10, Number 22 (2015)
A new approach to the simulation
of the rods in the strength analysis of the structures by the finite
element method
pp 42804-42809
Agapov Vladimir Pavlovich
Optimization of Latency for
Color Interpolation Processor
pp 42810-42814
T.Nistchala, M. Kamaraju and T.Venkata Lakshmi
Copyright Protection for Digital
Colour Images in RGB Planes using Improved DWT-DCT-SVD Algorithm
pp 42815-42821
Lakshmi Priya. A and S. Letitia
Performance Analysis of PI and
Fuzzy Logic Controllers of Shunt Active Power Filter for Harmonic
pp 42822-42832
G. Malathi and T. Venkatesan
Vortex Shedding From a Circular
Cylinder According to the Mesh-Free Vortex Method
pp 42833-42838
Amirreza Mohammadian, Souresh Akella and A. M. K Prasad
Compression and Construction of
Optimal IP Routing Using Optimal Route Table Construction Algorithm
pp 42839-42845
Rupa Madhuri Pattanaik, J. Chandrakanta Badajena, Chinmayee Rout and
Deduction of orphans and
suitable parent candidates using Statistical Modelling
pp 42846-42850
J.Naren, Nikilav P V, Anuraag Vikram Kate and Achyuth Mohan
Laminar Flame Burning Velocity
of Fuels/Air Mixture at Different Pressure, Temperature and Equivalence
pp 42851-42857
S. Brusca, R. Lanzafame, A. Marino Cugno Garrano and M. Messina
Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Video
Enhancement using Modified Adaptive Gamma Correction Method
pp 42858-42863
N. Sudha, N. Santhiyakumari and N. Santhiyakumari
Skewed Data: State-of-the-Art
and Research Directions
pp 42864-42868
Prakash Chandra Jena, Susree Sudesna Ashe and Subhendu kumar Pani
Efficient and Secure Data
Transmission using Steganography Technique
pp 42869-42872
Basant Sah and V. K Jha
Robust Partition Based
Classification Technique for Network Intrusion Detection
pp 42873-42876
P. Sita Rama Murty, R. Kiran Kumar and M. Sailaja
A Steganographic Method Based on
Modified Pixel-Value Differencing
pp 42877-42880
Azhar Ahmad Jaini and Ghazali Sulong
On Hydromagnetic Channel Flow Of
A Rotating Oldroyd-B Fluid Induced By Tooth Pulses
pp 42881-42891
Sanchita Ghosh
Design of the wearable complex
hardware for the photoplethysmogram analysis on various element bases
subject to requirements for the overall dimensions and energy
consumption minimization
pp 42892-42896
Evgeny Sergeevich Sinyutin and Elena Sergeevna Semenistaya
Neuro-Genetic Hybrid
Optimization for Multi Objective Wireless Sensor Networks
pp 42897-42901
Vinodh P Vijayan and E Gopinathan
LOCOBIS A Low Cost Business
Intelligence System for Small Scale Organizations
pp 42902-42906
Dojohn Loyd B, JeyaBalaji S and Deepak S
A Fuzzy Based Methodology for
User’s Perception Evaluation of Low Floor Buses for Bhopal City
pp 42907-42909
Ajay Pratap Singh, A. K. Sharma, Varun Singh and A. Sharma
Ranking The IndexofQuality of
Work Life (Qwl) And Its EffectsonEmployee Productivity (Case Study: The
NewEconomicsof Bank BranchesIn Tehran)
pp 42910-42913
Ghassem Farajpour Khanaposhtani and Mona Asgharpour
Fuzzy ANNs approach for
predicting the type-2diabetes mellitus
pp 42914-42920
M. Mahmoodi Tabrizi, A. Jafarian and Bahlol Rahimi
Time Efficiency And Error
Estimation Analysis For The Family Of Co Tetrahedral Elements In Closed
Form And Gauss Quadrature
pp 42921-42926
R. Yogeshwaran and P. V. Jeyakathikeyan
Root Cause of Reinforced
Concrete Dapped-End Beams Failure
pp 42927-42933
M. Aswin, M.S. Liew, B.S. Mohammed and Z.I. Syed
Secret Sharing Homomorphism and
Secure E-voting
pp 42934-42941
Binu V P, Divya G Nair and Sreekumar A
MHD Free Convection Transient
Flow past an Infinite Vertical Porous Flat Plate in Presence of Mass
pp 42942-42948
S. Panda, S. S. Das and N. C. Bera
Modeling and Simulation of
Direct Injection Diesel Engine to Analyze Combustion and Emission using
KIVA 3V Code
pp 42949-42954
B V Krishnaiah and B Balu Naik
A Novel Triangular Boundary
Based Classification Approach for Effective Prediction of Outliers
pp 42955-42962
D.Rajakumari and S.Pannirselvam
Content-Based Image Retrieval
Using Differential Evolutionary Algorithm
pp 42963-42966
S.R.Suryas and D.S.Dayana
Combining the Evidences of
Temporal and Spectral Enhancement Techniques for Improving the
