Volume 13, Number 06 (2018)
Zero Inflated Binomial Model for
Infant Mortality Data in Indonesia
pp. 3139-3143
Wahyu Bodromurti, Khairil Anwar Notodiputro and Anang Kurnia
Smart System for Monitoring
Cardiac Patients Using Wireless Sensor Networks
pp. 3144-3149
Puvaneshwari S, Abirami M and Rajasekar G
Numerical solution of
Cahn-Hiliard Equation
pp. 3150-3156
A. M. S. Mahdy and N. A. H. Mukhtar
User Influence on Twitter
Hashtags Evolution: A Case Study from Career Opportunities Groups
pp. 3157-3164
Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout and Islam Elkabani
Experimental Optimization of
Nanostructured Nickel Oxide Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis for Solar Cells
pp. 3165-3173
Ukoba, O.K, Inambao, F.L. and Eloka-Eboka, A.C.
Paternal Attachment, Role
Identity, and Father Involvement in Parenting
pp. 3174-3181
Jeong Jin youn and Kyoung Eun Kim
On the Equations Solved for
Droplet Evaporation Simulation
pp. 3182-3186
Suhaila Hussain and Suhaimi Illias
Transportation, Pollution and the
pp. 3187-3199
Maroa Semakula and Freddie Inambao
The Formation, Effects and
Control of Oxides of Nitrogen in Diesel Engines
pp. 3200-3209
Maroa Semakula and Prof Freddie Inambao
Analysis of Symbol Error Rate in
Amplify And Forward Nakagami-M Cooperative Networks
pp. 3210-3214
Manar Al-Kali and Ali A. Mohammed
Estimating Vegetation Canopy
Density in the Lower Chi Basin, Northeast, Thailand Using Landsat Data
pp. 3215-3219
Supunnee Pladsrichuay, Rasamee Suwanwerakamtorn and Nattadon
Selling Smartphones to Generation
Z: Understanding Factors Influencing the Purchasing Intention of
pp. 3220-3227
Ashraf Bany Mohammed
Investigating the Non-Uniform
Boundary Conditions Effects on MHD Free and Mass Convection along a
Semi-Infinite Inclined Flat Plate Solar Captor Subjected to Chemical
Reaction, Radiation Heat Flux and Internal Heat Generation or Absorption
pp. 3228-3237
A. Ferrah and M. N. Bouaziz
Increased wear Resistance of
Parts Electrochemical Alloys based on Iron
pp. 3238-3241
G. V. Guryanov, Yu. E. Kisel, V. A. Bezik, D. A. Bezik, O. E.
Shirobokova and N. I. Yakovenko
Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch of
Electric Power System Using Direct Method
pp. 3242-3247
Hermagasantos Zein, Jangkung Raharjo and Adi Soeprijanto
Study the Influence of Sintering
on the Properties of Porcelain Stoneware Tiles
pp. 3248-3254
Ola Saleh Mahdi
Investigating the Shear Behaviour
of Reinforced Concrete Beams during Fires Using Finite Element Analysis
pp. 3255-3261
Mazen Musmar and Anis Shatanawi
Hydrological Modeling of
Semi-Arid Region in Ungauged Watershed using AGWA Model
pp. 3262-3271
Adnan Ismae, Saleh Suleiman and Abdulnaser Ahmed
Producer Mobility Support for
Information Centric Networking Approaches: A Review
pp. 3272-3280
Muktar Hussaini, Shahrudin Awang Nor and Amran Ahmad
Investigation of Lead-free Solder
Strength on Different Nickel-Phosphorous-plated Nickel’s Roughness
pp. 3281-3290
Kok-Tee Lau, Cheng-Guan Ong and M. Zaimi
Securing Information Technology
for Banks and Accounting Information Systems
pp. 3291-3300
Shamsi S. Bawaneh
Disease Prevention Manager by
Geographic Location
pp. 3301-3310
Camilo Andrés Pinzón Ruiz, Octavio José Salcedo Parra and Miguel J.
Espitia R.
