International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)



Volume 11, Number 11  (2016)  





Towards Proposing Gabor Ratio Measures and Fuzzy Logic Classifier for Face Recognition
pp 7200-7211
Renjith Thomas and MJS. Rangachar

A Study of Madras Export Processing Zone (MEPZ) Towards Infrastructure & Policy Initiatives
pp 7212-7216
Umesh Kumar Shukla

An Attack on Image Authentication: Unaltered Histogram
pp 7217-7222
Muni Sekhar V, R.Sarika, Ch. Sravan Kumar, K V Rao and N Sambasiva Rao

Status of Industrial Waste Heat and Heat Trading Practice among District Heating Companies in Korea
pp 7223-7229
Yong-Hoon Ima and Mo Chung

Assessment of Ice Borehole Temperature Conditions at Interface with Subglacial Lake Vostok (Antarctica)
pp 7230-7233
Andrei N. Dmitriev, Alexey V. Bolshunov and Aleksei V. Podoliak

Drilling of Deep Borehole 5G at the Antarctic Station “Vostok” in Ice Layers with the Ice Temperature Close to the Phase Transition Point
pp 7234-7237
Aleksei V. Podoliak, Alexey V. Bolshunov, Andrei N. Dmitriev

Prediction of Water Conducting Fracture Zone
pp 7238-7239
Vladimir Gusev and Elena Maliukhina

Effect of deformation rate and gradient on creep and structure of the metal under uni-axial tension
pp 7240-7247
Yuri V. Kontsevoi, Eduard A. Pastukhov, Alexey V. Dolmatov, Ivan S. Sipatov, Alexey B. Shubin and Anna G. Meylakh

On A Possibility of Hydrogen Sub Atoms Existence
pp 7248-7250
Vladimir K. Nevolin

An Enhanced Aloha based Medium Access Control Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks
pp 7251-7255
Abdul Gaffar. H and P.Venkata Krishna

EOICHD: A Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network Based on Energy and Optimal Inter Cluster Head Distance
Anupkumar M Bongale and Nirmala C R

Wavelet Based Fluctuation Analysis on ECG Time Series
pp 7267-7271
Mayukha Pala, P. Madhusudana Raob and P. Manimaran

Educational Internationalisation as a Major Strategy of the Kazakhstani System of Education
pp 7272-7277
Salima S. Kunanbayeva

Mathematical Modeling for Reforming Unit of Chemical Technological System in Refinery Production Under Uncertainty
pp 7278-7283
Ospanov E.A, Orazbayev B.B, Mukataev N.S, Mussabaeva S.S. and Mukhametov Y.M

Electrochemical performance of CaSi2–C composite as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries
pp 7284-7287
Kammari Sasidharachari and Sukeun Yoon

Influence of Technological Parameters on Properties of MOSFETs
pp 7288-7291
O. Benzaoui and C. Azizi

A Cheap and Effective Method for Virtual Ergonomic Analysis and Comfort Driven Redesign: An Application to Lunch-Boxes' Distribution Station at University of Salerno
pp 7292-7297
Rosaria Califano, Agnese Coppola Negri, Marilina Giordano, Chiara Petrone, Costanza Romeo, Giosi Tortora and Mariarosaria Vallone

Improving the Quality of Well Completion in Deposits with Abnormally Low Formation Pressure
pp 7298-7300
Mariya V. Nutskovaa and Krill S. Kupavyh

Analysis on Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and Linear Predictive Cepstral Coefficients as Feature Extraction on Automatic Accents Identification
pp 7301-7307
Noraziahtulhidayu Kamarudin, S.A.R Al-Haddad, Asem Khmag, Abd Rauf bin Hassan and Shaiful Jahari Hashim

A Reliability Analysis of Track Circuiton Return Current Imbalance for High Speed Railway
pp 7308-7311
Yeunwook Jung and Wonsik Yoon

An Easy and not Invasive Method for Virtual Ergonomic Analysis and Redesign of Workplaces: The Case of the Pizzeria at University of Salerno
pp 7312-7317
Francesco Apostolico, Rosaria Califano, Mattia Di Nicola, Luigi Martorelli, Domenico Mazzocchi, Fiorentina Sbrizzi, Fausto Tucci and Mariarosaria Vallone

