Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics (JCIB)


Volume 15 Number 1 (2022)





Cluster Based Efficient Secure Routing Using Particle Swarm Optimization in Manets
Mang-I Vai

A Survey on Gossip Protocol and its Applications
Min Du

Energy Efficient Approach for Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mang-I Vai

Classification of Disease Severity Based on Symptoms on the Human Eye
Min Du

Energy and Environmental Performance: Exploratory Indicators in the Accommodation Sector in Jordan
Mario Cifrek

Buffer Based Parallel Downloading in P2P Network
Sio-Hang Pun

Redundancy Reduced Gossip-Adaptive Protocol for Live N to N Dynamic Multicast Communication with Low Latency Topology
Hongyun Zhang

A Novel Size Invariant Visual Secret Sharing Scheme to Store Multiple Secrets
Farzad Safaei

Segmentation of Multispectral Image Using Enhanced Watershed Transform
Le Chung Tran







