11, Number 9 (2016)
The Continuity of Astrolabe as a Multipurpose Astrofiqh Instrument
pp 6081-6086
Mohd Hafiz Safiai, Ibnor Azli Ibrahim, Ezad Azraai Jamsari, Md Yazid
Ahmad and Badlihisham Mohd Nasir
Selecting relevant features for
providing improved recommender system through Question Answering task
pp 6087-6096
Janet Rajeswari and Shanmugasundaram Hariharan
Improving of gas-liquid mass
transfer in a Stirred Tank Bioreactor: A CFD Approach
pp 6097-6108
Lilibeth Caridad Niño López, Mariana Peñuela and Germán Ricardo
Structure prediction of Stem
Bromelain from pineapples (Ananas Comosus) using procaricain enzyme as a
modelling template
pp 6109-6111
Fatahiya Mohamed Tap, Fadzilah Adibah Abd Majid and Nurul Bahiyah Ahmad
A Comparative Study of
National/Public Universities and Private Universities on Education
Service Quality Affecting Satisfaction and Loyalty
pp 6112-6116
Sung-Kyung Yang, Ji-Young Lee and Seong-Woo Choi
Detection and Tracking over Image
Pyramids using Lucas and Kanade Algorithm
pp 6117-6120
Viacheslav Tarasenko and Dong-Won Park
Evaluation of multimedia usage
for supporting blended learning
pp 6121-6127
Adhistya Erna Permanasari, Esty Swandana, Indriana Hidayah and Eny
Sukani Rahayu
Structural Health Monitoring of
Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete Structures Using X-Ray Diffraction
pp 6128-6131
N. K. Dhapekar and D. M. Chopkar
CQS: Heuristics to Capitalize on
Quality of Service for Cooperative Underlay Spectrum Sensing in
Cognitive Radio Ad hoc Networks
pp 6132-6138
N. Shribala, P. Srihari and B.C. Jinaga
Transform Based Techniques for
ECG Signal Compression
pp 6139-6143
Surekha K.S and B. P. Patil
Advanced Nonlinear Control of A
Fish Population Model
pp 6144-6150
Younes Adnani, El houssine EL Mazoudi, Jamila EL Alami, Noureddine
Elalami and Nissrine Drioui
Research of Local Current Density Distribution over the Area of PV Cells
pp 6151-6154
Leonid D. Saginov
Physical and Chemical
Fundamentals of Obtaining Reusable Oil Sorbents Based on Low-Alkali
Aluminoborosilicate Glasses and Regularities of Oil Absorption by them
pp 6155-6159
Vadim E. Kogan, Anastasia A. Gafiullina and Petr V. Zgonnik
Iterative Channel Decoding of
FEC-Based Multiple Descriptions using LDPC-RS Product Codes
pp 6160-6167
Saikat Majumder and Shrish Verma
Justification of Drilling and
Blasting Parameters for the Conditions of Vostochno-Beysky Open-Cut
pp 6168-6173
Korshunov G.I, Rudakov M.L and Afanasyev P.I
Adaptive E-Learning for Efficient
E-Book Search
pp 6174-6177
N.Vigneshwari and R.Rajkumar
Field layout analysis for Russian
pp 6178-6184
Vitali Kliatskine, Oleg Slavin and Vladimir Arlazarov
Sustainable Development and
Corporate Social Responsibility of Russian Mining Companies
pp 6185-6188
Leonid S. Sinkov, Grigory B. Malyshkov
A New and Simple Space Vector
Modulated Front-End PWM Rectifier feeding 3-Ph Induction Motor Drive for
near Unity Power Factor and Low Supply Current Harmonics Operation at
Line Side
pp 6189-6194
Mahedihusain A. Lokhandwala and Hina B. Chandwani
Energy Efficient Task
Provisioning for Distributed Cloud Networks using Meta Heuristic
Multidisciplinary Technique
pp 6195-6199
M. Dhanalakshmi and Anirban Basu
A Power Saving Multiplication
pp 6200-6203
S. Subha and R. Sakthivel
Analysis of Permeability
Variation of Gas Sand Reservoir toward the Low Frequency Seismic
Reflection Based on Well and Seismic Data
pp 6204-6209
Sudarmaji, Sismanto, Waluyo and BambangSoedijono
The Effect of Titanium Chlorides
on Corrosion Resistance of Materials
pp 6210-6213
Kuzhaeva А.А and Grigorieva L.V
Sorption of Anionic Complexes of
Lanthanum on Weakly Basic Anion
pp 6214-6218
O. Cheremisina, M. Ponomareva and V. Sagdiev
Compacting Biogas Digester for
Installation in the Backyard
pp 6219-6226
Neena Ahuja, Dipali Bansal and Khwaja M. Rafi
Method of Choice of the
Robot-Manipulator of Laparoscope Controlling in the Minimally Invasive
pp 6230-6235
Y.Y. Bliznyuk, V.I. Finaev, O.V. Kosenko, E.A. Shestova and E.D.
