International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)



Volume 15, Number 08  (2020)





Performance of Polar Code in High Altitude Platform Station based communication systems over a two-state switched channel model
pp. 762-769
Hien Thi Thu Nguyen

Time Characterization of Seismic Signals by Optimal Filter Selection
pp. 770-777
Carli Fabio and Carino Claudio

Neighborhood Resolving Sets of a Graph
Suma A. S, Lalita S Lamani, Silvia Leera Sequiera and B. Sooryanarayana

Implementation of Web-based Application for Conflict Analysis
pp. 782-785
Guru Rajesh Kaustubh and Dr. Pratiba D

Design and Make Propellers of Fishing Vessels
pp. 786-792
Andie Murtono, Moh. Subroto Alirejo and Nasirin

Low Cost Contrast Resolution Phantom for Computed Tomography
pp. 793-799
Ahmad Rafiq Mohammad Abu Arrah, Arif Faisal and Dwi Cahyani Ratna Sari

Domestic Language Accent Detector Using MFCC and GMM
pp. 800-803
Roshni Rajan.K and Annie P Joseph

Web Based System for Electronic and Electric Devices Maintenance
pp. 804-811
Rawan Alqahtani, Fai Alqahtani, Fay Almutlaq, Yazan M. Alomari and Mohammad Awni Mahmoud

Experimental Study on Combined Savonius and H- Rotor Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with NACA Airfoil as its Blade
pp. 812-816
Andrew Nathaniel and Wegie Ruslan

Neighborhood Pseudo Chromatic Polynomial of Graphs
M. Jayalakshmi and R. Divya

Hand Hygiene App -Calculation Simplified with Substantial Analysis
pp. 823-826
Swapna. Pawar, Samantha.Lairenlakpam, Namrata Kunder, Kapil Joshi, Dr Shashikala Shivaprakash and Jayanti. Sengunthar

Handwritten Character Recognition from Ancient Palm Leaves using Gabor based MultiLayer Architecture:GMA
pp. 827-834
Jyothi.R.L and Abdul Rahiman.M

POCT: Value creation through a disruptive technology in health: processes associated with the use of rapid tests in practice vs. those made in the laboratory; for early detection of syphilis, HIV and Hepatitis B in maternal
pp. 835-841
Nubia Varela Morato and Lizzeth Andrea Ortiz Varela

Overview of Solar Assisted Cooling Technologies
pp. 843-863
Ahmed Abbas SHAHHATH, Haroun SHAHAD and Alaa Abbas MAHDI

Study and Analysis of Audiogram Matching for Reconfigurable FIR Filter Bank Use in Hearing Aids
pp. 864-872
Prof.Manik Sonawane and Dr.Mrs. Sangita R.Chougule

Deep learning techniques to diagnose COVID-19 big data based on features extracted from CT and x-ray images
pp. 873-883
Majd Alhawamdeh, Ghaith Jaradat and Hamzeh Alhawamdeh




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