Volume 12, Number 17 (2017)
Wireless Sensor Network Storage
with Light Weight File System using Update Logic for Cloud Interface
pp. 6323-6329
R.Kumaravelu, Satheesh. A, Poornima. S and V. Murugesh
Energy efficient cross layer
approach for Wireless Ad-hoc Network
pp. 6330-6337
Nileshkumar R. Patel and Shishir Kumar
A study on Deep Machine Learning
Algorithms for diagnosis of diseases
pp. 6338-6346
Dinu A.J., Ganesan R, Felix Joseph and Balaji V
Generalized Estimating Equations
Models for Rubber Yields in Thailand
pp. 6347-6353
Watcharin Sangma and Suttipong Jumroonrut
Test Bench Trials of the
Electromagnetic Regenerative Shock Absorber
pp. 6354-6359
Kireev A.V., Kozhemyaka N.M., Burdugov A.S. and Klimov A.V.
Characteristic Surface Potential
of Selected Oligocene-Miocene Shales from the Setap Formation, Onshore
pp. 6360-6368
E.L. Fosu-Duah, E. Padmanabhan and J. A. Gámez Vintaned
A Low Area Overhead Fault
Tolerant Strategy for Multiple Stuck-At-Faults in Digital Circuits
pp. 6369-6376
S.Meyyappan and
John Kalloor
Cyclic loading of Exterior Beam
- Column Joint with Threaded Headed Reinforcement
pp. 6377-6383
Vaibhav R. Pawar, Y.D.Patil and H.S.Patil
Design and Implementation of Low
Power Testing Using Advanced Razor Based Processor
pp. 6384-6390
R.Karthick and M.Sundararajan
Performance Analysis of Reed
Solomon Code for various Modulation Schemes over AWGN Channel
pp. 6391-6398
Monika Kapoor and Anubhuti khare
Sensoric and Motion System of
pp. 6399-6404
Miroslav Marcanik, Michal Sustek and Roman Jasek
Performance Analysis of Linear
Polarization Antenna in 2.45 GHz on Body Communications
pp. 6405-6413
Lingfeng Liu, Xiaonan Wang and Peng Zhang
Modelling of the operating
circuit of main nozzle for air-jet looms
pp. 6414-6419
G.Belforte, G.Mattiazzo, F.Testore and C. Visconte
Adopted COBIT-5 Framework for
System Design of Indonesia Navy IS/IT : An Evaluation
pp. 6420-6427
Nengah Putra, Abdul Hakim, Sholeh H. Pramono and Herman Tolle
Experimental Research of
Variability of Surface Energy Value of Fe37-3FN, C45 and 41Cr4 Steels
pp. 6428-6433
Mousokhranov M.V., Kalmykov V.V. and Malyshev E.N.
Optimization of Injection
Molding Process Parameters for Improved Moldability of Plastic Stand
pp. 6434-6439
Jae Kyung Kim, Euy Sik Jeon and Kwang Ho Jung
A Comparative Evaluation of
Biodiesel Blends of Soapnut, Palm, and Karanja for Usage in CI Engine
pp. 6440-6446
Mukesh Tiwari and A.P.Singh
An Overview of Mobile Broadband
in 4G Long Term Evolution and Emerging Strategies for Resolving
Deployment Limitations in Developing Countries
pp. 6447-6451
Agboje A.O, Oni O.O and Nkordeh N.S
Edge Domination on
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs
pp. 6452-6461
A.Nagoor Gani, J.Kavikumar and S.Anupriya
Optimized Inner Product
Computation Architectures using DAOBC
pp. 6462-6470
Zainul Abdin Jaffery and Shaheen Khan
Analysis of Longitudinal Fin
Patterns in a Concentric Double Tube Heat Exchanger using LMTD and CFD
pp. 6471-6479
Nakul Sreedhar and George Varghese
Heliostat Mirror Technology: A
pp. 6472-6476
Vinodhini R. and C.Gomathy / S.Chitralakshmi
Design of Robust Controller for
Hemi-Spherical Tank System Using Volumetric Observer
pp. 6477-6481
Muthumari S, Rakesh Kumar S, Srimathy R and Kanimozhi G
A Novel Evolving Mutation
Analysis approach of Hybrid Parallel Ant Colony Optimization algorithm
for DICOM images
pp. 6482-6486
Chetan S., H S Sheshadri and Lokesha V
Performance Analysis of Cloud
Computing Bulk Service Using Queueing Models
pp. 6487-6492
K. Santhi and R. Saravanan
Industrial Sensor Networks -
Signal Processing with Compressive Sensing
pp. 6493-6498
Vivek P K, V S Dharun and Veenus P K
Laser Alloying of Wear Surfaces
with Metal Components
pp. 6499-6503
Kargapoltsev S.K., Shastin V.I., Gozbenko V.E., Livshits A.V. and
Filippenko N.G.
