International Journal of Environmental Research and Development (IJERD)


Volume 2, Number 1 (2012)



Effect of Drip Irrigation on Yield and Economics of Potato


Authors:N.K. Rajesh Kumar, M. Chowde Gowda, Raghavendra K. and Veeresh .J.M.


Prediction of Surface Water Input and Soil Concentration of Some Pesticides during

Kharif Season from an Agricultural Watershed of Haryana, India


Authors:Rinky and Rani Devi


Influence of Meteorological Parameters on Air Pollutant Concentrations for Coimbatore City, India


Authors: Dr. Selvakumar Madhavan and Dr. S. Geetha


Phycoremediation of Dairy Effluent by using the Microalgae Nostoc sp

pp. 35-43

Authors: Kotteswari M., Murugesan S. and Ranjith Kumar R.


Phycoremediation of Distillery Effluent using Cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp.

pp. 45-48

Authors: Padma Priya C. and Murugesan S.


Environmental Background Radiation and People,India: A Review

pp. 49-67

Authors: T.V. Ramachandran, L.A. Sathish and S. Sundareshan


Morphometric Control on Settlement Pattern in Kuya River Basin of Eastern India

pp. 69-74

Authors: Krishna Gopal Ghosh and Swades Pal





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