Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)
Volume 13, Number 12 (2018)
Methodologies to Reduce Defects
in Ceramic Products industries: Application of Continuous Improvement
pp. 10146-10149
Sagar Patel and Mohammad Israr
Experimental Study: The
Influence of Shaft Slope on Rotation of the Three-Bladed Archimedes
Screw Turbine
pp. 10150-10154
Tineke Saroinsong, Alfred Noufie Mekel, Adelbert Thomas and Rudy Soenoko
Improved Design of a Wheeled
Hybrid Mobile Robot, Modeling and Co-Simulation
pp. 10155-10163
Farah Salem, Alsaba Michel and Aldayoub Ziad
Smart Farming using Internet of
pp. 10164-10168
Rathinkumar. H. Kothiya, Karan L. Patel and Hardik S. Jayswal
Evaluation Model Based on
Artificial Neural Networks for the use and Appropriation of Information
and Communication Technologies in Higher Education Teachers
pp. 10169-10174
Javier Vargas, María Consuelo Moreno and Lauren Isaza
General Study on Polynomials
Associated With Humbert Polynomials
pp. 10175-10180
Kaur Singh Dhounsi
Performance of Series
Compensator with UPQC in Power System
pp. 10181-10185
S.Sankar and D.Moorthy
Condition Based monitoring
system using IoT
pp. 10186-10190
Karan Muvvala, Ashwin Nair, Amol Mangrulkar, Harsh Mistry and Sanaul
Detection of Skin Cancer Using
ABCD Features
pp. 10191-10195
N.DurgaRao and G.Sudhavani
Ontology Development and Keyword
Count Using Research Proposal Selection Frequency Distribution Algorithm
pp. 10196-10201
M. Balamurugan and E. Iyswarya
Characterization of
e-homomorphism of Semi Graphs
pp. 10202-10204
Paras D Uchat and Maitri Sutaria
Effect of the quality factor on
the distribution frequency - time of the otoacoustic emissions
pp. 10205-10214
Adnan AL-Maamury
Finite Element Modeling and
Analysis of Aged Timber Trusses located in Northern Italy
pp. 10215-10219
Claudio Carino and Fabio Carli
Dimensionality Reduction of
Image Features using an Autoencoder
pp. 10220-10226
Mercy Rajaselvi Beaulah P.and Manjula D.
Multi-layer Systems to secure
Software Component as a Service (SCaaS)
pp. 10227-10233
Mahmoud M. El-Khouly, Rola Motawie and Maged Hussien Wafy
Highly Conductive PEDOT: PSS
Flexible Film with Secondary Doping and Spray Pyrolysis Method
pp. 10234-10239
Fadhil Muhammad Tarmidzi and Setia Budi Sasongko
Engine Sound Analyzer Using Fast
Fourier Transform and Application for Motorcycle Engines
pp. 10240-10242
Alvin Kosasih, Hadi Sutanto and Djoko Setyanto
Modified Drawer Compacted Sand
filter using Mineral sand
pp. 10243-10245
Subair.V, Ihzana.N, Anjali.M, Ihsan Saleem K.K, Risiyas E.K and Vyshak.
