Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology (ACST) Print ISSN 0973-6107 Online ISSN 0974-4738
Aims and Scope: The Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology (ACST) is an international research journal, which publishes top-level work from all areas of Computational Sciences and Technology. Areas and subareas of interest include (but are not limited to) Programming Languages; Software Development; Graphics for Science and Engineering; Solid, Surface and Wireframe Modelling; Animation; Data Management and Display; Image Processing; Flight Simulation; VLSI Design; Process Simulation; Neural Networks and their Applications; Fuzzy Systems Theory and Applications; Fault-Tolerant Systems; Visual Interactive Modelling; Supercomputing; Optical Computing; Soft Computing; Data Structures and Network Algorithms; Genetic Algorithms and Evolutional Systems; Very Large Scale Scientific Computing; Molecular Modelling; Scientific Computing in Emerging Critical Technologies; Computational Learning and Cognition; Computational Methods in Geosciences-Oceanographic and Atmospheric Systems; Computational Medicine; Artificial Intelligence; Cybernetics; Computer Security Issues; Evolutionary and Innovative Computing and more...
Publication Date and Frequency: Two issue per year.
Submission : Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (ACST) in subject line.
INDEXING: GOOGLE Scholar, JournalSeek, EBSCOhost, ICI, Index Copernicus.
Annual Subscription Price: (Outside India) Library/ Institutional: Print : US$480.00 Online Only: US$460.00 Print+online:US$520.00 Individual/ Personnel: Print US$240.00 Inside India: Rs.3000.00