Localisation of Fault Using
Travelling Wave Theory Based on Multi-End System
pp. 6504-6513
M.A. Baseer, Praveen R.P, A. Galal Abo Khalil, Youcef and Manaa
Review of Mixer and Balun
Designs for UWB Applications
pp. 6514-6522
M. Y. Algumaei, N. A. Shairi, Z. Zakaria and I. M. Ibrahim
A Characteristic of Ijuk Palm
Saray Composite with Resin Polyester
pp. 6523-6527
Perdinan Sinuhaji, Timbangen Sembiring and Junedi Ginting
The Parameters Effect on the
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Gas-Metal-Arc Welded SKD 61
Hot Work Tool Steel
pp. 6528-6533
Teerayut Kanchanasangtong and Supachai Surapunt
Verification IP for AMBA AXI
Protocol using System Verilog
pp. 6534-6541
Murali .M., Umadevi. S and Sakthivel.S.M.
Priority and Probability Based
Model to Evaluate Aggregate Function Used in Iceberg Query
pp. 6542-6552
Kale Sarika Prakash and P.M.Joe Prathap
Implementation 3-Axis CNC Router
for Small Scale Industry
pp. 6553-6558
R.Ginting, S. Hadiyoso and S.Aulia
RFID Based Smart Car Parking
pp. 6559-6563
Anusooya G, Christy Jackson J, Sathyarajasekaran K and Kumar Kannan
An Efficient Informal Data
Processing Method by Removing Duplicated Data
pp. 6564-6569
Jaejeong Lee, Hyeongrak Park and Byoungchul Ahn
Physical Modelling of
Temperature’s Potential Decrease for Near-Wellbore Rocks during
Extraction of Thermal Energy
pp. 6570-6575
A.V. Volkov, A.V. Ryzhenkov, A.V. Kurshakov, S.V. Grigoriev, and V.V.
Learning Media Of Applications
Design Based Android Mobile Smartphone
pp. 6576-6585
Microstructure and Magnetic
Properties of BaFe12-2xMgxAlxO19 for Microwave Absorbing Materials
pp. 6586-6590
Martha Rianna, Timbangen Sembiring, Candra Kurniawan, Eko Arief Setiadi,
Silviana Simbolon, Masno Ginting and Perdamean Sebayang
The effect of sport technology
on student-athletes’ Petanque Skill Performance
pp. 6591-6596
Asiah Mohd Pilus, Mohd Norafif Mohd Amin, Norharyati Harum and Nurul
Azma Zakaria
Quality Learning Assurance
through Standard Course Syllabus Template
pp. 6597-6602
Louay A. Hussein Al-Nuaimy, Md Mastan and G. Jai Arul Jose
Structural Analysis and Criteria
for Assessment of State Economic Policy
pp. 6603-6614
Natalya Evgenievna Buletova, Igor Arkadievich Zlochevsky, Igor
Vadimovich Sharkevich and Ekaterina Vladimirovna Stepanova
Holistic Haptic Education
Platform for Developmental Disorder Children
pp. 6615-6622
Tami Im, In-ho Yun and Sang-Youn Kim
Study of Sensitivity and
Selectivity of Protection Coordination Settings for 110kV Network in
Western Region of Saudi Arabia
pp. 6623-6626
Rakan A. Hakami
Lightweight Optimal Design of
Tailgate Lift Link under Eccentric Loading
pp. 6627-6632
Hee Teak Oh and Euy Sik Jeon
Limited Cluster Technique to
Enhance Wireless Sensor Network lifespan
pp. 6633-6640
Alok Sahelay and Shiv Prasad Kori
Monitoring of EDMed surface
using Barkhausen Noise Technique
pp. 6641-6646
Binayaka Nahak, Mohd. Zaheer Khan Yusufzai and Meghanshu Vashista
Aspects of Friction stir
weldments of rare earth AE42 Magnesium Alloy
pp. 6647-6652
Vuppula Prasanna, A. Seshu Kumar and P. Ramesh Babu
A Framework for Reconstruction
and Operation of Auto-Healing strategy for the Switch Inference Attack
for WSN
pp. 6653-6657
K.Lakshmi Narasimha, N. Sainath, D. Moulali and M. Ravi Kumar
A Novel Technique of Security
Improvement in Ad-hoc Network by using FTP
pp. 6658-6662
Preeti Gulia and Reena
Task Scheduling on Virtual
Machines using BAT Strategy for Efficient Utilization of Resources in
Cloud Environment
pp. 6663-6669
T Sunitha Rani and Shyamala Kannan
A Collaborative filtering based
sentiment analyzer to evaluate textual user feedbacks/opinions
pp. 6670-6677
Alok Kumar and Renu Jain
Exploring Innovative Learning
Environment (ILE): Big Data Era
pp. 6678-6685
Miftachul Huda, Zulkiflee Haron, Mohd Nasir Ripin, Aminudin Hehsan and
Ahmad Bin Che Yaacob