Optimal Reduction of Peak
Electricity Demand with Control of Air Conditioning
pp. 3311-3320
Asma Rebai1, Salim Haddad and Ridha Kelaiaia
Rotation-invariant Texture
Classification by Spectral Transformation of Gabor Filter Features
pp. 3321-3326
Gouchol Pok
The Management of Costs Using
Enterprise Resource Planning and Staff Involvement in the Cold Chain
pp. 3327-3336
Chanongkorn Kuntonbutr, Natnarong Jaturat and Howard Combs
Hiding Fingerprint Minutiae in Multiple Facial Images Using BPCS
pp. 3337-3342
Kadhim H. Kuban Alibraheemi
Optimization of the Paddy Rice
Husking Process, Increasing the useful Life of the Rollers in Florhuila
Plant Campoalegre Mills
pp. 3343-3349
Nelson Corredor Sánchez, Ana Lucia Paque Salazar, Andrés Mauricio
Navarrete Ramos, Yeimy Muñoz Calderón and Ruthber Rodriguez Serrezuela
Solving Dynamic Multi-Product
Multi-Level Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems with Modified Part Period
Balancing Heuristics Method
pp. 3350-3360
Songwut Prakaiwichien and Vichai Rungreunganun
Coriolis Force and Wall Velocity
Effects for MHD Rotating Fluid Past a Semi-Infinite Vertical Moving
pp. 3361-3368
Z. Benharkat and M. N. Bouaziz
IoT Automatic Control System
Based on User Command Analysis
pp. 3369-3372
Inshik Kang, Kwanghee Cho and Hoekyung Jung
Feasibility Analysis for Creating
a Metrology Laboratory Serving the Agribusiness and Hydrocarbons in the
Department of Huila, Colombia
pp. 3373-3378
Néstor Alonso Pachón Pedraza, Jorge Iván Perdomo Montealegre and Ruthber
Rodríguez Serrezuela
Deposition and Characterization
of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications
pp. 3379-3388
Nabeel A. Bakr, Sabah A. Salman and Sabreen A. Hameed
Measuring the Competitiveness of
Ecommerce by the MCIM Modeling Indicator
pp. 3389-3395
Thanapon Thiradathanapattaradecha, Roungsan Chaisricharoen and Thongchai
The Pillars of Lossless
Compression Algorithms a Road Map and Genealogy Tree
pp. 3296-3414
Evon Abu-Taieh
Sensor Node Design with Dynamic
Remote Reconfiguration and Analysis
pp. 3415-3424
Hiren Patel and Vipul A. Shah
Block Truncation Coding (BTC)
Technique for Regions Image Encryption
pp. 3425-3429
Shaymaa Abed Yasseen Alkufi, Professor Hind Rustum Mohammed and Mohammed
S. Mechee
Design and Implementation of a
Newly Practical Control Scheme for Damping Furnace Pressure Fluctuations
of the Expanded Uong Bi Thermal Power Plant
pp. 3430-3435
Nguyen Ngoc Khoat, Dao Thi Mai Phuong and Dao Van Trong
Promoting Traditional Javanese
Architecture Using Architrad Software
pp. 3436-3440
L.M.F. Purwanto, Ridwan Sandjaja and Hermawan
Unravelling Non-Differentiable
Manifold Problems based on Lagrange Duality and Wolfe Duality
pp. 3441-3448
Ganesh Kumar Thakur, Bandana Priya and Sudesh Garg
QOS Based Data Privacy Using
Pearson Correlation for Secured Wireless Body Area Network
pp. 3449-3460
I.Shanmugapriya and K.Karthikeyan
On Affine Non-Equivalence of
Monomial Bi-quadratic Boolean Functions
pp. 3461-3463
Rashmeet Kaur and Deepmala Sharma
Rubber Roller Angular Velocity
Affect an Air Flow of Small Rice Husking Machine using Computational
Fluid Dynamic
pp. 3464-3468
Ponthep Vengsungnle, Jarinee Jongpluempiti, Nattadon Pannucharoenwong
and Snunkhaem Echaroj
Fuzzy Gain Scheduled PI Based
Fourth Order Resonant Power Converter with Capacitive Output Filter
pp. 3469-3474
R. Geetha and T.S. Sivakumaran
Database Replication Algorithm
Performance in High Speed Networks Under Load Balancing
pp. 3475-3482
Rekh Nath Singh and Raghuraj Singh
Efficient Clustering using
Concentric Rings and Rectangular Region Formations in Wireless Sensor
pp. 3483-3491
Sumedha Sirsikar and Manoj Chandak
Workers’ Perceptions on the
Recruitment of Evaluators in Nigerian Schools
pp. 3492-3499
Ifeyinwa O. Ezenwaji, Baptista C. Chigbu, Kennedy Ololo, Chinwe Enyi,
Patricia U. Agu and Elizabeth N. Ebizie
Information and Communication
Technology Skills and Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff in Colleges
of Education
pp. 3500-3506
Uche D. Asogwa, Angie Oboegbulem, Samuel C. Ugwoke, Francisca C.Okeke,
Joseph C. Ugwuanyi and Chinwe F. Diara
Testing and Design of a Web
Application using Modern Implementations Technologies
pp. 3507-3511
Al Rubaie Evan Madhi Hamzh
A New Approach for Hybrid
BF-pfPSO Technique for Face and Fingerprint Multimodal Biometric System
pp. 3512-3516
N.Gopal and R.K. Selvakumar
Real-Time Elderly Healthcare
Monitoring Expert System Using Wireless Sensor Network
pp. 3517-3523
Ibrahim Almarashdeh, Mutasem K. Alsmadi, Tamer Farag, Abdullah S.
