13 Number 1, (2019)
Inter-annual variability of
mesoscale eddy occurrence in the western Arabian Sea
pp. 1-23
Sergey A. Piontkovski, Muna
H.Al-Tarshi, Sabrina M.Al-Ismaili, Sultana S.H.Al-Jardani and Yasmin
The Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Based on the Nutrient Content of the
Substrate and the Density of the Mangrove in Karangsong Village,
Indramayu District, Indramayu Regency
pp. 25-36
Nurpermadi.G, Supriharyono and
Muskananfola M.R
Marine Habitat Distribution and Substrate Composition of Dangli Group of
Islands, Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark, Kedah, Malaysia
pp. 37-56
Jamil Tajam and Mazlin Mokhtar
Determination of Annual Dose Rate of Natural Radionuclides in Man from
Fishes in Victoria Island Lagoon, Southwest of Nigeria
pp. 57-64
Olusegun Sowole, Kolawole Abiodun
Egunjobi and Funke Roseline Amodu
Chemical and Minerals Composition of Dried Seaweed Eucheuma spinosum
Collected from Indonesia Coastal Sea Regions
pp. 65-71
Andarini Diharmi, Dedi Fardiaz and Nuri
Healthy Environmental Management Strategyin the Industrial Processing of
Patin Fish
pp. 73-80
The Applied of Cobb-Douglas Production Function with Determinants
Estimation of Small-Scale Fishermen's Catches Production
pp. 81-95
Abd. Rahim, Diah Retno Dwi Hastuti,
Firmansyah, Wardihan Sabar and Agus Syam
The Strategic Management Analysis of Fish Auction Facilities in Bantul
pp. 97-110
Handaka Ari Pamungkas, Aristi Dian PF
and Dian Wijayanto
Fishermen’s Perception on Bilge Polution Prevention Non-Convention Boats
at Bajomulyo Coastal Fisheries Port
pp. 111-119
Fuad Ardani Rahman, Haeruddin,
Sahabuddin Sunusi and Bhekti Kumorowati
Design and Development of IoT Based Smart Aquaculture System in a Cloud
pp. 121-127
S.Balakrishnan, S.Sheeba Rani and
Sea Level Rise-Impacted Tuban Coastal Vulnerability Model
pp. 129-146
Marita Ika Joesidawati, Suntoyo,
Wahyudi and Kriyo Sambodo
IOT Based Fishery Management System
pp. 147-152
J.Janet, S.Balakrishnan and S.Sheeba
Depth Influence on the Zooxanthellae Abundance and Primary Productivity
of Branching and Massive Corals on Bama Beach Baluran National Park
pp. 153-166
Raut Nugrahening Widhi, Supriharyono
and Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo
Embryogenesis of Marsupenaeus japonicus (Bate, 1888) under normal and
treated conditions with emphasis on the localization of the
neuropeptide, RF-amide during larval metamorphosis in normal condition
pp. 167-187
Gaber Ibrahim, Naif AlQurashi, Abdullah
Hussein and Saeed Mujahid Hashimi
Production and Characteristics of Rebon Shrimp (Mysis relicta) Protein
Hydrolysate with Different Concentrations of Papain Enzymes
pp. 189-198
Suparmi , Harahap, Nursyirwani, Irwan
Efendi and Dewita
Are hydrographic mesoscale structures associated with the mass nesting
behavior of the olive ridley sea turtle?
pp. 199-209
Erik Coria-Monter, David Alberto Salas
de León, María Adela Monreal-Gómez and Elizabeth Durán-Campos
Automatic Wireless Water Management System(AWWMS) for Smart Vineyard
Irrigation using IoT Technology
pp. 211-218
J. Daniel Francis Selvaraj, P.Mano Paul
and I. Diana Jeba Jingle
Evaluation of the Water Quality of Damietta Harbor: Using the
Zooplankton Diversity and the Traditional Water Quality Parameters
pp. 219-236
Wael S. El-Tohamy, Yasmine A. M. Azab
and Nagwa E. M. Abdel Aziz
Study of Characteristics and the Coverage of Tsunami Wave Using 2D
Numerical Modeling in the South Coast of Bali, Indonesia
pp. 237-250
A. A. Md. Ananda Putra Suardana, Denny
Nugroho Sugianto and Muhammad Helmi
Natural Language Processing System for Fetching Ocean Related
Information Based on Ontology
pp. 251-257
K.N.Sivabalan and S.Balakrishnan