A Novel Model for Benchmarking
the Performance of Retail Stores for Retail Operations using Lean
Manufacturing Approach
pp. 6686-6692
Mwafak Shakoor, Nasser Jaber, Wisam Abu Jadayil, Mohamed Qureshi and
Samar Jaber
The Validity of the Diagnosis of
Plant Leaf Infections Using Non-Destructive Optical Inspection Technique
and Depth-Scan Signal Analysis
pp. 6693-6698
Ruchire Eranga Wijesinghe, Seung-Yeol Lee, Hee-Young Jung, Mansik Jeon
and Jeehyun Kim
Optimization of Membrane
Thickness in Physical Aging Study of Polymeric Membranes
pp. 6699-6703
S.S.M. Lock, K.K. Lau, A.M. Shariff, Y.F. Yeong and F. Ahmad
Characteristics and application
of nanomaterials on sportswear fabric
pp. 6704-6709
Yongho Choi, Sang-Duk Lee and Shin Hwan Yoo
Conceptual Design Selection of
Manual Wheelchair for Elderly by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Method: A Case Study
pp. 6710-6719
Mohd Nazri Ahmad, N.A. Maidin, M.H.A. Rahman and M.H. Osman
Application of Optimal Pole
Shifting Control to Isolated Wind Energy System
pp. 6720-6729
I. E. Atawi
Kruskal-Wallis Test for the
Identification of Factors that Influence the Perception of Accidents in
Workers in the Construction Sector
pp. 6730-6734
Elias A. Bedoya-Marrugo, Luz E. Vargas-Ortiz, Carlos A. Severiche-Sierra
and Dario D. Sierra-Calderon
Multi-Level Privacy Preservation
and Transmission of Medical Records Using Cryptographic Technique
pp. 6735-6740
Karmel A and Saravanan
Experience in Applying the
Analysis and Risk Management Methodology called MAGERIT to Identify
Threats and Vulnerabilities in an Agro-industrial Company
pp. 6741-6750
Ricardo Guagalango Vega, Rubén Arroyo and Sang Guun Yoo
Behaviour of the Intraocular
Pressure during Manual and Vented Gas Forced Infusion in a Simulated
Pars Plana Vitrectomy
pp. 6751-6757
Marco Dal Vecchio, Antonio Maria Fea, Roberta Spinetta, Simone Luigi
Marasso, Matteo Cocuzza, Luciano Scaltrito and Giancarlo Canavese
Strength, Durability and Thermal
Performance of Ferrocement Panels for Use in Secondary Roofing
pp. 6758-6768
Mohamed Iburahim M, Dyana Joseline and Haji Sheik Mohammed M.S.
Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon
Steel in 1M HCl Medium using butanol Extract of Traganum Nudatum Del.
pp. 6769-6777
Messaouda Allaoui, Noureddine Gherraf, Oumelkheir. Rahim, Elyacout
Chebouat and Messaoud Gouamid
Analysis on Retrospective
Cardiac Disorder Using Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Techniques
pp. 6778-6787
Jyotismita Talukdar and Sanjib Kr. Kalita
Combating Cross-Site Scripting
Assaults without Proprietary Software
pp. 6788-6796
Ganga Rama Koteswara Rao and R.Satya Prasad
Decolonising the Engineering
curriculum in a South African University of Technology
pp. 6797-6805
Kehdinga G. Fomunyam
The Performance of ARIMAX Method
in Forecasting Number of Tuberculosis Patients in Malang Regency,
pp. 6806-6813
Wiwik Anggraeni, Niswati Pusparinda, Edwin Riksakomara, Febriliyan
Samopa and Pujiadi
Comparison between
Backpropagation and CNN for the Recognition of Traffic Signs
pp. 6814-6820
Jorge Enrique Zafra, Robinson Jimenez Moreno and Ruben Dario Hernández
A Parabolic-Curvilinear
Reverse-Flow Air-Flotation System (PAF) for Removal of Suspended Solids
in Sago Starch Production Wastewater Effluents
pp. 6821-6831
Oon Yin Wee, Law Puong Ling, Kopli Bujang and Lim Soh Fong
Estimation of Temperature
Distribution for Heating Mat Surface Using Infrared Thermography
pp. 6832-6840
J. R. Lim, B.Y.Kim and E.S. Jeon
The Effect of Binder Type and
Temperature Differential on The Rutting Performance of Hot Mix Asphalt
pp. 6841-6852
Sohaib Ghasan Abdulmajeed and Ratnasamy Muniandy
Numerical analysis of the
influence of turbulators constructive features on heat transfer in gas
turbine blade cooling channels
pp. 6853-6861
I.V. Shevchenko, N.D. Rogalev, V.O. Kindra, S.K. Osipov and D.M.
