Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)
Volume 13, Number 17 (2018)
Applications of Game Theory for
Cyber Security System: A Survey
pp. 12987-12990
Annapurna P Patil, Bharath S and Nagashree M Annigeri
An Insight Analysis of Economic
and Legal Challenges in VANET
pp. 12991-12994
Bhawna Chaudhary and Sheetal Singh
Portable Camera Based Text
Reading of Objects for Blind Persons
pp. 12995-12999
Sonal I Shirke and Swati V Patil
A Survey on Secure Data
De-Duplication in Cloud Storage
pp. 13000-13004
M.SriRama Lakshmi Reddy and K.Rajendra Prasad
Effect of Varying Magnetic Field
on the Linear Stability of Parallel Stratified Shear Flows
pp. 13005-13014
K. Sumathi, T. Arunachalam and R. Panneerselvi
Evaluation of Sparsification
algorithm and Its Application in Speaker Recognition System
pp. 13015-13021
Satyanand Singh
Stability of Thermosolutal Free
Convection on Electrically Conducting Superposed Fluid and Porous Layer
pp. 13022-13030
K.Sumathi, T.Arunachalam and S.Aiswarya
Elimination of Anomalous
Propagation in a C-band Meteorological Radar by Correction of the
Polarimetric Variables: Reflectivity, Reflectivity Differential and
Correlation Coefficient
pp. 13031-13042
Julián R. Camargo L., Ernesto Gómez Vargas and César A. Perdomo Ch.
Analysis of Effectiveness of
Planning Algorithms Processes, Through Time Performance
pp. 13043-13045
Vilma G. García, Nancy Y. Gelvez and Danilo A. López
Exploring alternatives in the
design of an artificial neural network for a predictive analysis and
forecasting on economic time series in the foreign exchange market
pp. 13046–13053
Roberto Carlos Campos Torres and Paulo Vitor de Campos Souza
On Existence of Mild and
Positive Solutions of Impulsive Integro-Differential Equations
pp. 13054–13062
R. S. Jain, B. Surendranath Reddy and S. D. Kadam
Reliability Prediction Methods
for Electronic Devices and Systems-A Review
pp. 13063-13069
Y. S. Thakur and D. K. Sakravdia
Experimental Investigations of
PCM Based Thermal Battery for Temperature Management of Building in Hot
and Dry Climate of India
pp. 13070-13076
Hari Kumar Singh and D. Buddhi
Impact of Ceramic Coating on
Fatigue Life of Connecting Rod
pp. 13077-13079
Pratyush Deshmukh and Alex Sebastian Barcey
Speed Estimation of Induction
Motor Drive by Second-Order Sliding Mode MRAS with Adaptive Neural
Network Controller
pp. 13080-13084
M.Ankarao, M.Vijaya Kumar and Prabha Shriwas
Factors Influencing TQM
Practices In Indian Hospital Industry – An Empirical Study through
Principal Component Analysis
pp. 13085-13092
N. Nithya
A Feedback Queuing Model with
Chances of Revisit of Customer at Most Twice to Any of the Three Servers
pp. 13093-13102
Surender Kumar and Gulshan Taneja
Estimation of Surplus Water for
Groundwater Recharging from Ravishankar Sagar Rservoir Basin
pp. 13103-13107
S.K. Jaiswal
Teaching Mechatronics Design: A
Theoretical-Practical Approach
pp. 13108-13117
Jorge A. Aponte, Oscar F. Avilés S, Mauricio Mauledoux, Hoffman F.
Ramirez G. and Robinson Jiménez
A Mobile Application for Voice
Enabled Virtual Bot
pp. 13118-13122
Jimcymol James, Shabih Fatima, Sanjeevani Avasthi, Chirag Nalawade,
Jenny James, Mirza Mohammad, Suhana Ayisha, Gautam Ravi and Priya
Real Option Approach to Evaluate
the Certified Emission Reduction sales in a Photovoltaic Energy Project
of Colombia
pp. 13123-13129
Natalia Acevedo-Prins, Miguel Jiménez-Gómez and Miguel Rojas-López
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
and Kalman Filter Algorithms to Predict Output Temperatures on a Heat
pp. 13130-13135
Tlatelpa-Becerro A, Rico-Martínez R, Castro-Goméz L, Urquiza G and
Calderón-Ramírez M
LAN-WAN-LAN end-to-end Network
Simulation with NS2
pp. 13136-13140
Andrés Felipe Hernández Leon, Octavio José Salcedo Parra and Giovanny
Mauricio Tarazona Bermudez
Investigation of Effect of
Machine Tool Vibration over the Surface Finish by Wavelet Transforms
pp. 13141-13145
Bhaskaran.J, Venkatesh.C and Abdul Malik Hussain
A Study on the Physical
Characteristic and Environment Evaluation of Yellow Loess Mortar with
Slaked Lime and Cement
pp. 13146-13152
Juhee Kim, Hongseok Jang, Yongtaek Lim, Seungyoung So and Manho So
On Fuzzy
γ*- Semi Boundary Sets in Fuzzy
Topological Spaces
pp. 13153-13156
M.Vijaya and M.Rajesh
Comfort Level Security – A
Multi-Factor Authentication Framework
pp. 13166-13177
Habib ur Rehman, Mohammed Nazir and Khurram Mustafa
Generation of Test Cases from
Behavior Model in UML
pp. 13178-13187
Priya Kamath B. and Narendra V.G.
Systems Dynamics on Incentives
to Invest in Renewable Energy in Colombia
pp. 13188-13194
Natalia Acevedo-Prins, Miguel Jiménez-Gómez and Miguel Rojas-López
Analysis of publications in ISI
and Scopus about Energy Policies in Wind Energy
pp. 13195-13204
Natalia M. Acevedo-Prins., Luis M. Jiménez-Gómez and Miguel D.
