International Journal of Environmental Research and Development (IJERD)



Volume 5, Number 1 (2015)





Environmental Values

pp. 1-6

Prof. V. Nagaraja


Fluorine, a Dreaded Element: A Review on Occurrence of Fluorine in Environment and its Standard Methods of Analysis

pp. 7-21

Anamika Srivastava and Dr. Minaxi Lohani


Reservoir Plane Flow Unit Research: a case study of X21 area, S oilfield

pp. 23-28

Wu Jiayi, Bao Xiaoguang and Bao Yi


Cytogenotoxicity Study of the Industrial Wastewater

pp. 29-35

Sanjukta Maiti


Effects of Elevated Metro Rail Track (EMRT) on Pollutant Concentration In Urban Street Canyons – 2D CFD Approach

pp. 37-42

Abhishek Pratap Singh, K K Chaudhary, and Pramod Bhatia






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