Invariant Feature Representation
in Indian Sign Language for Variant Illumination and Posture
pp. 10246-10255
Sarita D. Deshpande and Yashwant V. Joshi
Review of Mobile Security
Problems and Defensive Methods
pp. 10256-10259
PMD Nagarjun and Shaik Shakeel Ahamad
Adsorption of Alizarine Red-S
Dye from Aqueous Solution by Cane Sugar Bagasse: Resolution of Isotherm,
Kinetic and Thermodynamics
pp. 10260-10267
M.Karthika and M.Vasuki
Protocols in Mobile Cognitive
Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
pp. 10268-10275
Mohammed Nazeer and Garimella Rama Murthy
Process Identification for
Dismantling of Commercial Lens Assembly and Feasibility Study towards
Earth Observation
pp. 10276-10280
Shah Maulik, Patel Axat, Patel Ketan and Prajapati Chetan
Smart Parking System Based on
Internet of Things
pp. 10281-10285
Poonam Mangwani
Deadline Aware Multi-Objective
Dragonfly Optimization Technique for Scheduling Jobs in Multi-Cluster
pp. 10286-10292
Deepanshi Nanda and Amit Chhabra
An Optimized Approach to Achieve
Energy Efficiency and Reliability Using Distance Aware Checkpointing
pp. 10293-10297
Harpreet Kaur and Kamaljeet Kaur
Development of Mathematical
Model to Predict Weld Bead Geometry and Parameters Optimization for
Pulsed MIG Welding Using Statistical Design of Experiments
pp. 10298-10309
Yerriswamy Wooluru, Swamy D R and Jagadish Rangaswamy
Design of Solar Evacuated Tube
Collector for Low Intensity Thermal Energy
pp. 10310-10315
Shadab Ahmad and Shah Alam
An Algorithm for Semantic based
Automated Functional Testing on Web
pp. 10316-10326
Deepali Sharma and Sanjay Kumar Malik
An Algorithm for Merging Two
Ontologies: A Case Study
pp. 10327-10338
Swati Negi and Sanjay Kumar Malik
A Short Review on the Language
Identification Systems of Social Media Post
pp. 10339-10342
Priyadarshini Lamabam
Essential Knowledge and Skills
Required by Rural Farmers in Making Cell Phones Effective for Boosting
Agricultural Production in Enugu State, Nigeria
pp. 10343-10354
F.M. Onu, Jimoh Bakare, F.O. Ifeanyieze, Clara Nwankwo, Onah Fredrick,
Lilian Ekenta & Ezebuiro Felicia
Why Assess the Risk-Related
Behavior and Pro-Social Behavior in Children Ages 4 to 6 Years?
pp. 10355-10357
Rosalba Molina Huertas, Edilberto Fernández Santos and Laura Paola
CNC Milling Portable PM 1035
pp. 10358-10364
Ernest, Hadi Sutanto and Djoko Setyanto
Experimental Investigation of
Friction Stir Welding on AA 5052 H32
pp. 10365-10371
Anant Kumar Gupta and Sunil Kumar Yadav
Evolution of Thermal Expansion
due to Anharmonic Potential
pp. 10372-10375
Adnan Jaradat, Abdalla Obeidat, Maen Gharaibeh, Khaled Aledealat, Khitam
Khasawinah, Mohammad Qaseer and Akram A. Rousan
Exergetic Evaluation of a
Rankine Cycle with Regeneration: Effect of Turbine Inlet Temperature and
Source Temperature
pp. 10376-10380
Leonardo Arrieta Mondragón, Guillermo Valencia Ochoa and Carlos Acevedo
Product Detection System for
Home Refrigerators implemented though a Region-based Convolutional
Neural Network
pp. 10381-10388
César Giovany Pachón, Javier Orlando Pinzón and Robinson Jimenez Moreno
Operations in Fuzzy Labeling
Graph through Matching and Complete Matching
pp. 10389-10393
S. Yahya Mohamad and S.Suganthi
Weighted Multi-Objective Cluster
Based Honey Bee Foraging Load Balanced Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network
pp. 10394-10405
C.Daniel Nesa Kumar and V. Saravanan
Efficient MPPT of PV Cell & Wind
for Internet of Things
Rupali K. Vibhute and R.S.Desai
Use of CNNs for follower mobile
agents with safe distance
Paula C. Useche Murillo, Robinson Jiménez Moreno and Javier O. Pinzón
Data Recovery by Fountain Codes
in IoT Networks
pp. 10419-10423
G.Aishwarya and V.Latha
Sustainable Construction –
Performance of Concrete containing Building Demolition Waste in Concrete
pp. 10424-10434
