Volume 15, Number 12 (2020)
Analysis of the Relationship
between Transportation Costs and Performance of Arterial Roads in Order
to Achieve Optimal Traffic Management in Kendari City
pp. 1103-1108
Nasrul, Usman Rianse, Hasbullah Syaf and Laode Magribi
Mangrove Distribution and Its
Imperative for a Collaborative Ecosystem Management Approach in Maluku
pp. 1109-1115
Debby Vemiancy Pattimahu and Fanny Soselisa
Improved Skin Lesion Detection
and Segmentation by Fusing Texture and Geometric Features
pp. 1116-1121
Nidhi Bansal, S. Sridhar and P.L. Daisy Priya
Experimental Study of Two,
Two-Reversed, Three and Four Blade IceWind Turbine
pp. 1122-1134
T. Gad, A. Shokry, R. Afify, E. Saber and M. Hassan
Designing Of Micro Perforated
Panels for Low Frequency Passive Acoustic Absorption
pp. 1135-1141
Sreeja. R, Divya.D, Premlet. B and Roxy.M.S
Indoor Positioning System
pp. 1142-1146
Jaini Rutvik