Albahussain, Usama A Badawi, Njoud Altuwaijri, Hala Almaimoni, Fatima
Asiry, Shahad Alowaid, Muneerah Alshabanah, Daniah Alrajhi, Amirah Al
Fraihet and Ghaith Jaradat
Adaptive Super-Twisting Sliding
Mode Control for Wind Energy Conversion System
pp. 3524-3532
Saïd Boubzizi, Hafedh Abid, Ahmed El hajjaji and Mohamed Chaabane
Categories and Dangers of Social
Networking among Nigerian In-school Adolescents
pp. 3533-3539
Joachim C. Omeje, Moses O. Ede, Kizito C. Ibe, Ifeyinwa Manafa,
Alexander C. Ezurike, Rifkatu B. Ali, and Eucharia N. Ezeh
Influence of Vehicle Dynamics on
Wear of Railway Wheel Profiles
pp. 3540-3549
Nicola Bosso, Antonio Gugliotta and Abdelrahim S. Abeidi
FFT Based Compression approach
for Medical Images
pp. 3550-3567
Anitha T G and K Vijayalakshmi
Disease-Treatment Relationship
Extraction for Psoriasis from Online Healthcare Forums using NLP and
Classification Techniques
pp. 3568-3573
Mamatha Balipa and Balasubramani R
Chi-Square Test to Identify
Factors Associated with Health Conditions in Infants of a Colombian
Caribbean Root Zone
pp. 3574-3578
Y. Burgos-Pereira, E.A. Bedoya-Marrugo, L.E. Vargas-Ortiz, C.A.
Severiche-Sierra and D.D. Sierra-Calderon
Digital Puppetry: Comparative
Visual Studies between Javanese & Malaysian Art
pp. 3579-3589
Dahlan Abdul Ghani
The Numerical Results of a Study
of Different Materials by Local Radial Point Interpolation Method
pp. 3590-3597
Jaouad Eddaoudy and Touria Bouziane
Formulation of Geopolymer Cement
using Class F Fly Ash for Oil Well Cementing application
pp. 3598-3604
Dinesh Kanesan, Sonny Irawan, Raja Rajeswary Suppiah and Tamil Alagan
A Study on the Cosmetics
Purchasing Status of Elementary, Middle and High School Students
pp. 3605-3609
Chae-Young Park and Jeong Yeon Park
A Data Management Technique of
Hybrid Memory Systems for Energy Aware Flight Control Computing
pp. 3610-3618
Doosan Cho
Dimensionality Reduction of
Biometric Features based on Entropy Properties
pp. 3619-3623
Yarob A. M. Istitieh and Mohamed A. El-Sayed
System Dynamics Modeling for
Green Open Space Analysis A Case Study of Medan City, Indonesia
pp. 3624-3630
Darwin P Lubis, Mbina Pinem, Nurmala Berutu and Kamarlin Pinem
Genetic Key Guided Neural Deep
Learning based Encryption for Online Wireless Communication (GKNDLE)
pp. 3631-3637
Arindam Sarkar
The Effect of Temperature and
Inhibitor on Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Acid Solution under Static
pp. 3638-3647
Hawraa Khaleel, Adnan A. Ateeq and Amjed A. Ali
EESRM: An Effective Approach to
Improve the Performance of Software Re-Engineering
pp. 3648-3654
A. Cathreen Graciamary and M.Chidambaram
Evaluation of Material Hardness,
Specific Wear Resistance of Aluminium 7071-TiB2, Cr2O3 Hybrid Composite
and Prediction of Specific Wear Resistance by Fuzzy Logic Technique
pp. 3655-3661
Lijin George and D S Robinson Smart
Performance Investigation of
Multi-Level Inverter for DFIG during Grid Autoreclosure Operation
pp. 3655-3661
Mahrous Ahmed, Mohamed K. Metwaly and Nagy I. Elkalashy
A fuzzy Classification and
Recognition System for Arabic Braille Segmented Characters
pp. 3662-3669
Amer Al Nassiri and Shubair Abdulla
On Some Properties of β-open sets
pp. 3670-3672
Belal Nairat
Enhanced Heat Transfer
Performance of a Flat Plate Solar Collector using CuO/water and
TiO2/water Nanofluids
pp. 3673-3682
Wisam J. Khudhayer, Habib Ghanbarpourasi, Hassn T. Jalel and Hadi R. Al-Dayyeni
A Novel Approach to Improve the
Performance of Grid Systems by Analyzing Attentive Dynamic Load
Balancing Algorithm
pp. 3683-3687
Nilesh Korde and Abhijeet Thakare
Critical and Stability of
Domination in Fuzzy Graphs
pp. 3688-3691
R.Jahir Hussain and S. Ameena Banu
Analytical Investigation of DG
Allocation on Power System Operation
pp. 3692-3699
Ayman Hoballah and Ibrahim B.M. Taha
Conceptual Framework for Water
pp. 3700-3704
Deen Maqbool Ahmed and Natraj Kranthi
PV fed ZETA Converter for LED
pp. 3705-3708
B.N.Aarthi, S.Christina, Joshua Ray Sundaraja, Prof. A. Inba Rexy and
Prof. J.S. Nancy Mary
Effect of Alkali Treatment on
Mechanical, Water Absorption and Chemical Resistance Properties of
Cordia-Dichotoma Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
pp. 3709-3715
B. Madhusudhan Reddy, Y. Venkata Mohana Reddy and B. Chandra Mohan Reddy