T. Kibriya
Inventory Policies for
Deteriorating Items under Stock-Dependent Demand with Variable Holding
pp. 10435-10448
Nita H. Shah and Monika K. Naik
Scheduling Parallel Jobs with
Deadline and Makespan Constraints using Multi-Objective Monarch
Butterfly Algorithm
pp. 10449-10457
Simrat pal kaur and Amit Chhabra
An Optimized Algorithm: Maxchild
on Workflow Scheduling
pp. 10458-10461
Rakesh Kumar and Kamaljeet Kaur
Effects of operating Parameters
on Recovery of non-floatable Coal by Column flotation
pp. 10462-10469
K.Prasad Babu, K.S.K Rao Patnaik and R.Shyam Sunder
Reliability Optimization Using
Peer to Peer Checkpointing through Dynamic Request and Requirement Aware
pp. 10470-10477
Gagan Amrit Kaur and Kamaljeet Kaur
Shortest Path Problems Using
Complete Partitions
pp. 10478-10481
P. Geetha and A.Gnanam
An Analytical Review of
Multi-objective Optimal Power Flow Techniques
pp. 10482-10499
Abhishek Jain, Soniya Lalwani and Mahendra Lalwani
Anti-Theft Security System for
the Money Transfer Vehicles between Banks
pp. 10500-10503
Mohammad Najim Abdalla, Hassan Awheed Jeiad and Mays Sattar Jabbar
Teaching and Learning of
Mathematics through Technology at Senior Secondary School
pp. 10504-10511
L.P. Lalduhawma
Effect of the Sulfonation in a
Proton Exchange Membrane from n-Butyl Acrylate/Styrene Modified with
Fe2O3 for Fuel Cells
pp. 10512-10516
Alvaro Realpe Jimenez, Johan Muñoz Carbal, Sandy Chico Marín, María
Acevedo Morantes and Dina Mendoza Beltran
Using Artificial Neural Network
Technique to Save Energy Consumption in HVAC Systems
pp. 10517-10524
Amal El Berry and Haya Alaskr
Optimization of Availability of
Towel Manufacturing System: A Case Study
pp. 10525-10534
Mukesh Kumar, Vineet Kumar Singla and Vikas Modgil
Bipolar Fuzzy Planar Graphs
pp. 10535-10538
S. Yahya Mohamed and N.Subashin
Effective Thinning Algorithm for
Recognition of Hand Written Devnagri Compound Characters Using Neural
pp. 10539-10550
Prashant Yawalkar and M. U. Kharat
Fabrication and Optimization of
Machining Parameters on Al 2024-Gr-B4C Hybrid MMCS during Machining
pp. 10551-10558
K. Sunil Ratna Kumar, Ch. Ratnam, B.V.Subrahmanyam and A. Srinivasa Rao
Effect of CuO Nanoparticles on
Antimicrobial Activity Prepared by Sol-Gel Method
pp. 10559-10562
Wisam M. Mohammed, Tahseen H. Mubark and Raad M. S. Al-Haddad
Abdomen and Oblique Twister
pp. 10563-10572
Vipul Kumar Sharma
pp. 10573-10579
R. Panduranga Rao, V.S. Kumar and B. Nagesawara Rao
Realization of NOMA Scheme using
Interleaved Division Multiple Access for 5G
pp. 10580-10587
S. Syed Ameer Abbas and S. Priyadarsini
Briquettes Made with Mixtures of
Salak Seed (Salacca zalacca) Charcoal and Coconut Shell Charcoal and the
Potential as an Alternative Energy Source
pp. 10588-10592
Anny G. Lukas, John Z. Lombok and I Dewe K. Anom
Pyrolisis of Salak Seed (Salacca
zallaca) and Toxicity Test of Its Liquid Smoke to the Mortality of
Artemia salina Leach Larvae
pp. 10593-10597
Lentji Wagania, I Dewe K. Anom and Ardi Kapahang
Correlation between Camshaft
Overlap Degree and Power, Torque and Fuel Consumption on 150 CC Four
Stroke One Cylinder Otto Engine
pp. 10598-10603
Bhirowo Wihardanto, Wegie Ruslan and Djoko Setyanto
Passenger Flow Analysis in Metro
Network Using Machine Learning Technique
pp. 10604-10606
Raparthi abhinay, Thanishya yella and Devakunchari R
On the Development of Efficient
Undercoat for Depositing Copper on Magnesium Alloy AZ80A
pp. 10607-10610
D. Peter Pushpanathana, N. Alagumurthib and S. Pradeep Devaneyanc
Role of Panellists Variation in
Determining Odour Hedonic Scale
pp. 10611-10617
Ruth Kartika, Arief Sabdo Yuwono and Chusnul Arif
k-Super Harmonic Mean Labeling
of Some H-GRAPHS
pp. 10618-10622
M. Tamilselvi and N. Revathi
Development of Mobile
Application for Laundry Services Using Android Studio