Structural Safety Analysis of
Main Shaft for Wind Power Generators Considering Mass Effect
pp. 6862-6869
Jong Hun Kang and HyoungWoo Lee
Performance Evaluation of
e-Advertising Framework using Intelligent Mobile Agents
pp. 6870-6880
Roopa G M and Nirmala C R
Survey on Robot Vision:
Techniques, Tools and Methodologies
pp. 6887-6896
Anuradha Thotakuri, T.Kalyani, Mahendra Vucha, Chinnaaiah.M.C and T.
Comparative performance analysis
of LBP and LTP based Facial Expression Recognition
pp. 6897-6900
Shaik Taj Mahaboob and S. Narayana Reddy
Strengthening Interaction from
Direct to Virtual Basis: Insights from Ethical and Professional
pp. 6901-6909
Miftachul Huda, Andino Maseleno, Kamarul Azmi Jasmi, Ismail Mustari and Bushrah Basiron
Climate Variability and Heat
Stress Index have Increasing Potential Ill-health and Environmental
Impacts in the East London, South Africa
pp. 6910-6918
Orimoloye Israel Ropo, Mazinyo Sonwabo Perez, Nel Werner and Iortyom
Enoch T.
NHPP Model based Reliability
Growth Management of a Hybrid DC-DC Converter
pp. 6919-6928
Kang H. Cho, Joong S. Jang and Sang C. Park
Cognition and Its Relationship
with Endogenous and Exogenous Factors in Engineering Students
pp 6929-6933
W. Fong-Silva, C.A. Severiche-Sierra, J. Jaimes-Morales, Y.A.
Marrugo-Ligardo and E.A. Espinosa-Fuentes
Thinking Process of Students
with High-Mathematics Ability (A Study on QSR Nvino 11-Assisted Data
pp. 6934-6940
Muhtarom, Yanuar Hery Murtianto and Sutrisno
Interpretation of Groundwater
Potential Zones Based on Lineament Pattern Data Analysis in Ambon
Island, Moluccas Province, Indonesia
pp. 6941-6945
Andi Agus Nur, Gumilar Utamas Nugraha, and Pulung Arya Pranantya
A Study on professors’ and
learners’ perceptions of real-time Online Korean Studies Courses
pp. 6946-6953
Haiyoung Lee, Sun Hee Park and Jeehye Ha
Construction of Control Systems
with High Potential of Robust Stability in the Case of Catastrophe
Elliptical Umbilic
pp. 6954-6961
Mamyrbek A. Beisenbi, Salamat T. Suleimenova, Vladimir V. Nikulin and
Dana K. Satybaldina
Weaknesses of Temporal
Credential-Based Mutual Authentication with a Multiple-Password Scheme
for Wireless Sensor Networks
pp. 6962-6969
Younsung Choi
Cloud Computing and Big Data is
there a Relation between the Two: A Study
pp. 6970-6982
Nabeel Zanoon, Abdullah Al-Haj and Sufian M Khwaldeh
Cyber Security Insurance Status
in Malawi
pp. 6983-6987
Kondwani Makanda and Hyunsung Kim
Improved Technique for
Verification of Call-return Flow Integrity for Compiler-based Defense
against Return-oriented Programming Attacks
pp. 6988-6996
Younsung Choi
Stability of Finite Difference
Method for Frost Heaving Calculation in 2D Space
pp. 6997-7000
Evgeniy V. Markov, Sergey A. Pulnikov, Yuri S. Sysoev and Aleksandr D.
Experience in Getting Access to
Remote Resources of a Complex Installation
pp. 7001-7006
Victor A. Rusakov
Reduction of Boundary Effects in
Thermal Calculation of Tanks on Permafrost Soils
pp. 7007-7010
Evgeniy V. Markov, Sergey A. Pulnikov and Yuri S. Sysoev
Investigation of Characteristics
in Electrical Discharge Machining Of Certain Cast Irons Using Response
Surface Methodology
pp. 7011-7018
M.Sai Ram and B. Srinivasa Varma
Robust Feature Selection Model
for Outlier Detection Using Fuzzy Clustering and Rule Mining
pp. 7019-7028
Karthikeyan G. and Balasubramanie P.
Rank-Based Weighted Rule Mining
Using Post Mining Methods with Ontology Support
pp. 7029-7032
G. Silambarasan, T. Anand and V.