Investigating the Mechanical
Properties of FCC Structured Material Processed by Equal Channel Angular
pp. 3716-3718
M. Venkat Reddy, M. Chandra Sekhar Reddy and P. Venkateshwar Reddy
Highly Secure Virtual Identity
Approach in Cloud Computing Environment
pp. 3719-3724
Garima Rastogi and Rama Sushil
Survey on Beacon-Enabled IEEE
802.15.4 MAC Mechanisms
pp. 3725-3737
Varsha Bhosale and Seema Ladhe
Adaptive Front-end blocks for
Digital Receivers
pp. 3738-3741
Nanda Kishora Holla and Siva Yellampalli
Implementation of a Model of
Inventories in Five Mipymes in the City of Neiva, Republic of Colombia
pp. 3742-3747
José Eduardo Martínez Orrego, Jorge Luis Lebro Burgos, Jorge Bernardo
Ramírez Zarta and Ruthber Rodriguez Serrezuela
Studying the Engineering
Properties of the Remnants of Stone Cutting Factories (RSCF) According
to the Industrial and Construction Requirements
pp. 3748-3753
AL-Koli Hamzah, Khalil AL-Bukhaiti, Bi Xiong Li, Khaled Zaidi and
Abdulrahman Ali
Evaluation of Mechanical and
Tribological Properties of Al 5083 - ZrSiO4 - TiO2 Hybrid Composite
pp. 3754-3758
T. Hariprasad, K.Srinivasan, Channankaiah and S.Rajeshkumar
Three Structures of a Multilayer
Artificial Neural Network for Predicting the Solar Radiation of Baghdad
City- Iraq
pp. 3759-3766
Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad, khalil I. Mahmood and Dawood S. Mahjoob
Design of an Optimized FBMC
Transmitter by using Clock Gating Technique based QAM for Low Area,
Power and High Speed Applications
pp. 3767-3771
M.Sivakumar and S.Omkumar
Feedback Control and Stability of
the Van der Pol Equation Subjected to External and Parametric Excitation
pp. 3772-3783
M. Sayed, S. K. Elagan, M. Higazy and M. S. Abd Elgafoor
Comparison of Thermal
Conductivity Experimental Results of SICP/AL2O3 Ceramic Matrix
Composites with Mathematical Modelingy
pp. 3784-3788
Malkapuram Devaiah
K-means cluster algorithm-based
evolutionary approach for constrained multi-objective optimization
pp. 3789-3809
A. A. Mousa, M. Higazy and Yousria Abo-Elnaga
Breakdown Voltage of the
Transformer Oils under Certain Conditions
pp. 3810-3815
Mosleh M. Alharthi, Sherif S. M. Ghoneim and Ibrahim B. M. Taha
Fractal Fork Shape UWB Monopole
Antenna with Ground Deformities
pp. 3816-3821
Shubhi Jain, R K Khanna, Pankaj Kumar Goswami and Harshal Nigam
Comparative Analysis of Big Data
pp. 3822-3830
Rachit Singhal, Mehak Jain and Shilpa Gupta
Comparative Analysis of Two
Stochastic Models on Hardware/Software System Considering Various Kinds
of Failures, Errors and Recovery Coverages
pp. 3831-3843
Monu Kumar and Rajeev Kumar
Agent based simulation of mixed
algal cultures (two and three species) using biogas as CO2 source
pp. 3844-3851
Rohit Sharma, Nishesh Sharma, Avanish K Tiwari and Ajay Singh
A Novel Approach for Implementing
the Bit Inversion Technique to Increase the PSNR of Stego Images and to
Remove its Issues
pp. 3852-3860
Waseem Akram and Puneet Kumar
Data Embedding into Image
Encryption using the Symmetric Key for RDH in Cloud Storage
pp. 3861-3866
G. Preethi and N.P.Gopalan
Performance Enhancement of
Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna using Multiple DGS Technique
pp. 3867-3880
Satyanarayana R and Shankaraiah N
A Study on Trans-Women and their
culture in the Post-Modern Society
pp. 3881-3889
Sherly Hephzibah J, Pushpa Nagini Sripada and G.Sankar
An Efficient Software Effort
Estimation by Combining Neural Network and Optimization Technique
pp. 3890-3897
Azath. H, P. Amudhavalli, S. Rajalakshmi and M. Marikannan
Moisture Diffusion Studies on
Silk Reinforced Composites
pp. 3898-3906
T.Menaka and V.Ramesh Babu
Energy Management for on-Grid
and Off-Grid Systems Using Hybrid Energy Sources
pp. 3907-3912
S.Pradeep and M.Senthil Kumar
Evaluating the Connecting
Members of Cold-Formed Steel Angles under the Tension Load
pp. 3913-3919
A. Paul Makesh and S. Arivalagan
A New Paradigm in Offline
pp. 3920-3925
Rudy Harjanto and Margono Setiawan
Experimental Research for
Determination of Basic Parameters of Soil Improved By Cement
pp. 3926-3931
Loi Van Bui and Binh Thai Pham
Improvement of Reactive Power
Dispatch by Using Hybrid Intelligent Optimization Technique Based on
Chaotic and PSO Algorithm
pp. 3932-3938