Performance of Indian Language Identification System in the presence of
time varying noises
pp 42967-42973
Phani Kumar Polasi and K Sri Rama Krishna
Prediction of RC Beams Failure
Load using Non-linear Finite Element Analysis
pp 42974-42980
M. Aswin, B.S. Mohammed, M.S. Liew and Z.I. Syed
Experimental Performance
Evaluation of Flywheel
pp 42981-42985
Lijesh K.P and Rathin Dutta
Developing the System of
Attracting Talented Young People to the Engineering Educational and
Career Paths: The Russian Problem Field and Empirical Research on School
Graduates’ Expectations
pp 42986-42993
Akimova Elena Mihailovna, Eleneva Elena Anatolievna, Elenev Konstantin
Sergeyevich and Eleneva Yulia Yakovlevna
Experimental investigation of
single phase Al2O3-polyethylene glycol and TiO2-polyethylene glycol
nanofluids flow through a minichannel heat sink
pp 42994-42999
R. Nandhakumar and D. Senthilkumar
monitoring instrumentation system for detecting airgap eccentricity in
mine winder motor
pp 43000-43007
Ananda Shankar Hati and Tarun Kumar Chatterjee
Impact on Revenue Generation for
Telecom Operators for Missed Calls and OTT Applications
pp 43008-43015
Sunil Patil, Yatin Jog, SauravHora and DavishaVerma
Analysis of Malignant Nucleus
and Cytoplasm Segmentation using ASIC algorithms (Accurately Segmenting
the Individual Cell)
pp 43016-43021
K.M. Ponnmoli
Cross-layer Based Congestion
Control and Scheduling for MANET
pp 43022-43028
G.Suseendran and A. Sasikumar
Mobile sink routing and
relocation strategies in wireless sensor networks A Review
pp 43029-43044
Vicky Kumar, Ashok Kumar and Gaurav
Texture Segmentation using
multivariate generalized Gaussian mixture model under log DCT domain
pp 43045-43051
K.Naveen kumar, K. Srinivasa Rao, Y. Srinivas and Ch. Satyanarayana
Outage based Underlay Cognitive
Radio deployment for a Cellular Network
pp 43052-43058
Astha Sharma and Debjani Mitra
2-Dominator Coloring in Graphs
pp 43059-43062
A. Sangeetha Devi and M. M. Shanmugapriya
Methodological basis for the
rational development of car service
pp 43063-43065
Denis Mihailovich Lysanov and Ramis Favzyatovich Utyaganov
Write Pattern based Hot/Cold
Separation for Flash Translation Layer
pp 43066-43068
S. Hwang, T. Jung and I. Shin
Transient Analysis of a Thee
Node Tandem Communication Network Model with DBA Having Homogeneous
Compound Poisson Direct Bulk Arrivals at node 1 and node 2
pp 43069-43076
G Rajendra Kumar and Kuda Nageswara Rao
Image Restoration using modified
binary particle Swarm Optimization Richardson-Lucy (MBSO-RL) algorithm
pp 43077-43081
Hari Shanker Shukla Narendra Kumar and Rakesh Prakash Tripathi
Challenges of Women Self Help
Group Members towards Marketing
pp 43082-43088
S. Vasantha and M. Thaiyalnayaki
Effect of flux on microstructure
and mechanical properties of super martensitic stainless steel using
Activated Tungsten Inert Gas welding process
pp 43097-43102
M.Chellappan, K.Lingadurai, P. Sathiya
Development of Well Killing
Technology During Well Service on Oil, Gas and Condensate Fields With
Carbonate Reservoirs
pp 43103-43105
Mardashov Dmitrii Vladimirovich and Vasiliev Bogdan Urievich
Assessment of possible
investments in energy efficiency increase in housing sector of Russian
pp 43106-43107
Volkov Andrey Anatolievich, Sedov Artem Vladimirovich and Chelyshkov
Pavel Dmitrievich
Asymmetric Dual Keyword
Encrypted Fuzzy Search for Effective Data Utilization in Public Cloud
pp 43108-43119
M. Shyamala Devi and C. Arun
Handwriting Word Recognition
Based on Neural Networks
pp 43120-43124
Alia Karim Abdul Hassan and Mustafa S. Kadhm
VLSI Architecture for Impulse
Noise Reduction Using Modified Decision Tree Based Denoising Method
pp 43125-43130
S. Arul Jothi, N. Santhiya Kumari and M. Ramkumar Raja
City planning issues for
sustainable development
pp 43131-43138
Sherbina Elena Vital`evna, Danilina Nina Vasil`evna and Vlasov Denis
Determination of limit load
bearing capacity of rod metal structures
pp 43139-43142
Korgin Andrey Valintinovich, Kudishin Uriy Ivanovich and Zeid Kilani
Leys Zeidovich
Computer Modeling of One-Phase
and Two-Phase Flow in a Vortex Atomizer
pp 43143-43151
N. E. Kurnosov, K. V. Lebedinskiy, A. A. Nikolotov, D. P. Alekseev and
