International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)



Volume 9, Number 22  (2014)  





Analysis and Multi-criteria Selection of Photovoltaic, Wind and Hybrid Water Pumping Systems in Arid Areas
pp. 11779-11792
Mbarek Ghzaiel, Mohamed Razak JEDAY, Mohamed Chafie and Abdelhamid FARHAT

Analysis of PPG Signals with Respect to SVD, Hurst Exponent, Euclidean Distance and K-means Clustering
pp. 11793-11797
Sunil Kumar Prabhakar and Harikumar Rajaguru

GPS Receiver Implementation in Vehicular Network
pp. 11799-11806
B. Chandrasekaran, T. Lakshmibai and C. Parthasarathy

Neural Network Based Energy Efficiency Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Networks
pp. 11807-11818
Ananya Sarkar, P. P. Bhattacharya, Alok Kole, Tanmay Maity

Generating Test cases for Testing WEB sites through Neural Networks and Input Pairs
pp. 11819-11831
Lakshmi Prasad Mudarakola  and Dr. JKR Sastry ,and Chandra Prakash Vudatha

Analysis of CAN Transmission on RT Environment
pp. 11831-11848
M.Vijay Albert William, K.Bhaskar, Hemakumar.V.S, R.Nandhakishore

Amelioration of Artificial Intelligence using Game Techniques for an Imperfect Information Board Game Geister
pp. 11849-11860
S. Balakrishnan, K.L. Shunmuganathan, Raja Sreenevasan

Test Coverage Analysis of Memory Cluster Testing Using JTAG
pp. 11861-11869
V. Jayapradha, Dr. S. Ravi, R. Kamalakkannan and S. Selvakumar

Indonesia Situation and Perspective: Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) within Emergency Response Systems in Confined Space Disaster
pp. 11871-11882
Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija, Andre M.R Wajong, Meilani, Sofyan

Mining Gene Expression using Kohonen Self Organising Map for Lung Cancer Diagnoses
pp. 11883-11892
Juliet Rani Rajan and A. Chilambu Chelvan

Solar Powered Impedance Source Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for AC Load Applications
pp. 11893-11915
R. Uthirasamy and U.S. Ragupathy

Enhanced CFPMA Approach for Mining Frequent Patterns in Web Log Data
pp. 11917-11929
P. Senthil Pandian and Dr. S. Srinivasan

Dimensionality Reduction Based E-Learning Document Categorization in R
pp. 11931-11946
M. Ravichandran and G. Kulanthaivel

Service-Query Concept Similarity Based Service Recommendation System for Cloud Services using Cloud Service Ontology
pp. 11947-11959
B. Saravana Balaji, Dr. N.K. Karthikeyan and T.N. Prabhu

A Numerical Frame Work for Solving D/G (A, N/A, Q)/1/Qmax of Discrete Time Queues
pp. 11961-11968
S. Murali and Dr. K. S. Ramaswami

Performance Improvement on DWT Based Image Compression using Reconfigurable Platform
pp. 11969-11976
S. Vijayaraghavan and C. Parthasarathy

A Shoulder Surfing Graphical Password Schema Based on Transformations
pp. 11977-11994
T. Srinivasa Ravi Kiran and R. Satya Prasad

A Review of Three Phase Rectifier for Automotive Alternator with Recent Developments
pp. 11995-12010
P. Sivachandran and P. Indhu

Size Reduction of Yagi-Uda Antenna by Altering the Diameter and Spacing between the Elements
pp. 12011-12022
S. Daya Murali, K. Ch. Sri Kavya, Sarat K Kotamraju, R. Sai Divya, Y. Satish, K. Pradeep Chandra, N. Sri Keerthi, G. Jaya Sree

Classification of Disease Severity Based on Symptoms on the Human Eye
pp. 12023-12038
Therese Yamuna Mahesh and Dr. K.L. Shunmuganathan

Intrusion Detection System Based on Genetic-PSO for DoS Attacks
pp. 12039-12048
K. Pradeep Mohan Kumar and Dr. M. Aramuthan

Ranking Websites by its Own Features
pp. 12049-12056
Ms. Mercy Paul Selvan and Dr. A. Chandra Sekar

Probabilistic Model for Reliability Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks
pp. 12057-12065
Mamta Katiyar, Dr. H.P. Sinha and Dr. Dushyant Gupta

Analysis and Classification Scheme of Risk Assessment Models based on Different Criteria for Reducing the Risk
pp. 12069-12085
K.V.D. Kiran, P. Hemanth Krishna, N. Gopinath and Dr. L.S.S. Reddy

An Effective Approach for Trusted Attestation Key in Distributed Computing Environment using TPM
pp. 12087-12096
E. Padma and Prof. Dr. S. Rajalakshmi

An Effective Performance of Sigmoidal Activation Function in Neural Network Architecture
pp. 12097-12108
R. Murugadoss and Dr. M. Ramakrishnan

A Novel Localization Scheme based on AUV for UWSN
pp. 12109-12120
U.D. Prasan and Dr. S. Murugappan

About the Best Orthogonal Basis for Generation of the Channel Signals
pp. 12121-12126
Evgeny Georgiyevich Zhilyakov, Sergey Pavlovich Belov and Denis Vladimirovich Ursol

Simulation of Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Mitigation of Voltage Sag and Swell
pp. 12121-12132
S. Satthiyaraj and Dr. S. Sankar

Proximity Measures in Clustering on Patient Diagnosis System
pp. 12133-12139
S. Meganathan, M. Poornima and A. Sumathi

