.SaravanaKumar and K.Priyadarsini
Application of Support Vector
Machine to Static Security Assessment in Power systems
pp 38362-38367
R.Thamizhselvan and S.Ganapathy
Dynamic Reconstruction of
MapReduce Clusters for Achieving Energy Proportionality
pp 38368-38376
M. Kim and H. Cho
Survey of Fault-Injection
Techniques for Resilient Systems-on-Chip Design
pp 38377-38383
Yeong Seob Jeong, Seong Mo Lee and Seung Eun Lee
A Gate Level Full Adder Design
with Power Saving
pp 38384-38386
Analysis of Resonance in Blade
pp 38387-38390
Nitish Raghunathan, Valarmathi J and S. Gautham
Secured Medical Image
Transmission Through The Two Dimensional Chaotic System
pp 38391-38396
I.Bremnavas, I.Raja Mohamed and N.Shenbagavadivu
Verification of GPS data using
REB-4216 card During Satellite Communication System
pp 38397-38402
Muthanna Ali, Qusay Jalil and S Nagakishore Bhavanam
Factors Influencing on
Happiness in relation to the Aging of Elderly
pp 38403-38411
Hyea Kyung Lee and Hee Kyung Kim
An Alternative IPv6 Addressing
Scheme for Internet of Things
pp 38412-38415
Pyung Soo Kim
Design of Fractional Order
Controller for a MIMO Process
pp 38416-38421
G. Prakash and V. Alamelumangai
Non Performing Assets (NPA’s)
in Public and Private sector Banks
pp 38422-38426
Social Intelligence – A
Necessity for Career Growth Through Personality Development
pp 38427-38432
Housing architecture principles
based on the Holy Quran
pp 38433-38444
Hamed Hayaty, bahar bahrami, pardis ghobad zadeh and hamid gholami
A Single Scan Prefix-Tree
Construction Approach For Maximal Pattern Mining
pp 38445-38452
R .Vishnu Priya
Developing a Media of Active
Learning (AL) strategy of Micro controller 8051 Multiple Interrupts
handling teaching by using the MCU 8051 IDE-Integrated Development
Environment and C program-SDCC in supporting the implementation of
Active Learning in Higher Education-ALFHE
pp 38453-38458
Dahlan RP Sitompul and Mhd.Furqan
Determination Of Power
Consumption Of An Embedded System
pp 38459-38462
R.Sittalatchoumy and L. Sivakumar
Experimental investigation of
headed stud shear connector in composite beam
pp 38463-38467
B. Raguvaran and R. Baskar
Digital Watermarking :
Framework for Mathematical Modeling
pp 38468-38469
W.A.W. Adnan, R. T. Mohamad, S.A. Kareem, A. A. Zulkefle, M.T. Salahudin
and M. Kamalrudin
Determination of Equilibrium
and Kinetics Modeling for the Adsorption of Acid Orange 7 onto Activated
Carbon prepared from Leucaena leucocephala Seed Shell Waste
pp 38470-38476
A.Babu Rajendran, K. Sakthivel, K. Jothivenkatachalam and S. Karthikeyan
Gate Based Design of WDM PON to
Dynamically Allocate Bandwidth for Extended Reach
pp 38477-38483
S. Rajalakshmi, S. Rajalakshmi and Ananth Vijaya Venugopalen, Anirudh
The Effects of Manufacturing
Flexibility on Operational Performance; Acknowledging the Role of
Innovation Capability
pp 38484-38490
U. S. Purwanto and Raihan
Fuzzy Based Multi String Seven
Level Inverter For Photovoltaic System
pp 38491-38497
O.Hemakesavulu, P.Bhaskara Prasad, and Pagidela Yamuna
Modeling Water Treatment Plant
with High Efficiency Motors (HEMs)
pp 38498-38499
Ghassan J. K, R. T. Mohamad, Ali A. Abdulzahra, Ali K. S, Saif T. H,
Hadi F. H, Dawood S. Ahmed, A. A. Zulkefle, M. R. Ab Ghani, R. Omar, M.
Sulaiman, W.A.W. Adnan
Harmonic Distortion Control
technique in Adjustable Speed Drives
pp 38500-38503
Ali A.Abdulzahra, R. T. Mohamad, Ghassan J. K, Ali K.S, Saif T. H, Hadi
F.H, Dawood S. Ahmed, S.H.M.Shahril, A.A. Zulkefle, R. Omar and
Fuzzy Logic based Temperature
Control of a Vacuum Distiller
pp 38504-38508
Muhammad Aziz Muslim and Goegoes Dwi Nusantoro
Development of Mathematical Models for Prediction of Weld Bead Geometry
of Hardfaced Steel
pp 38509-38525
Pratibha Kumari and R.P. Singh
The Impact Of Ecological Consciousness On Consumer Buying Behaviour Of
Green Products – An Empirical Study From India
pp 38526-38535
R.Megavannan and Praseeda Chappalalli
Study on Compressive Strength of Concrete using Nano silica by Design of
pp 38536-38542
Om. Suganyaa and S.K. Sekar
Optimizing Abrasive Particle Speed and Size on Machining Performance in
SAFBM of Brass
pp 38543-38549
N.K. Francis, K. G. Viswanadhan, Nair Jayish. S, Vivek. M.S and
Sathyamoorthy. D
The Structural Behavior Of
4-Storey R.C Frame With Brick Infill
pp 38551-38556
Basics of QtQuick technology
and its application in the development of mobile multi-function
hardware-software of long-term cardiomonitoring and ergonometry
pp 38557-38561
Ivan Alexandrovich GrinkoThe Structural Behavior Of 4-Storey R.C Frame
With Brick Infill
«Dependency injection» on
Android and its application in the development of a mobile multifunction
hardware-software complex of long cardiomonitoring and ergonometry
pp 38562-38566
Denis NikolaevichAkolzin and Ivan AlexandrovichGrinko
Features of construction of a
software project for medical wireless sensor networks
pp 38567-38571
Dmitry SergeevichUbiraylo and Sergey AlexeevichSinyutin
A Detailed Survey on Various
Efficient Multipliers in Low Power VLSI Circuit
pp 38572-38582
M.Srinivasan and P.Prakasam
A novel Facial Expression
Classification System using Emotional Back Propagation Artificial Neural
Network using Genetic Algorithm
pp 38583-38588
Vedantham Ramachandran, E.Srinivasa Reddy and B. Sivaiah
The Mapreduce Based MRMPCME
Algorithm for Big Stream Data
pp 38589-38597
G.Somasekhar and K.Karthikeyan
A Survey of MR Image Brain
Tumour Segmentation Using Different Classification Techniques
pp 38598-38608
Shenbagarajan.A, V.Ramalingam, C.Balasubramanian and S.Palanivel
Effects of Verbal Abuse
Experiences, Emotional Responses about Verbal Abuse, Job Stress, and
Tenacity on Job Satisfaction of Hospital Nurses
pp 38609-38615
Sun Ju Lee, Hee Kyung Kim and Hyea Kyung Lee
Development of wavelet decomposition Denoising algorithm for a linear FM
chirp signal to apply any underwater communication systems
pp 38616-38621
Venkataraman Padmaja and V Rajendran
Refined Clustering of Software Components Using K-Mean and Neural
pp 38622-38627
Indu Verma and Iqbaldeep Kaur
Improvement of K-Mean Clustering Algorithm Using Support Vector Machine
on Reusable Software Components
pp 38628-38637
Amarjeet Kaur and Iqbaldeep Kaur