A. A. Zemcov
CFD Simulations of Flow over
Passenger Vehicle with Airfoils for Aerodynamic Lift Reduction
pp 43152-43156
Prashant Kumar, Raghav Malhotra, Naushad Ahmed Ansari and Mohammad
Application of Rough Sets and
Ant Colony Optimization in feature selection for Network Intrusion
pp 43156-43163
Ravi Kiran Varma P, Valli Kumari V and Srinivas Kumar S
Large-Scale Complex Construction
Projects: Managerial Issues, Problems and Challenges
pp 43164-43176
P. James
Bio inspired Ferret Auditing
Technique (FAT) for Cloud Computing
pp 43177-43181
S. Tejaswini, D. Akshay Kumar and K. Indu Prudhvi
Frame Packing Algorithm for
Minimizing Bandwidth Consumption of the Flex Ray Vehicular Network
pp 43182-43188
Minkoo Kang, Kiejin Park and Limei Peng
Application of Process
Capability Study as a Diagnostic Tool for Process, Productivity and
Quality- In- Management Improvement
pp 43189-43194
Prabir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Fabrication and Experimental
Study on Optimization of Process Parameters for Drilling of GFRP with
Iron Ore as Filler Material using Taguchi And ANOVA
pp 43195-43198
Vithal Rao Chauhan, K R Dinesh, Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, K
Veeresh and Veerabhadrappa Algur
Statistical Analysis of
Optimization of Abrasive Wear Behavior of PEEK/Nano Alumina Particles
Reinforced UHMWPE Composites
pp 43199-43206
S. Selvam and K. Marimuthu
Power Quality Improvement Using
Four Leg Shunt Active Power Filter
pp 43207-43214
V. Parimala, S. ChenthurPandian and D. Ganeshkumar
Aerosol lidar method of remote
sensing winds in the atmospheric boundary layer using cross correlation
pp 43215-43220
V.A. Jyothsna, Y. Bhavani Kumar and T. Sreenivasulu Reddy
Novel Hierarchical Trust
Management for Dynamic Mobile Inter Cluster WSN
pp 43221-43224
S. Asayh and R.Paulus
Wear Behavior of Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloys at Elevated Temperatures
pp 43225-43232
B.M.Angadi, A. Chennakesava Reddy, R. S. Ellur and S. A. Kori
Performance Analysis of new
Swarm Intelligence based Algorithms in optimizing the design of CMOS
Folded Cascode OPAMP and Comparator Circuits
pp 43229-43238
P. K. Paul, NaushadManzoorLaskar, SouravNath and Krishna Lal Baishnab
Modeling Of Heat And Mass
Transportation In The Keyhole Of 316l Stainless Steel And Steel Joints
During Pulsed Nd: Yag Laser Welding
pp 43239-43243
K. Suresh Kumar and A. Jayanthi
Comparative Study Of Image
Resolution Enhancement Techniques For Aerial Images
pp 43244-43249
Malothu Nagu
Sensitivity analysis of S-lay
pipe-laying configuration
pp 43250-43255
S. Ivić
Dual Delegation Model – A
Solution against Session Fixation Exploitation in Web Applications
pp 43256-43261
A. Saravanan, M. S. Irfan Ahmed and S. Sathya Bama
A Comparative Study on Optimum
Transmission Channel Estimation in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication
pp 43262-43268
J. P. Senthilkumar and M. Chandrasekaran
Computer modelling in evaluating
standard projects of school buildings
pp 43269-43272
Volkov Andrey Anatol’evich, Sedov Artem Vladimirovich, Chelyshkov Pavel
Dmitrievich, Denis Lysenko Andreevich and Doroshenko Anna Valer’evna
The Analysis of Expediency of
Application of Translucent Structures with Using Of Low-Emission
pp 43273-43276
Volkov Andrey Anatol’evich, Sedov Artem Vladimirovich, Chelyshkov Pavel
Dmitrievich and Radzievskiy Evgeny Evgen’evich
The formation of microclimate
parameters in agricultural buildings in the cold season
pp 43277-43280
Bodrov Valery Iosifovich, Bodrov Mikhail Valerievich and Lushin Kirill
An Efficient Transmit Antenna
Selection Algorithm in Spatial Modulation Systems
pp 43281-43284
Sangchoon Kim
Graph-based Optimization of Area
and Delay in Multiple Constant Multiplication
pp 43285-43289
C. Uthayakumar and B. Justus Rabi
Supporting Irrecoverable File
Deletion using Inter-arrival Time
pp 43290-43293
I. Shin
Development of a novel approach
for design reconfigurable fractal antenna using iterative method
pp 43294-43297
S.Alayet, L.Latrach and A.Gharsallah
Performance Evaluation of Search
Engine using VSM & User feedback sessions
pp 43298-43300
Siddharth Ghansela and Ashish Negi