Stabilization Of Stone Slurry
Waste With Cement And Cohesive Soils
pp 6236-6243
Nabil Al-Joulani
Comparative Analysis of Content
Based Image Retrieval using Texture Features for Plant Leaf Diseases
pp 6244-6249
Jayamala K.Patil and Rajkumar
Attack of malicious objects in
computer network under antivirus and quarantine defence
pp 6250-6253
Prasant Kumar Nayak, Debdas Mishra and Subhashree Ram
Image Fusion of mammogaphy images
using Meta Heuristic Method Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
pp 6254-6258
M Prema Kumar and P Rajesh Kumar
Design and manufacturing of a
plasma torch for deposition of α-alumina nanolayer by atmospheric plasma
pp 6259-6263
Samad sobhanian
Spectacles, Themed Architecture
and Urban Replicas Places Shaped for Globalization
pp 6264-6270
Hussam Hussein Salama and Rania Said Shafik
Parametrical Study of Natural
Organic Materials as Admixture in Concrete
pp 6271-6277
G.K. Patel and S.V.Deo
Analyzing and Predicting User
Behavior Pattern from Weblogs
pp 6278-6283
P. G. Om Prakash and A. Jaya
Implementing Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks with Improved AODV Protocol
pp 6284-6289
Ravi Kumar, Charllo Bala Vignesh, Sreena Nallamothu and Saranya KC
An Approach for Detection and
Classification of Transmission Line Faults by Wavelet Analysis
pp 6290-6296
Preety Gupta and R.N. Mahanty
Transmission line protection by wavelet analysis
pp 6297-6304
Preeti Gupta and R. N. Mahanty
Robust Biometrics Based
Authentication Scheme Using Watermarking
pp 6305-6308
M. Raghavi and M. Rajasekar
Performance Analysis of
Clustering Algorithms for 3d Medical Image Rendering and Its Volume
pp 6309-6311
Kalyanapu Srinivas and B. Raja Srinivasa Reddy
Performance Analysis of 1.8 GHz
to 5 GHz HEMT Multiband Mixer
pp 6312-6317
Sonam Tiwari, J. Manjula and Sourabh Tiwari
Smart Parking Management System
Using Vehicle Authentication
pp 6318-6324
I.V. Vaibhav and A. Ramya
Design and Development of Optimal
Software Architecture Using Grounded Theory
pp 6325-6327
Vinay Krishna and Anirban Basu
Papermaking Plant Static Load
Characteristics Experimental Determination
pp 6328-6333
Aleksandr Nikolaevich Skamyin and Evgeniy Anatolevich Lyubin
Securely Coupled and Extendable
Role Based Access Control (SERBAC) in Public Cloud
pp 6334-6341
Sunitha B S and Anir Ban Basu
Immunity of Web Camera against
Electrostatic Discharge
pp 6342-6344
Stanislav Kovář, Jan Valouch, Hana Urbančoková and Milan Adámek
The Effect of Socio-Economic
Status, Environmental Knowledge and Mitigation Attitude Toward Disaster
preventionBehavior Of Community in The Coastal Area of Makassar City
pp 6345-6349
Muhammad Amir Mallarangan, WasirThalib, Maddatuang, Guntur Yusuf and
Gufran Darma Dirawan
Solvent Sublation of the TB (III)
From Aqueous Solutions with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
pp 6350-6354
O. Lobacheva and Berlinskii
A Comparison And Prediction
Analysis For The Diagnosis Of Parkinson Disease Using Data Mining
Techniques On Voice Datasets
pp 6355-6360
Tarigoppula.V.S.Sriram, M. Venkateswara Rao and DSVGK Kaladhar
Detail Optimization of the Tesla
Model S to Alleviate Aero-acoustic Noise and Increase Range
pp 6361-6372
Karan Raul Viegas and Yagnavalkya Mukkamala
Determination of the
Uncertainties and the Physiological Similarities of Family Members by
using the Biometric Device the Broadway 3D