Discrete actions in Supplementary Vocational Technical Education under the Introduction of Professional Standards
pp 7318-7325
Dulma Tsyrendashiyevna Dugarova, Svetlana Efimovna Starostina and Larisa Vitalyevna Cherepanova

The COMPASS-OK Model for Quality Assurance in Higher Еducation
pp 7326-7332
Stanka Hadzhikoleva and Emil Hadzhikolev

Performance of Low Cost Alternative Radiant Cooling Panel in Malaysia
pp 7333-7342
Muhammad Syukri Imran, Siti Halipah Ibrahim, AzhailiBaharun and Wan Azlan bin Wan Zainal Abidin

Prediction of Elastic Modulus for Polymer Composites
pp 7343-7347
Lenar Nurgaleevich Shafigullin, Ilnaz Rafikovich Khalilov, Oleg Georgievich Bolshekov, Gulnaz Robertovna Shayakhmetova, Alia Nurgaleevna Shafigullina and Eugene Denisovich Zharin

Comparison of Control Methods For Modular Robotic Systems
pp 7348-7354
Ricardo Andrés Castillo Estepa, Camilo Andrés Hurtado Erasso and Oscar F Avilés S

A Proposed Clamp System for Mechanical Connection of Reinforcing Steel Bars
pp 7355-7361
Tavio and Parmo

Hierarchy of Operative Graph Models of Electrical Network
pp 7362-7372
Ilya Abramovich Golovinskii

Improvement of Parameters of Microclimate of Underground Thermos Greenhouses
pp 7373-7384
Nurdan Mukatay, Aibek Kachkimbaevich Atihanov, Amantur Tolepbergenovich Ospanov and Rouzi Amuti

Formulation, Emulsion, and Thermal Stability of Emulsifiable Malathion Concentrate using Ethanol as a Solvent
pp 7385-7390
Mamdouh A. Allawzi, Hussein Allaboun and Amjad S. Qazaq

End-to-End Cryptography: Spreading Democracy
pp 7391-7394
Mohammed Awad and Ernst L. Leiss

Development and research of a flexible intelligent electrical network of medium voltage, based on a hexagonal structure
pp 7395-7401
Aleksey Loskutov, Anton Loskutov and Dmitriy Zyrin

Mining Business Transportation System Structure Optimization
pp 7402-7405
Vladimir YurievichKoptev and Alexandra VladimirovnaKopteva

Feasibility of Hybrid Renewable Energy Water Pumping System for a Small Farm in Egypt
pp 7406-7414
N. M. Khattaba, M. A. Badrb, E. T. El Shenawya, H. H. Sharawyc and M. S. Shalaby

Influence of Surface Tension on Shapes of Air Taylor Bubbles in Stagnant Liquids under Laminar Conditions in Falling-Film Regions
pp 7415-7419
Boonchai Lertnuwat

Neural network method for haptic device calibration using an optic-haptic hybrid tracker
pp 7420-7425
M’hamed Frad, Samir Otmane, Samir Otmane and Abdellatif Mtibaa

The Industrial Accident Resulted from the Failure of Bolt
pp 7426-7430
Hyun Wook YEO, Jae Min LEE and Sang Won CHOI

Investigation on electromagnetic valve of fuel injector for accumulator fuel equipment system
pp 7431-7438
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kudryavtsev, Aleksandr Gavriilovich Kuznetsov, Sergey Viktorovich Kharitonov and Dmitriy Sergeevich Vornychev

Kinetics of Fine Concrete Carbonation in Humid Operational Environment
pp 7439-7445
Pavel Anatolevich Fedorov, Askar Ramilevich Anvarov, Ekaterina Valeryevna Lutsyk, Valerij Markazovich Latypov and Tatiana Vladimirovna Latypova

Contextualization in cooperative Robotics
pp 7446-7455
FernandoHortúa, Dario Amaya and Olga Ramos

Technology Used for the Implementation of Remote Laboratories
pp 7456-7461
Yuli Velasquez, Olga Ramos, Dario Amaya

Power Performance Characteristics Investigation of Gas Engine using New Injector
pp 7462-7466
Semin, Nilam S. Octaviani, Ayudhia P. Gusti and M. Badrus Zaman

