Volume 14, Number 12 (2019)
Multi Agent Network-propelled
Data Extraction for Protein Research
pp. 2806-2811
S Sulaiha Beevi and K L Shunmuganathan
Application of Fractional
Capacitor and Fractional Inductor in Automatic Voltage Regulator
pp. 2812-2816
Madhab Chandra Tripathy
Fabrication of Ferrous based
Composites via Different Processes and their Characterization
pp. 2817-2820
S.K.Khuntia and B.P.Samal
Corrosion Behavior of Al-Mg-SiC
Composite produced by Modified Stir casting method
pp. 2821-2823
Birajendu Prasad Samal and Sujit Kumar Khuntia
Plane Micropolar Fluid through a
Porous Medium: Exact Solution by Hodograph Transformation
pp. 2824-2829
Sayantan Sil and Manoj Kumar
Extracting Multimedia
Information and Knowledge Discovery using Web Mining: Challenges and
Research Directions
pp. 2830-2836
M. Ravi, M. Ekambaram Naidu and G. Narsimha
Ontology toward Building a
Better Electronic Dictionary for the Moroccan Sociolect Language
pp. 2837-2843
Fadoua Mansouri and Sadiq Abdelalim
Simulation and Modeling of DFIG
Wind Farm in Wind Energy Conversion System
pp. 2844-2849
Vineet Dahiya and Leena G.
Modelling of PV Arrays- An
effective approach
pp. 2850-2854
Atul Kumar, Murari Lal Azad and Rajesh Kumar Chandi
Performance Evaluation of Wind
Energy Conversion Systems Employing Space Vector Controlled Doubly-Fed
Induction Generators
pp. 2855-2860
M.Raghavendra Rao and M.Ashraf Afrin
Preview of Monomer Molar
Equivalency in Polyurethane System: A model study
pp. 2861-2872
Ankit Sharma, Sushil K Sharma and Ashu Rani
An Integrated Vendor-buyer
Production Inventory System for Deteriorating Items with Time Varying
Demand and Shortages for Buyer
pp. 2873-2882
Savitha and K.K. Achary
Diamine Modified Polysulfone and
P-84 Symmetric Membranes for Hydrogen/Carbon Dioxide Separation
pp. 2883-2889
Nur ‘Adilah Abdul Nasir, Mohd Usman Mohd Junaidi, Nur Awanis Hashim and
Fathiah Mohamed Zuki Rosiah Rohani
New Simulation and Analysis
Backward Pumped Fiber Raman Amplifiers Gain with Minimum Attenuation
pp. 2890-2896
Saber H. Abd Elbaki, Fathy M. Mustafa and Tamer M. Barakat
Review of the Prospects and
Challenges in mHealth Implementation in Developing Countries
pp. 2897-2903
Ing. Solomon Nsor-Anabiah, Ugonna Udunwa and Sathish Malathi
FI-IR Spectroscopic and Porosity
Studies to Estimate the Firing Temperature of the Clay Brick
pp. 2904-2909
A.Govindasamy, G.Viruthagiri and K.Ramesh
Wavelet Based Adaptive Sliding
Mode Control for Delayed Uncertain Non Linear Systems
pp. 2910-2914
Some Applications of Multivalent
Functions Defined by Extended Fractional Differintegral Operator
pp. 2915-2924
Vinod Kumar and Prachi Srivastava
Bandwidth Enhancement of 4GHz
Probe Fed Rectangle Microstrip Patch Antenna with Diagonal DGS Technique
for Wi-Fi Applications
pp. 2925-2934
Satyanarayana R and Shankaraiah
On the Convergence and Stability
of New Hybrid Iteration Process in Banach spaces
pp. 2935-2944
Naresh Kumar and Renu Chugh
Estimation of Runoff Using
SCS-CN Method and Arcgis for Karjan Reservoir Basin
pp. 2945-2951
Hina Pathan and Geeta S. Joshi
Causes of Coastal Erosion and
Environmental Damage on the Sowan Beach of Tuban District
pp. 2952-2959
Marita Ika Joesidawati and Suwarsih
Generalized Invexity and Semi –
Continuity In Mathematical Programming
pp. 2960-2967
L.Venkateswara Reddy, Anju Singh and S.P. Pandey
Composite Non Smooth
Mathematical Programming Problems with Equilibrium Constraints under
Generalized Univexity
pp. 2968-2977
L.Venkateswara Reddy, Anju Singh and S.P. Pandey
Understanding of Redistribution
of Stresses and Controlling of Distortion while Machining of Aluminum
thin wall parts
pp. 2978-2983
N.Vinaya Kumar and M.Indira Rani
Application of Weighted Fuzzy
Exponential J-Divergence Measure in Engiography
pp. 2984-2988
Santosh Kumari, Pratiksha Tiwari and
Priti Gupta