pp. 10623-10626
Akanksha Gupta, Debendra Kumar Panda and Mayank Pande
Stereographic l – Axial Half
Logistic Distribution
pp. 10627-10634
Sreekanth, Y. Phani, S.V.S.Girija and A.V. Dattatreya Rao
Investigating Metastasis Based
on CT-Scan Tumor Edge Detection
pp. 10641-10646
Chethan K S and Nataraj K R
Educational Management with
Technology Support
pp. 10647-10650
Roberto M. Passailaigue and Vivian Estrada
Implementation of McNemar’s
Teston the Cellular Operator Company in the Comparative Hypotheses Test
for Two Correled Samples
pp. 10651-10657
Georgina Maria Tinungki
Study of Effect of Process
Parameters of Welding during TIG welding of AA 7075 and its optimization
pp. 10658-10663
Harmish Bhatt
A light weight clustering
mechanism for WSAN
pp. 10664–10671
Jyoti Bhola, Surender Soni and Jagadeesh Kakarla
Influence of Guided Particle
Swarm Optimization in Automatic Music Emotion Recognition: A Comparative
Study Using Different ANN Architectures
pp. 10672-10676
Nurlaila Rosli and Nordiana Rajaee
New Subclass of Univalent
Functions Defined By Using Generalized Al-Oboudi Differential Operator
pp. 10677-10680
M.Thirucheran and T.Stalin
Design and Performance of
Sustainable concrete
pp. 10681-10686
M. Sneha and RM. Senthamarai
Error Rate Performance of OFDMA
and MIMO Technology Over Rayleigh Fading Channel in 4G Networks
pp. 10687-10689
D.Lalitha Kumari and M.N.Giri Prasad
Design and Performance Analysis
of a Dual Band Micro-Strip Patch Antenna with CPW-FED Wireless
pp. 10690-10695
Rahul Tiwari, Laxman Yogi, Ashish Bagwari and Vivek Singh Kushwah
Application of Nanopillars-TiO2
Thin Films in the Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Parathion from
Aqueous Solution
pp. 10696-10701
C. Lalhriatpuia, Thanhmingliana and K. Vanlaldinpuia
A Security for MANET Interruption
Recognition & Preclusion approaches for Network Layer Attacks
pp. 10702-10706
V. Nancy
Empirical Relation for Designing
a Bifolded Printed Bent Monopole Antenna
pp. 10707-10713
Mary Rani Abraham and Sona O. Kundukulam
Fast Iterative Channel Estimation
with Original Symbol Phase Rotated Secure Transmission against Powerful
Massive MIMO Eavesdropper
pp. 10714-10721
Gurpreet Kaur Kohli and Kiranpreet Kaur
Cause Estimation of Neonatal Cry
Using Raspberry Pi
pp. 10722-10726
Mahadev S. Patil and Umesh A. Kamerikar
A Method for Reducing the Routing
Overhead in Secure Mobile AD HOC Networks
pp. 10727-10732
Kushal joshi and Subodh Mishra
Influence of geotextiles in
enhancing the shear strength of Yamuna sand
pp. 10733-10740
Ankur Mudgal, Raju Sarkar and Amit Kumar Shrivastava
HW-SW co-design on Zynq SoC Case
Study: Simple Miniature DC Motor Speed Control System
pp. 10741-10748
Sheetal Bhandari and Shashank Pujari
Comparative performance of ZSM-5
and activated carbon supports in alcohol conversion over Fe, Zn and Ni
based catalysts
pp. 10749-10752
Mthobisi S. Ndebele and Yusuf M. Isa
Flexure Response of FGM Plate
Using Hyperbolic Shear Deformation Theory and Meshfree Approach
pp. 10753-10767
Peeyush Chandra Vishwakarma and JeeootSingh
Overview the Condition of
Seawaters Around the Fish Landing Base in Sarang - Indonesia
pp. 10768-10778
Slamet Isworo and Poerna Sri Oetari
Energy Analysis of a Single
Cylinder 4-Stroke Diesel Engine Using Diesel and Diesel-Biodiesel Blends
pp. 10779-10788
Prachi Choudhary, Shivangi Sachar, Tanya Khurana, Urvashi jain, Yusuf
Parvez and Manoj Soni
Teleoperation of a 6 DOF
Anthropomorphic Manipulator: Test of Different Joint Control Techniques
pp. 10789-10795
Cindy T. Rivera, Steven S. Pastor, Oscar F. Avilés S, Mauricio Mauledoux
and Oswaldo Rivera
Effect of Substrate Temperature
on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by APCVD
pp. 10796-10803
Nabeel A. Bakr, Ziad T. Khodair and Adnan M. Saleh
Equilibrium Problem and
