10 Number 1, (2016)
Optimization of the Gas Wells Performance Indicators
pp. 1-11
Yanukyan Aram Pogosovich, Lushpeev Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Nagaeva
Svetlana Nikolaevna and Sorokin Pavel Mikhaylovich
Economic Valuation of Mangrove
Forest Ecosystem in Indragiri Estuary
pp. 13-17
Zulkarnaini and Mariana
Optimize The Use Of Liquid Rumen In
Fermentation Process On Increased The Nutrients Waste Vegetables For
Tilapia`S Feed
pp. 19-28
Murni and Darmawati
Dissolved Organic (DOC) And Inorganic Carbon (DIC) And Its Distribution
In The Nearshore Waters Off Port Blair, Andaman Islands, India
pp. 29-48
P. M. Mohan, R. K. Kumari, M. Muruganantham, V. V. Ubare, C. Jeeva and
S. Chakraborty
Impact of Microphysics Schemes in
the Simulation of Cyclone Hudhud using WRF-ARW model
pp. 49-59
Dhana Lakshmi Douluri and K. Annapurnaiah
The Management of Mangrove Ecosystem Based on Mitigation: Case Study in
Mangrove Area of Tongke-Tongke, South Sulawesi
pp. 61-71
Abdul Haris Sambu and Irma Sribianti
Hardware Co-simulation of
Underwater Moving Object Detection using Xilinx Sistem Generator
pp. 73-80
Alex Raj S.M and Supriya M.H