Ali Nasser Hussain, Ali Abdulabbas Abdullah and Omar Muhammed Neda
The Effect of ISO 9001 to Oman
Higher Education Operational Performance: Buraimi University College as
a Case Study
pp. 3939-3947
Adalia Martin and Fawaz Ali Thawabieh
GSM-Based Smart Energy Meter
with Arduino Uno
pp. 3948-3953
Win Adiyansyah Indra, Fatimah Bt Morad, Norfadzlia Binti Mohd Yusof and
Siti Asma Che Aziz
Kinetics of Reduction of
El-Dekheila Pellets Fine Waste and Mill Scale Briquettes Using Hydrogen
pp. 3954-3965
E.M. Abdel Hamid, Sh.K. Amin, H.A. Sibak and M.F. Abadir
The Effect of Using Waste Corn
Oil on Compression Ignition Engine Performance
pp. 3966-3974
Murtdha. S. Imrana and Hayder J.Kurjib
Design tool of Motor Vehicle
Emissions Measurement Devices with Based on Arduino Nano with Android
Smartphone Viewer
pp. 3975-3978
Lukman Hakim, Zuriah Sitorus and Muhammad Muzakky Al Maududy
Effect of Cooling Media and
Tempering Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Reinforcement
pp. 3979-3987
Ali A. Hmud, Hamid M. Mahan and Abdaljabar S. Jomah
Decision Making for Hotel
Selection using Rough Set Theory: A case study of Indian Hotels
pp. 3988-3998
Haresh Kumar Sharma and Samarjit kar
Heat and Mass Transfer in MHD
Unsteady Flow of a Viscous Fluid Past an Infinite Vertical Porous Plate
Under Oscillatory Suction Velocity in Presence of a Heat Source
pp. 3999-4006
Dipjyoti Barman
Z-Transform for Deleting
Components color Images
pp. 4007-4015
Shaymaa Abed Yasseen Alkufi, Professor Hind Rustum Mohammed and Hawraa
Saheb Abo Hamed
PV Based Buck–Boost
Voltage/Current Source Inverter using Space Vector Pulse Width Amplitude
Modulation Technique
pp. 4016-4025
M. Venkatesham and Rajashekhar Potharaju
Reaction of Fluctuate Embankment
Fill on RCC Box type Cross Drain
pp. 4026-4031
D. J. Kadbhane and C. D. Modhera
Grancrete-An Innovative Building
Construction Material
pp. 4032-4037
J Prakash Arul Jose, P Rajesh Prasanna and Fleming Prakash
An Accurate Diabetes Prediction
System Based on K-means Clustering and Proposed Classification Approach
pp. 4038-4041
Mustafa S. Kadhm, Ikhlas Watan Ghindawi and Duaa Enteesha Mhawi
Feasibility Study of Treatment
Technologies for Greywater to Enhance Water Security
pp. 4042-4048
Vandana Singh, Amarjeet Kaur, Tarun Ghawana and N.C.Gupta
The UV-visible, Infrared Spectra
and Luminescence Analysis of Lanthanum(III) and Neodymium(III)-
(Diphenylamino)3-(2,2- Bipyridyl) Complexes
pp. 4049-4052
Muliadi, Suminar Pratapa, Isnaeni, Alfian Noor and Indah Raya
Influence of Nano-particle on
the Wear behaviour of Thin Film Coatings A Review
pp. 4053-4058
Shailesh Kumar Singh, Somnath Chattopadhyaya, A. Pramanik, Sanjeev Kumar
and Navendu Gupta
Detection and Analysis of
Network Intrusions using Data Mining Approaches
pp. 4059-4066
M. Naga Surya Lakshmi and Y Radhika
Comparative Analysis of
B-Series, Au-Outline Gawn Series and Kaplan Series Propeller on Trimaran
Ship using Computational Fluid Dynamics Method
pp. 4067-4075
Berlian Arswendo Adietya, Hartono, Adry Zakky and Aulia Windyandari
Design of Flyover Construction
based on Fibre Reinforced Concrete and Timber Pile Foundation
pp. 4076-4082
J Prakash Arul Jose, P Rajesh Prasanna and Fleming Prakash
Investigations on Mechanical
Strength of Hybrid Basalt/Glass Polyester Composites
pp. 4083-4088
Nayan Patel, Kundan Patel, Piyush Gohil and Vijay Cha
Comparison between SKS 3 and SCM
440 Steel Materials for the Location PIN of Welding JIG
pp. 4089-4093
Risman Pandapotan Simarmata, Isdaryanto Iskandar and Hadi Sutanto
Dual Soft Decoding of Linear
Block Codes using Ant Colony Optimization
pp. 4094-4101
Ahmed Azouaoui, Hicham Bouzkraoui and Youssef Hadi
Comparative Analysis of
Simulation of Different ANN Algorithms for Predicting Drill Flank Wear
in the Machining of GFRP Composites
pp. 4102-4108
Sathish Rao U. and Lewlyn L. Raj Rodrigues
Enhancement of Healthcare Using
Naïve Bayes Algorithm and Intelligent Datamining of Social Media
pp. 4109-4112
Suraj Kumar, Aman Jain and P. Mahalakshmi
Fractional Equation of Motion
for Coupled Field Theory
pp. 4113-4117
Emad K. Jaradat
Design of Common Source Low
Noise Amplifier with Inductive Source Degeneration in Deep Submicron
CMOS Processes
pp. 4118-4123
Kusuma M.S., S. Shanthala and Cyril Prasanna Raj P.