pp 6373-6375
Hana Talandova, Lukas Kralik and Milan Adamek
Round-Trip Assembly for
Investigations of Subglacial Lake Vostok
pp 6376-6380
Nikolai I. Vasilev, Alexey V. Bolshunov, Andrei N. Dmitriev and Aleksei
V. Podoliak
Supporting Reliable Data Deletion
for NAND-based Gadgets with Limited Memory
pp 6381-6386
I. Shin
Spectral Sensitivity Design of
Imaging Sensor Regarding Color Fidelity and Noise Characteristic
pp 6387-6391
Moon-Cheol Kim
Improving interference alignment
of Gaussian MIMO X Channel and the Gaussian MIMO Z channel
pp 6392-6395
Katamreddy Krishna Sai Anirudh, Pondugula Tarun Reddy, Ravi Kumar and
saranya KC
Effectiveness the use of Virtual
Laboratories in Improving Vocational Competence and Character Behavior
for Students Vocational High School in Makassar
pp 6396-6401
Hendra Jaya, Sapto Haryoko, and Gufran Darma Dirawan
Synthesis Procedure of the Power
Supply Systems Topology at Mineral Resource Enterprises based on
Logical-Probabilistic Assessments
pp 6402-6406
Denis Anatolyevich Ustinov and Sergey Vasilyevich Baburin
Institutional Stressors among
Engineering Faculty of Select Colleges in Nellore District, Andhra
pp 6407-6410
G. Uma Maheswari and N. Sundaram
The technology of directional
drilling in ice via drills on carrying cable
pp 6411-6417
Aleksei V. Podoli0k and Pavel A. Blinov
Crumb Rubber Utilization in
Pavements to Improve the Durability: An Experimental Study
pp 6418-6423
SS. Asadi, T. NagaSeshu Babu, B. Harish Kumar, M. Sumanth, G. Sumanth
Kumar, S. Harsha vardhan and P. Khasim khan
A New 2 Directional Direction of
Arrival Estimation Algorithm for Smart Antenna
pp 6424-6429
Sitakanta Maharatha and Mainak Mukhopadhyay
Technology of Monitoring and
Control Algorithm Design for Earth-Moving Machine
pp 6430-6434
Oleg Igorevich Maksimychev, Andrey Mikhailovich Ivakhnenko, Andrey
Vladimirovich Ostroukh, Dmitry Borisovich Ephimenko, Pavel Yurievich
Zbavitel and Maria Yurievna Karelina
The Simulation Model of
Autonomous Truck Caravan Movement in Terms of an Extreme and
Non-Stationary Environment
pp 6435-6440
Dmitry Akimov, Valery Ivchenko, Petr Krug, Tatyana Morozova, Andrey
Ostroukh and Ildar Sadyko
Automated Control System of Road
Construction Works
pp 6441-6446
Oleg Igorevich Maksimychev, Maria Yurievna Karelina, Andrey
Vladimirovich Ostroukh, Sultan Vladimirovich Zhankaziev, Denis
Andreevich Pastukhov and Yashar Elshan-ogly Nuruev
Scalability Improvement of Tunnel
FET on SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) with Intrinsic Channel Penetrated into
Drain Region
pp 6647-6450
Jong-Wook Lee
Wavelet Estimation of THD Based
on Hilbert Transform Extraction
pp 6451-6456
Emad A. Awada, Mohammad H. Alomari and Eyad Radwan
A recommendation System Based on
user’s Content Consumption Patterns and Objects of the Interest
pp 6457-6461
Sung-Woo Byun, So-Min Lee and Seok-Pil Lee
Hydride Vapor-phase Epitaxial
Growth of GaN Template on Patterned Sapphire Substrate and Its
pp 6462-6464
Sung Soo Park
CFD Analysis on Ahmed Body and
the suggested aerodynamic changes to the Ahmed Body
pp 6465-6471
Sparsh Sharma and Yagnavalkya Mukkamala
Control of the Home Appliances
using Mobile Telephony
pp 6472-6478
Akshay S, Arun K and Sunu P. B
An EOQ Inventory Model for
Deteriorating Items with Linear Demand, Salvage Value and Partial
pp 6479-6484