Environmental Waste Disposal
Methods among Childbearing Mothers in Anambra State, Nigeria
pp. 13205-13211
Anthonia U. Nwobi, Charity Chinelo Okide, Felicia Ukamaka Iremeka,
Chioma Osilike, Emeka Obetta, Felicia Mbagwu and Ngozi Mary Eze
Sources of Stress among Nursing
Students in South-East Nigeria
pp. 13212-13218
Samuel C. Ugwoke, Ezeh Gregory Chijioke, Emmanuel Abella, Uche-Vita
Agundu, Angie I. Oboegbulem, Agi Ode Oko, Julius Basake, Ebenade Famous
Abidde and Uju Anthonia Nwobi
Management of Students’ Stress
in Federal Colleges of Education in Nigeria
pp. 13219-13226
Samuel C. Ugwoke, Florence Ijeoma Arumede, Angie I. Oboegbulem,
Josephine N. Amoke, Uche-Vita Agundu, Agi Ode Oko, Romanus Ugwu and Uju
Anthonia Nwobi
From the Beginning of Aesthetic
Theories of Art to Iannis Xenakis Mathematical Theories (The Inseparable
Relationship between Music and Architecture)
pp. 13227-13236
Hanieh Majidi and Hamidreza Farshchi
Security challenges of Big Data
storage in Cloud environment: A Survey
pp. 13237-13244
S.Subbalakshmi and K.Madhavi
Assessing the Impact of Number
of Repair Persons on Availability of an Industrial System: A Case Study
pp. 13245-13250
Mukesh Kumar, Vineet Kumar Singla and Vikas Modgil
Performance Analysis of Acoustic
Features in Telugu Speech Emotion Recognition
pp. 13251-13257
N. Ratna Kanth and S. Saraswathi
Plantar Fasciitis Treatments: A
pp. 13258-13267
Natalia Sanchéz, Brayan F. Contreras, José M. Garcia, Ruben D. Hernández
and Oscar F. Avilés
Topological Data Analysis for
Machine Learning Based on Kernels: A Survey
pp. 13268-13271
Edilberto Mejia-Ruda, Robinson Jimenez-Moreno and Ruben Dario Hernandez
Integrating Application with
Algorithms of Association Rule used in Descriptive Data Modelling,
through which Data Mining can be Implemented for Future Prediction
pp. 13272-13281
Sumita Mukherjee and Guide-Dr. Prinima Gupta
Optimal Product Recommendation
from Real-time Data Feed
pp. 13282-13287
Nithin N V and Prof. George Philip C
Motion Estimation Algorithm
Based on Imaging Subtraction
pp. 13288-13291
Nicolas Ortiz Valencia, Robinson Jimenez-Moreno and Ruben Dario
Binary Images Classification
Algorithm Based on Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix
pp. 13292-13295
Nicolás Ortiz1, Robinson Jiménez and Mauricio Mauledoux M.
Efficiency Enhancement by 5S
Implementation– A Case Study
pp. 13296-13301
Ila A Kulkarni, Abhay B Kulkarni and Vandana A Kulkarni
Characterization of
Methylcellulose Based Hydrogels by Using Citric Acid as a Crosslinking
pp. 13302-13307
Maria José Tavera-Quiroz, Jhon Jairo Feria Díaz and Adriana Pinotti
Genetic-Neuro-Fuzzy Inferential
Model for Tuberculosis Detection
pp. 13308-13312
R. Beaulah Vathana and R. BalaSubramanian
A Functional Time System
Connectivity Analysis in Multi-Stage Processes
pp. 13313-13320
Bazarov S.M., Belenkiy Yu.I., Soloviev A.N and Bazarova M.V.
Charpy Impact and Tension Tests
of Two Pipeline Materials at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures
pp. 13321-13334
Abdulkarim Omar Alfitouri, Mahmut Ahsen Savaş and Ali Evcil
Fisheye state Protocol in
Correlation with Power Consumption in Ad-hoc Networks
pp. 13335-13339
Devika.B and P N Sudha
A New Approach to Fuzzy Soft
pp. 133340-13343
J.Ruth and S.Selvam
Compensating Doppler Frequency
Shift of High Speed Rail Communications
pp. 13344-13348
Trinh Thi Huong, Nguyen Manh Dat, To Thi Thao, Nguyen Duy Viet and Vu
Van Yem
Feature Engineering Incorporated
Enhanced Hybrid Model based Collaborative Filtering
pp. 13349-13354
K.Reka and T.N.Ravi
A Study on Fuzzy (i,j)-β-compact
pp. 13355-13357
P.Rajalakshmi and S.Selvam
Comparative Study on Performance
of Boost Converter with Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive TSK-type Neural Fuzzy
pp. 13358-13366
Neethu Raj.R, P.Sreejaya and N.Albert Singh
Novel DTC Technique for
Improving Low-Speed Operation of Induction Motor Drive
pp. 13367-13379
Jawwad Mazher Ahmed, Mohammed Haseeb Khan and Arshia Azam
Design and Fabrication of
Motorised Stair Case Climbing Trolley
pp. 13380-13385
P.V. Sanjeeva Kumar, A.Hemanth Kumar and P.Varaprasad
Enhanced Bloom Filter Technique
for Latency Reduction in Mobile Environment
pp. 13386-13391
P. Amudha Bhomini and Jayasudha J.S
Control Strategy of Glass-Lined
Batch Polymerization Reactor for PVC Resin Industrial Process
pp. 13392-13401
S. Malathi and N. S. Bhuvaneswari
Smart Community Monitoring
System using Thingspeak IoT Plaform
pp. 13402-13408
David Nettikadan and Subodh Raj M.S