Evaluation of Grounding System
Design for Wind Farm Using COMSOL
pp. 4124-4132
Nehmdoh A. Sabiha and Nagy I. Elkalashy
Fake Profiles Identification in
Online Social Networks Using Machine Learning and NLP
pp. 4133-4136
P. Srinivas Rao, Jayadev Gyani and G.Narsimha
A Comparison between Galerkin
Weighted Residual and Perturbation Techniques for Penetrative
Bénard–Marangoni Ferroconvection via Internal Heating
pp. 4137-4145
H. Nagarathnamma, A. Pavithraa, C. E. Nanjundappa and Suma S. P
Evaluation of Handling Qualities
for Level 5 Flight Training Device to Conventional Aircraft Simulator
pp. 4146-4152
Ashok Kuppusamy and Sug Joon Yoon
Micro Mineral Contents in Thai
pp. 4153-4156
Saksangawong Chuleeporn, Trevanich Anothai and Tengjaroenkul Bundit
Biodiesel from Restaurant
Cooking Oils Using Trans-esterification Process
pp. 4157-4161
Ahmed Boulal, Mostefa Khelafi and Cherif Khelifi
Assessment of Sandcrete Blocks
Manufacturers ‘Compliance to Minimum Standard Requirements by Standard
Organisation of Nigeria in Southwest, Nigeria
pp. 4162-4172
Adekunle M. Ajao, Babatunde F. Ogunbayo, Kunle E. Ogundipe, Gideon O.