Pandit Jagatananda Mishra, Trailokyanath Singh and Hadibandhu Pattanayak
Optimization for a Novel Single Switch Resonant Power Converter using GA
to improve MPPT efficiency of PV Applications
pp 6485-6488
M Siva Ram Kumar, A Amudha and R Rajeev
Energy Efficient Shift-Based Sleep Scheduling Mechanism for WSN
Deployment in Rescuebots
pp 6489-6496
Selvakumar R and Prasadh K
Performance Evaluation of an Augmented Session Dissimilarity Matrix of
Web User Sessions Using Relational Fuzzy C-means clustering
pp 6497-6503
Dilip Singh Sisodia, Shrish Verma and Om Prakash Vyas
Sliced Images and Encryption Techniques in Steganography Using Multi
Threading For Fast Retrieval
pp 6504-6509
A. Balasubramani and Chdv. Subba Rao
FPGA Implementation of Image Compression and Denoisng Scheme for
Satellite images
pp 6510-6516
Sendamarai.P and Giriprasad M.N
Enabling Secure Acoustic Communication for Smartphones
pp 6517-6520
S. V. Juno Bella Gracia, Rahul. G, Jeyavignesh. R and Suriya Vasan. R
Free Vibration Analysis of Cantilever Beam of Different Materials
pp 6521-6524
Nirmall. T and Vimala.S
Simultaneous optimization of multiple quality characteristics in TIG
welding of AA5083; H111 Aluminum Alloy using Response Surface
Methodology coupled with composite desirability function
pp 6525-6541
Suneel Ramachandra Joshi and Jagadeesh Puttappa Ganjigatti
Beam Steering Double Triangular Loop Antenna for UWB Communication
pp 6542-6545
Arun Raaza, K. Priyadarshni and R. Sathya
Implementation of LLL Based Preprocessor for MIMO Detection
pp 6546-6553
Midhun M. Pillai, Archana T.M and K Ferents Koni Jiavana
Energy Efficient Geographic Routing Protocol on Smart Car Parking in
Wireless Sensor Networks
pp 6554-6562
M. Rahimal Beevi and R. Kalaimaga
A New Approach for Information Collection from Web With Ontology
pp 6563-6567
T V K P Prasad, V. Dilip Kumar, T Srinivasa Rao and D Madhu Babu
Cloud Billing & Verification of Consumed Resources and Storage Spaces by
a Cloud User
pp 6568-6576
Rajesh Bose, Himadri Biswas, Debabrata Sarddar and Manas Kumar Sanyal
Sharing Visual Secrets with Click Points Encryption
pp 6577-6582
Amal C and R. Joshua Samuel Raj
Decentralized Non-Linear Control of Leader-Follower Formation of
Multiple Autonomous Mobile Robots
pp 6583-6590
Azza El-Sayed Bayoumi Ibrahim
Nutrition Facts Label Processing using Image Segmentation and Token
Matching based on OCR
pp 6591-6597
Apoorva P, Bindushree.M and Bhamati.H.A
Secret Key Sharing Using Homomorphic Commitments and its application to
Threshold Cryptography
pp 6598-6602
P. Swetha and P. Premchand
Intelligent Multi-Line Lubricating Mechanism Based on Temperature
Monitoring System
pp 6603-6606
Murugesan R, Thanikachalam R and Veeranaath V
Development of a spatial decision support system for Milli Watershed
management in Zaheerabad, that combines volunteered geographic
information system with Cloud Mobile Data Collection
pp 6607-6612
M.A. Kalam, M. Ramesh, N. Bhaskara Rao and P. Kesava Rao
Development of algorithms ensemble in case of the solution of the task
of statistical classification in recommender systems
pp 6613-6618
Vasiliy S. Kireev and Igor A. Kuznetsov
Frequent Itemsets Mining with VIL - Tree Algorithm
pp 6619-6624
Supatra Sahaphong
Fuzzy logic based Load Forecasting
pp 6625-6626
Aanchal Tehlan and Vijay Kumar
The Method of Determining the Effects of Drilling Fluid on the Stability