Convergence Results for a New Implicit Iteration Process in Banach Space
pp. 10804-10818
Anju Panwar and Ravi Parkash Bhokal
Use of Agricultural Waste in the
Preparation of Insulating Fireclay Bricks
pp. 10819-10825
Ali.M.Hassan, M.F.Abadir and H.Moselhy
Study of Microphone Array
Characteristics and Noise Reduction
pp. 10826-10830
Navin Kumar and Alka Singh
Performance Analysis of Radio
over Optical Fiber System with OFDM Using Multiplexing Techniques
pp. 10831-10844
Faris Mohammed Ali, Eman Abd Almalik Abd Ali and Mayada Gamil Tarbul
An Efficient Differential
Evolution for Engineering Design Problems
pp. 10845-10854
Raghav Prasad Parouha
Underwater Wireless Sensor
Monitoring and Tracking Framework: Dolphin Preserving in the Ganges
pp. 10855-10860
Subrata Sahana and Karan Singh
An Enhanced Framework for
Identification and Risks Assessment of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
pp. 10861-10870
Chanchala Joshi, Umesh Kumar Singh and Dimitris Kanellopoulos
Portfolio of Financial Options
as Currency Hedging Strategy in Colombia
pp. 10871-10877
Luis M. Jiménez, Natalia M. Acevedo and Erick Lambis
Analysis of Lossless Compression
Methods for Elemental Image Array in Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging
pp. 10878-10881
Hyeonah Jeong and Hoon Yoo
Fast Median Filtering by Use of
Fast Localization of Median Value
pp. 10882-10885
Joungeun Bae and Hoon Yoo
A Study on Applications of
Wavelets to Data Mining
pp. 10886-10896
Zaheer Abbas and Princess Raina
Corrosion Behavior Studies of
Al7075 Reinforced with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Metal Matrix
Composites in Acidic Medium
pp. 10897-10904
Rajesh M, K.V. Sharma, Shivarudraiah and Mahesha C. R.
Trend Analysis of State Observer
Investigations applied to detection, isolation and identification of
faults from 2007 to 2017
pp. 10905-10913
Edgardo E. Valencia, Carlos A. Martínez, Guillermo E. Valencia, Jorge E.
Duarte and Luis G. Obregón
Modelling and Simulation
Analyses for Bending Stresses in Involute Spur Gears by Finite Element
pp. 10914-10923
Ashu Jangid and Sandeep Kumar
Optimization of WEDM Parameters
for SUPER Ni-718 Using GRA with Neutrosophic Sets
pp. 10924-10930
Y.Rameswara Reddy and B.Chandra Mohana Reddy
Multiple Classifier System for
Writer Independent Offline Handwritten Signature Verification using
Elliptical Curve Paths for Feature Extraction
pp. 10931-10938
Ashok Kumar and Karamjit Bhatia
An Intelligent Soft Computing
Technique for Optimal Power Dispatch of Hydrothermal Systems
pp. 10939-10947
Baburao Pasupulati, Ashok Kumar R and Asokan K
Reliability and Availability
Analysis for a Three-Unit Gas Turbine Power Generating System with
Seasonal Effect and FCFS Repair Pattern
pp. 10948-10964
Rajesh, Gulshan Taneja and Jagdish Prasad
Selection of Number and
Locations of Temperature and Luminosity Sensors in Intelligent
pp. 10965-10971
Suman Lata and H.K.Verma
Case Study of Corrosion
Resistance on New Roofing Screws in Corrosive Environments
pp. 10972-10978
Bartolomeus Rante Allo, Hadi Sutanto and Isdaryanto Iskandar
Enhanced Catalytic Activity of
Platinum Carbonaceous Materials in Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Poly
Phenolic Substrate - p-coumaric Acid
pp. 10979-10990
Shahul Hameed Abdul Rahim, Candida Milone, Elpida Piperopoulos and
Saveria Santangelo
Effect Of Magnetic Field And
Radiation On MHD Heat And Mass Transfer Of Micropolar Fluid Over
Stretching Sheet With Soret And Dufour Effects.
pp. 10991-11000
S.R. RaviChandra babu, S. Venkateswarlu and K. Jaya Lakshmi
Fault Diagnosis of an Induction
Motor Using Motor Current Signature Analysis
pp. 11002-1008
Swapnali Janrao and Rupalee Ambekar
Design of a Biomass Cook stove
with Co-generation Using Thermoelectric Generators
pp. 11009-11012
D.Poornima and S.Sangeetha