Effect of New Injector on the Torque Performance Characteristics of Gas engine
pp 7467-7471
Semin, Ayudhia P. Gusti, Nilam S. Octaviani and M.B Zaman

Effects of Two Dimensional Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structures on the Performance of Microstrip Patch Antenna Arrays
pp 7472-7477
F. Benikhlef and N. Boukli-Hacen

Dynamic Approach of Frequency Based Image Steganography
pp 7478-7482
Samadrita Guha and Dipti Kapoor Sarmah

A Review of Approaches used for the Selection of Optimum Stoping Method in Hard Rock Underground Mine
pp 7483-7490
Rajni Kant, Phalguni Sen, P. S. Paul and Anupam Anant Kher

Computational Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks using Separated Filters Architecture
pp 7491-7494
Elena Limonova, Alexander Sheshkus and Dmitry Nikolaev

A symplectic explicit trigonometrically-fitted Runge-Kutta-Nyström method for the numerical solution of periodic problems
pp 7495-7500
Musa A. Demba, Norazak Senu and Fudziah Ismail

Recent Researches on Application and Influence of Twitter
pp 7501-7504
Hye-Jin Kim and Yong-Hyuk Kim


Ecological Features Of Oil Well Repair At Low-Permeability Reservoir
pp 7505-7508
Kupavikh K.S. and Nutskova M.V

An Efficient Privacy Preserving Medical Image Retrieval Using ROI Enabled Searchable Encryption
pp 7509-7516
J. Hyma, G. Lakshmeeswari, D. S. Sampath Kumar and Ayush Anand

Token Ring Using Ethernet TRUE-Simulator
pp 7517-7522
Nayel Al-Zubi

Characterization of ultra-thin tungsten layers
pp 7523-7525
Tomas Martinek, Josef Kudelka, Milan Navratil, Tomas Fort and Vojtech Kresalek

Some Considerations for SCTP Handover Scheme in Mobile Network
pp 7526-7531
Yong-Jin Lee

Location Management Agent for SCTP Handover in Mobile Network
pp 7532-7536
Yong-Jin Lee

The Lime Compositions for the Restoration and Decoration of Buildings
pp 7537-7540
V.I.Loganina and M.A. Sadovnikova

Impact of Orifice Jet Configuration on Heat Transfer in a Channel with Inclined Target Surface Cooled by Single Array of Impinging Jets with Outflow Opposing the Entry Flow
pp 7541-7549
Ali.A.Al-Mubarak, S.M.Shaahid and Luai M.Al-Hadhrami

Performance analysis of Neural Network based classification technique for Mammogram Images
pp 7550-7554
A. P. Manjunatha, H. S. Sheshadri and M. N. GiriPrasad

The Verification of Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm according to Requirements for Component Selection Process
pp 7555-7560
Jagdeep Kaur and Pradeep Tomar

Nano-Additives for Composite Building Materials and their Environmental Safety
pp 7561-7565
N. Lukuttsova, A. Pykin, Yu. Kleymenicheva, А. Suglobov and R. Efremochkin

The Use of Additives Based on Industrial Wastes for Concrete
pp 7566-7570
N. Lukuttsova, A.Pashayan, E. Khomyakova, L. Suleymanova and Yu. Kleymenicheva

Stress Distribution of Flexible Bodies Sitting on a Bondless Rigidbase
pp 7571-7576
Evangelos Avgenakis and Ioannis N. Psycharis

Forecasting Cash Withdrawals in the ATM Network Using a Combined Model based on the Holt-Winters Method and Markov Chains
pp 7577-7582
Mikhail Aseev, Sergei Nemeshaev, and Alexander Nesterov

Learning Management System "VECTOR"
pp 7583-7587
L. R. Barykin, E. V. Bezverhny, K. M. Dadteyev, N. U. Lukashevich, V. V. Mehryakov, S. A. Nemeshayev, and N. A. Fomichyov

Application of a Functional Method for Subject and Motion Specific Joints Kinematics during Walking
pp 7588-7591
Giulia Liscoa, Stefano Pastorellia and Laura Gastaldi

Single Shaft Contra Rotating Axial Compressor
pp 7592-7596
Bojja. Venkat Sai, Basannagari Naveen Kumar, Shaik Asma Sulthana and Shaik. Arif






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