of Loose Rocks
pp 6627-6629
Pavel A. Blinov and Aleksei V. Podoliak
The Process of Hardening Loose Rock by Mud Filtrat
pp 6630-6632
Pavel Aleksandrovich Blinov and Mikhail Vladimirovich Dvoynikov
Analysis of Secured Energy Efficient Key Management in Wormhole Attack
pp 6633-6636
M. Mythily and S. Saravana Kumar
Deployment of a fuzzy XNOR based evaluativ system for the
maintainability features of aspect oriented systems
pp 6637-6642
Ananthi Sheshasaayee and Roby Jose
MPEG-2 and ECC Security in DCT Domain
pp 6643-6647
Samia Bouaziz, Ramzi Hadaji and Abdellatif Mtibaa
Effective Grade Planning and Instant Cloud Storage Provisioning
pp 6648-6650
T. Sumathy and S. Saravana Kumar
Moving Object Segmentation from Underwater Videos Using Adaptive
Collective Background Learning Approach
pp 6651-6654
Hemavathy R, Rashmi G N and Shobha G
A Study on the Posture Based Control of Robotic Fixation Device
pp 6655-6659
DongJun Lee, TaeseonYoon and Chibum Lee
Preliminary Studies on the Application of Laboratory Scaled Stepped
Solar Still for Seawater Treatment in Ukm, Bangi
pp 6660-6664
Mohamad Affendi Ismail, Fatihah Suja and Rada Zarasvand Asadi
A Joint Recovery Transaction Model in MANET Network Environment
pp 6665-6670
K. Ramesh and M.A. Dorai Rangaswamy
Performance Analysis of Patient Monitoring Wireless Body Area Networks
using Queueing Models
pp 6671-6675
Kusum Grewal Dangi and Supriya P Panda
Inverse Secure Restrained
Domination in the Join and Corona of Graphs
pp 6676-6679
Edward M. Kiunisala and Enrico L. Enriquez
An Adaptive Fuzzy C-Means
(AFCM) Clustering Method for Retrieval of Videos in Multimedia
pp 6680-6688
Manjunath R and S. Balaji
Analysis of Factors Influencing Procurement Process and Proposing a
Decision Making Module for Construction Projects on Multi-Site Context
pp 6689-6693
Nikhil C Laby, A Arokiaprakash, M Indira and S Manivel
Measurement of Temperature Dependence of Complex Susceptibility and its
Anisotropy in Ferromagnetic Material
pp 6694-6700
Energy Efficient Polynomial Based Group Key Management Protocol for
Secure Group Communications in MANET
pp 6701-6705
G.Narayana, M.Akkalakshmi and A.Damodaram
Distributed System Reconfiguration For Energy Losses Reduction With The
Consideration of Load Growth
pp 6706-6710
D Sattianadan, LintoThottan, K. Selvakumar and C.S.Boopathi
Placement Of Fuel Cell And Wind Turbine In Distributionsystem
pp 6711-6715
D Sattianadan, M PavanSekhar, K. Selvakumar and C.S.Boopathi
Identifying Malicious Nodes and Performance Analysis in VANET
pp 6716-6719
J. Nethravathy and G. Maragatham
A Novel RSS-Ratio Indoor Positioning scheme in WLAN environments
pp 6720-6724
Younguk Yun, Nammoon Kim and Youngok Kim
A Sensor Subsystem of An Exoskeleton
pp 6725-6730
S.A. Mineev, V.A. Novikov, I.V. Kuzmina, R.A. Shatalin and I.V. Grin
Finite Element Analysis of a Spruce Timber Beam Reinforced by FRP
pp 6731-6735
Claudio Carino and Fabio Carli
Technocenological approach to managing power supplying substation loads
pp 6736-6739
Mikhail I. Bozhkov and Vladimir N. Kostin
Geometrical Modeling of Facial
Regions and CUDA based Parallel Face Segmentation for Emotion
pp 6740-6752
Sabu George
Effect of thickness on impact resistance of lightweight aggragate
pp 6753-6756
Javad Yahaghi, Zakaria Che Muda, Payam Shafigh and Salmia ButBeddu