Bamigboye, Ayodeji O. Ogunde and Patience F. Tunji-Olayeni
Effect of Defect Layer on the
Localized States in 1-D Photonic Crystal
pp. 4173-4174
Anjali Nigam, A.Bhargava, Y.K. Vijay and B.Suthar
A Comprehensive Study of
Healthcare Fraud Detection based on Machine Learning
pp. 4175-4178
Shivani S. Waghade and Prof. Aarti M. Karandikar
Power System Analysis for a
Utility with Localized Wind Generation: Southern Negros Oriental Case
pp. 4179-4194
Maria Lorena Tuballa and Michael Lochinvar Abundo
Design of an Elevator Monitoring
Application using Internet of Things
pp. 4195-4202
Alejandro Duarte Suárez, Octavio José Salcedo Parra and Jhon Hernán Díaz
Two Phase Flow of Newtonian
Fluid through Straight Circular Tube with Porous Lining under Transverse
Magnetic Field in Both Regions
pp. 4203-4213
K. Shivashanker and Venumadav.K
Implementation of Advanced IDS
in Contiki for Highly Secured Wireless Sensor Network
pp. 4214-4218
Classification and Detection of
Plant Disease using Feature Extraction Methods
pp. 4219-4226
Shaik Asif Hussain, Raza Hasan and Shaik Javeed Hussain
Towards Increasing and
Personalizing of User Experience in the Digital Culture Ecosystem
pp. 4227-4231
Desislava I. Paneva-Marinova, Alexander I. Iliev, Radoslav D. Pavlov and
Lubomir Ch. Zlatkov
A Design for Use Cargo Dron
pp. 4232-4238
Christian Rene Castillo Carvajal, Octavio José Salcedo Parra and Miguel
J. Espitia R.
Conceptual Model on the
Influence of Environmental Awareness on the Effectiveness of
Environmental Management System: Case Study of Oman Oil and Gas
pp. 4239-4247
Said Al Suqri, Sagaran Gopal, Yu Hock Oo, Ali Al Harthi and Asif Karim
Adapting the Approach of
‘Management by Projects’ in the Manufacturing Industry: A Conceptual
pp. 4247-4255
Romil S. Al-Adwan
The Use of the Balanced
Scorecard Performance Measurement System in Manufacturing Companies
pp. 4256-4262
Romil S. Al-Adwan
Piezoelectric Aluminum Nitride
Micro Electromechanical System Resonator for RF Application
pp. 4263-4267
Prasanna P. Deshpande, Pranali M. Talekar, Deepak G. Khushalani and
Rajesh S. Pande
Salt Diffusion Enhancement in
the Salt Pickled Lime Processing by Ultrasonic Treatment Technique
pp. 4268-4272
N. Naphon and P. Naphon
A study of Preservative Effects
of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) on Mashed Potatoes
pp. 4278-4281
Nawal .H.Al -bahtiti
Nature inspired algorithms on
Industrial applications: A survey
pp. 4282-4290
Sudhanshu prakash tiwari and Kapil kumar Bansal
Solving of the Task of
Kolmogorov-Fisher Type Biological Population in the Regime with
pp. 4291-4298
Muhamediyeva D.K.
Modification of M-Test Using
Geometric Median Covariance
pp. 4299-4305
Olusegun Kehinde Alo and Shamshuritawati Sharif
Effect of Sn on Thermal Kinetics
of the Recrystallization for Mg17Al12 Phase in Mg-Al-Sn Rapidly
Solidified Alloy
pp. 4306-4313
Emad M. Ahmed and Sultan E. Alomairy
Factors Affecting Effective use
of Safety Wears among Site Operatives: Lessons from Indigenous Firms in
South Western Nigeria
pp. 4314-4325
Kunle E. Ogundipe, James D. Owolabi, Abiodun E. Olanipekun, Hezekiah F.
Olaniran, Eseohe Akuete and Ayoola Olufunke Fagbenle
Forest Fire Detection using
Proportional Conflict Redistribution Rule2
pp. 4326-4332
P. Sudha and A. Murugan
Effect of Carbon Black
Nanoparticles on the Optical Properties of poly (ethylene oxide) Films
pp. 4333-4341
Husam Miqdad
3D Morphological Tumor Analysis
Based on Magnetic Resonance Images
pp. 4342-4347
Sirwoo Kim
Increasing the Accuracy of NEWFM
using a Geometric Graph-Based Gene Selection Algorithm
pp. 4348-4354
Sang-Hong Lee and Seok-Woo Jang
Effect of a New Class of
Circulant Matrices on the Colorimetric Classes of the Color Images
pp. 4355-4363
Rasha Najah Mirza and Hind Rustum Mohammed
Methods and Algorithms of Fuzzy
Models Construction Assessing the State of the Low-Formalized Processes
pp. 4364-4372
Mukhamedieva D. T. and Begimov O. M
Comparitive Study of Hadoop over
Containers and Hadoop Over Virtual Machine
pp. 4373-4378
Avanish Singh, P. Gouthaman, Shivankit Bagla and Abhishek Dey
The Effect of LEAN Methodology
on the Quality Management System of Land Drilling Companies
pp. 4379-4384
Ali Malik AL Harthy, Said.M. Al-Saqri, Sagaran Gopal, Yu Hock Oo and
Asif M Karim
Preliminary Study: Density Layer
Values Estimation of Volcano Hosted Geothermal Area at Tiris Village,
Probolinggo Regency, East Java, Indonesia
pp. 4385-4390
Sukir Maryanto, Salman H. Siombone, Andre Prayogo, Tika Yulia and Rendi
P.H. Sari
Biometric Cryptosystem to
Securing Embedded Sensitive Data
pp. 4391–4402
Abdelkader Belhadri and Ibtissam Benchennane and Mohamed Benyettou
The Implementation of Field
Oriented Control for PMSM Drive Based on TMS320F28035 DSP Controller
pp. 4403-4408
Roopa C and S. Sujitha
Simulation Study of Hysteresis
