12 Number 2, (2018)
The Effect of Natural Feeding
Combination on Growth and Survival of Synodontis Fish Larvae (Synonontis
pp. 79-86
Harisman, Ryan Hidayat, Ika Riezki
Ananda and Dan Sukendi
Effect of Temperature and Biomass Ratio on Fluidbed gasification using
Agro Waste
pp. 87-92
Sathish.S, Parthiban.A, Abraham Eben
Andrews.A Arun Raja.A and Karthick. P
Morphology and Histology of Mandibular Organ in Relation to Growth and
Reproduction in the Freshwater Crab Barytelphusa cunicularis
pp. 93-109
Navya Gopal and Arath Raghavan Sudha
Comparison of DSDV,AODV,DSR,QAODV with throughput and wavelength for
MANET by using NS3
pp. 111-119
K.Raghava Rao, K.R.R.MohanRao, M.
SriShiva Prasad Chowdary, P.SivaNagendram and K.Raj Gopal Reddy
Ovarian biology of Melicertus kerathurus (Forskäl, 1775) - (Crustacea-Penaeidae)
in the Arabian Gulf
pp. 121-145
Gaber Ibrahim, Naif AlQurashi, Abdullah
Hussein and Saeed Mujahid Hashimi
Ocean Surface Winds from Aquarius L-band Radiometer during Tropical
Cyclones: Case Studies
pp. 147-158
Abhineet Shyam and Neerja Sharma
Community structure of phytoplankton and its relationshp to waters
quality in Lombok Strait, North Lombok District, West Nusa Tenggara,
pp. 159-172
Muhammad Junaidi, Nurliah and Fariq
Oogenesis of the carpet sea squirt Didemnum vestitum (Kott, 2004)
(Ascidiacea-Aplousobranchia) in the Arabian Gulf - Ultrastructural
pp. 173-190
Gaber Ahmed Ibrahim
The Causes of Markdown Practices of Fishing Vessels in Nusantara Fishery
Port of Kejawanan Cirebon
pp. 191-199
Nurlaela.E, Mudzakir.A.K and Ghofar.A