Correlation between Peak Ground Acceleration and Strength Parameters of
Residual Soil
pp 6757-6759
Noor Hasnida Baharudin, Anuar Kasa, Zamri Chik, Mohd Raihan Taha and
Azlan Adnan
Simulation Crack Growth in the Wall of Cylindrical Steel Storage Tank
under Complex Stress State
pp 6760-6766
Anastasiia Lyagova
Determination of some Physicochemical Properties from two Different
Cranberry Bean, Phaseolus Vulgaris Species
pp 6767-6773
A.J. García, K.A. Moreno, M. Acevedo-Morantesa and A. Realpe-Jiménez
The effect of electromagnetic stirring during solidifying on the copper
alloys structure (Cu + 2% Sn)
pp 6774-6781
B. Hamri
Discrete Time Sliding Mode Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems Based
on Estimation of Uncertainties and External Disturbances
pp 6782-6786
Ibtissem Bsili, Jalel Ghabi and Hassani Messaoud
Theoretical and mathematical development of gate operated two stroke
magnetic piston engine
pp 6787-6793
Manoj Gattani, Sahoo P.K. and Parag Diwan
Determination of Displacements in the Biomechanical Orthodontic System
by Using Finite Elements Method
pp 6794-6799
Kadry Ali Ezzat, Ahmed H. Kandil, Sahar Ali Fawzi and Ahmed M. El-Bialy
Application of Image Processing and Computer Vision on Rice Seed
Germination Analysis
pp 6800-6807
B. Lurstwut and C. Pornpanomchai
Basic priorities of innovative development Russian regions
pp 6808-6816
Mottaeva Angela Bahauovna and Mottaeva Asiyat Bahauovna
The Effect of Tax Clientele for Fund Investment on Fund Manager’s
Behavior in Fund Market: The Case of Korea
pp 6817-6823
Hyeong Tae Cho and Sung Man Yoon
Divergence on Students’ Interest in Engineering Program and Academic
Performance in General and Professional Courses as Input to K-12
Engineering Education
pp 6824-6831
Jake M. Laguador, Nestor C. Camello, Conrado I. Dotong, Nemy H. Chavez
and Evelyn L. De Castro
The State of Modern Malicious Software: Foundations of Study on
pp 6832-6834
Alexander A. Grebenkov and Elena O. Yakovleva
A study on NOx removal performance of SCR catalyst wash coated on the
metal foam substrate
pp 6835-6839
Woo-Jin Na, Jong-Seong Bang, Min-Kee Jeon and Hea-Kyung Park
Two-and three-dimensional algoritms for hashing and pseudo random number
generation targeted to CUDA implementation
pp 6840-6845
A. U. Kolmykov and N. P. Vasilyev
Implementation Flight Simulator Size Scale using Parallel Stewart
pp 6846-6849
Oscar F Avilés S, CarlosI. Zubieta and Mauricio F. Mauledoux M
A DTQ Scheduling Algorithm with Check pointing approach in Computational
pp 6850-6855
S. Gokuldev, Arjun Ashokan and Rajeev R
Thermal Unit Commitment Strategy Integrated with Solar Energy System
K.Selcakumar, B.Vignesh, C.S.Boopathi and T.Kannan
Gas Leakage Detection and Rectification Using GSM
pp 6861-6864
V. Hazarathaiah, Ch. Krishna Mohan, S. Rahulgowtham and A. K. Mariselvam
A turbulence model for momentum and heat transfer in internal flow of
viscous non-Newtonian fluids
pp 6865-6871
Vedula Dharma Rao, Bhagavatula Lakshmipathi Raju and Banavath
Quantitative Performance Analysis for the Family of Enhanced Strange
Points Clustering Algorithms
pp 6872-6880
Terence Johnson and Santosh Kumar Singh
Improved Steganography using Enhanced K Strange Points Clustering
pp 6881-6885
Terence Johnson, Santosh Kumar Singh, Valerie Menezes, Edrich Rocha,
Shriyan Walke, Diksha Khorjuvekar and Sana Pathan