Current Controlled Single Phase Inverters for PhotoVoltaic Systems with
Reduced Harmonics level
pp. 4409-4414
G. Ganesan @ Subramanian, M.K.Mishra, K.Jayaprakash and P.J.Sureshbabu
Exploring Fuzzy Set Qualitative
Comparative Analysis to Health-Related OECD Data
pp. 4415-4422
Kyoungho Choi and Jung Keun Cho
Smart Parking Bay Based on Image
processing and Internet of Things
pp. 4423-4427
Vimal A, Yashvanth R and Seetha J
Weight Loss Method for corrosion
behaviour of Al-12si-ZrC Composites Using Response Surface Methodology
pp. 4428-4433
C.Fradaric Johna, R.Christu Paulb, S.Christopher Ezhil Singhc,
J.Jacobjosed and T.Ramkumare
Analysis of AC Transmission
System using Interline Power Flow Controller for damping of low
frequency oscillations with PI Controller
pp. 4434-4439
Ch.Venkata Krishna Reddy, K.Krishna Veni and G.Tulasi Ram Das
Comprehensive Modeling of
Photovoltaic Array based on Proteus Software
pp. 4440-4447
Ahmed J. Abid, Fawzi M. Al-Naima and Adnan Hussain
High Performance AXI Protocol
Based Improved DDR3 Memory Controller With Improved Memory Bandwidth
pp. 4448-4452
Manoj Gupta and Ashok Kumar Nagawat
Elastic Multi-Controller based
BCube Connected Crossbars (BCCC) for Higher Energy Efficiency
pp. 4453-4458
Ms. S. Brindha and N. K. Sakthivel
Optimization of Corrosion
Performance on nano ZrC particles reinforced with Al-12si alloy Using
RSM Design
pp. 4459-4463
C.Fradaric John, R.Christu Paul, S.Christopher Ezhil Singh, J.Jacobjose,
T.Ramkumar and P.Sengottuvel
IARE-BuildIT Tool: A Case Study
of an Online Platform Approach to Improve Coding Skills
pp. 4464-4470
Gandikota Ramu
High Speed VLSI Architecture for
Squaring Binary Numbers Using Yavadunam Sutra and Bit Reduction
pp. 4471-4474
A.Deepa and C.N.Marimuthu
Single Phase Asymmetrical
Cascaded MLI with Extreme Output Voltage Levels to Switch Ratio
pp. 4475-4483
Mahrous Ahmed, Essam Hendawi and Mohamed K. Metwaly
Analyzing the Effect of Dimples
on Wind Turbine Efficiency Using CFD
pp. 4484-4489
Arun K.K, Navaneeth V.R, Sam Vimal Kumar S and Ajay R
Estimation for Unknown
Parameters of the Extended Burr Type-XII Distribution Based on Type-I
Hybrid Progressive Censoring Scheme
pp. 4490-4497
M.M. Amein and Neveen Sayed-Ahmed
Assessing Acceptability Criteria
of Building Technologies to Design Appropriate Housing Schemes by
Government of India for Economically Weaker Section
pp. 4498-4512
Nilanjan Sengupta
A Development of Mechanical Arm
for Weight Scale Calibration
pp. 4513-4517
Pattaraweerin Woraratsoontorn
Convective Heat Transfer inside
a Fluid-Filled Rectangular Cavity
pp. 4518-4526
Raden Rinova Sisworo, Masato Hasegawa and Nobuyoshi Kawabata
Minimizing Analogy Errors with
the Help of Fuzzy
pp. 4527-4530
D.Manikavelan and R.Ponnusamy
Numerical Analysis and Empirical
Correlations to Predict SMD of Pressure Swirl Atomizer for Small Scale
Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber
pp. 4531-4537
S.B. Dikshit, D.B. Kulshreshtha and S.A. Channiwala
Dielectric Properties of Mixed
Ferrite (Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 and Co0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4) Composites
pp. 4538-4541
S.Ragini, S.Bharadwaj, Suman Kumar Burnwal and S.R.Murthy
Energy Characteristics of Multi
Structure Truck RUPD under Collision
pp. 4542-4549
Tapan Jain and Neeraj Kumar
Experimental Study on behavior
of Pervious Concrete in Strength and Permeability by Changing Different
pp. 4550-4554
Sujeet Kumar Saha, Shaik Niyazuddin Guntakalb and S. Senthil Selvanc
A Novel Approach in Offshore
Wind Generation Scheme and Implementation of MEPT and MMPT Methods
pp. 4555-4560
M.Arun, M.Jagadeesh Kumar, T. Tamizhazhagan and N.Thanigai Arasu
Studies on Environmental Burdens
in Reactive Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Pretreated with Cationic Agent
pp. 4561-4567
M.Anandhan, N.Vasiraja, J. Thanikachalam and Suresh R
Cloud Environment: A Review on
Dynamic Resource Allocation Schemes
pp. 4568-4575
P. Prathap Nayudu and K. Raja Sekhar
Performance Analysis of Anomaly
Detection of KDD Cup Dataset in R Environment
pp. 4576-4582
Anitha Patil and Srikanth Yada M
Comparative Analysis of Vertical
Handover Algorithms
pp. 4583-4587
Mahesh Navale and S. Bhavani
Design of Complex IEEE Floating
Point Multiplier for FFT Applications
pp. 4588-4592
J.Abirami, SharmilaHemanandh, V.Divyashree and R.Krithika
Lean Design Strategy of Waste
Minimization in Construction Industries
pp. 4593-4598
J Prakash Arul Jose, P Rajesh Prasanna and Fleming Prakash
Stay Connected – Internet of
pp. 4599-4605
Osama Abdul Jaleel Ali, Samir Qaisar
Ajmi and Sarmad Hmzah Ali
Synthesis, Characterization and
Optical Properties of ZnSe Nanoparticles
pp. 4606-4609
Anil Yadav, S. P. Nehra and Dinesh Patidar
Numerical Ways for Solving Fuzzy
Differential Equations
pp. 4610-4613
Mayada Abualhomos