International Review of Applied Engineering Research (IRAER) 



Volume 3  Number 1  (2013)




Comparative Analysis of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Ci Engine using CNG and Neem Oil Blends
pp. 1-12 
Authors: Pandurang Rathod and M. C. Navindgi


Assessment of SIF’s for a Crack with Single and Double Patches Using FEM
pp. 13-21
Authors: P. Ashok Kumar, Dr. P. Ravinder Reddy , M. Santhosha Kumari and Dr. A.V.S.S.K.S. Gupta


OFDM Trans-receiver in VHDL using Simulink from MATLAB 
pp. 23-29 
Authors: Shruti Khandelwal and Prof. Pankaj Gulhane


Implementation of AC–DC Boost Converter for Low Power Energy Harvesting
pp. 31-36 
Author: Dr. M. Gopinath


Optimal Synthesis of Planar Eight-Bar Mechanism for Function Generation: A Variable Topology Approach
pp. 37-44
Authors: Dr. Shivanand G. Sarganachari and Dr.V. B. Math


Modeling the Diffusional Mass Transfer of Glucose in Microbial Production of L-glutamic Acid
pp. 45-54 
Authors: N.S. Khana, R. P. Singhb and B. Prasadc


Effect of Corrosion on Degradation of RC Members 
pp. 55-66 
Authors: Akshatha Shetty, Dr. Katta Venkataramana and Dr. K.S. Babu Narayan


Analysis and Optimization of Robot Plasma Coating Efficiency using Taguchi and Regression Analysis
pp. 67-79 
Authors: Anusha, S.Prabhu and Nirmal Panda


Performance and Emission Characteristics of CI Engine Fueled with Esterified Algae Oil
pp. 81-86 
Authors: S. Prabhakar and K. Annamalai


Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Cryogenic Treated M2 Tool Steel 
pp. 87-96 
Authors: Shyam A. Sonawane and Vipin K. Tripathi


A Low-Cost Novel Converter Topology to Improve Speed Range of Spindle Brushless DC Motor
pp. 97-102 
Authors: B. NavaJeevan Reddy and M. Kalyan Chakravarthi


A new Attempt to Design and Analysis a Slotted Clutch Plate 
pp. 103-111
Authors: Nikhil Sharma and Dr. K. Manivannan 








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