International Journal of Environmental Research and Development (IJERD)


Volume 3, Number 1 (2013)





Assessment of Socioeconomic Vulnerability of Urban Coastal Areas Byan Indicator Based Approach for a Developing Country
pp. 1-11
Authors: Ar. Rekha S Nair, Dr Alka Bharat and Mr. Manu G Nair


Microscale Chemistry Kit: Move towards Green Chemistry

pp. 13-15

Author: Ram Babu Pareek


Dynamics of Methane Oxidation in Landfill Cover Soil Under Variable Composition of Microcosm Gaseous Regime

pp. 17-24

Authors: Somvir Bajar, C.P. Kaushik and Anubha Kaushik


Effect of the Air Masses on the Angstrom Turbidity Coefficients at Different Spectroscopic Solar Energy Bands in Egypt

pp. 25-37

Authors: Samy A. Khalil and R.H. Hamid












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