Performance Analysis of Selected Cell Formation Techniques for the Design of a Cellular Manufacturing System
pp. 12141-12153
K.V. Durga Rajesh, G. Sreekar, K. Sri Ram Charen, B. Ravi Teja and Dr. P.V. Chalapathi

Hybrid Approach: Content and Link Based Similarity Measures to Cluster Web Documents
pp. 12155-12162
Suriyakala. M and Mahalakshmi. S

Novel Algorithm for Secure Medical Image Communication using ROI Based Digital Lossless Watermarking and DS
pp. 12163-12176
A. Umamageswari and G.R. Suresh

Assessment of Groundwater Quality using Water Quality Index in Avinashi-Tirupur-Palladam Region, Tamil Nadu, India
pp. 12177-12191
Arumugam, K., Rajesh Kumar, A. and Elangovan, K.

Policy Based Load Delegation in Computational Grid Environment
pp. 12193-12208
T. Sajuraj, K. Muneeswaran and B. Selvakumar

Attribute Based Security and Fine Grained Access Control of Documents in Public Clouds
pp. 12209-12224
Punya Peethambaran and Dr. Jayasudha

Implementation of Soft Computing techniqus in Neural Network
pp. 12225-12239
M. Premalatha and C. Vijayalakshmi

The Second Hankel Determinant for Certain Classes of Analytic Univalent Functions
pp. 12241-12254
B. Srutha Keerthi, M. Revathi, G. Murugusundaramoorthy

A Study: Botmaster Trace
pp. 12255-12258
Dr S Prayla Shyry, Dr R Subhashini, V Rama Krishna, Asha Deepika

Study on Regression Test Selection Techniques for Object Oriented Programming
pp. 12259-12278
Dharmveer Kumar Yadav and Sandip Dutta

Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Voltage Security Enhancement Including Static Var Compensator
pp. 12279-12297
P. Aruna Jeyanthy, D. Devaraj and J.D. Darwin

Fuzzy Logic Controller for the Positive Output Triple-Lift Split Inductor-Type Boost Converter
pp. 12299-12317
G. Saritha and D. Kirubakaran

PSO Tuned Wavelet Neural Network for Time Series Prediction
pp. 12319-12332
Preethi R, Haripriya N, Vishvaa A and B Jaganatha Pandian

Hybrid Power Generation from the Light Energy Emitted from the Tube lights and the Solar Energy
pp. 12333-12340
Saravanan. A, Dineshkumar. P and Subhashini. A

Least Square Support Vector Machine based Neural Network Predictive Controller for Non-Linear Process
pp. 12341-12352
Vijayakumar Kaliappan and Manigandan Thathan

An Overview of Microgrid System
pp. 12353-12376
P. Sivachandran and R. Muthukumar

Phase wise Process Modelling in a Test driven Development Life Cycle
pp. 12377-12391
Prasanna. T. and Purusothaman. T.

EMG Signal Statistical Features Extraction Combination Performance Benchmark Using Unsupervised Neural Network for Arm Rehab Device
pp. 12393-12402
Z.H. Bohari, M.H. Jali, M.F. Baharom, M.N.M.Nasir, H.I. Jaafar and W.M. Bukhari

Efficient Simulink Model for Brain Tumor Classification Using Support Vector Machine
pp. 12403-12411
Dr. N. Usha Rani, N. Vani, Subrahmanyam. Ch

Phase Velocity Compensated Microstrip Coupler
pp. 12413-12420
S. Maheswari and T. Jayanthy

Factor Analysis on Causal of Construction Claims and Disputes in Indonesia (with Reference to the Construction of Hydroelectric Power Project in Indonesia)
pp. 12421-12445
Sarwono Hardjomuljadi

Representative Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Due to the Rainfall Station Network
pp. 12447-12465
Lily Montarcih Limantara, Ery Suhartanto, and Agus Priombodo

Interaction of Triangle Cylinder with Square Cylinders toward Pressure Distribution of Fluid Flow
pp. 12467-12476
Baharuddin Mire, Nasaruddin Salam, Ahmad Yusran Aminy, llyas Renreng

Implementation of A High Accurate Aircraft Ground Based Positioning & Landing System
pp. 12477-12486
K. Jahnavi, M. Venkatesh and V. Dhananjayulu

Face Recognition in 3D Facial Feature Using Nearest Neighbor Technique
pp. 12487-12501
B. Rashida and Dr. Munir Ahamed Rabbani

Enhancing the Compression Efficiency of Medical Image Sequences using SSP and BCH
pp. 12503-12515
M. Ferni Ukrit and G. R. Suresh

A Study on Predicting the Type of Dengue Fever Using Data Mining Techniques on Medical Databases
pp. 12517-12522
Dr. M. S. Saravanan, M. Saranya, J. Doulas and R. Mary Rifo Nisha

Predicting a Time Series Model for Linear Regression System Using Web Spatio-Temporal Data
pp. 12523-12538
S. G. Shrinivas and Dr. N. M. Elango

Performance Analysis on EDM Using WC with Powder Mixed Dielectric Fluid
pp. 12539-12556
M. Sankar, P. Suresh, B. Govindharajan and C. Chelladurai

Investigation on the Physics of Flow Separation over a Step Flow
pp. 12557-12564
Konica Sarker, Mohammad Ali, Md. Iqbal Mahmud and Haeng Muk Cho

Design of Work Position in Manufacturing Industry based on Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) Tool
pp. 12565-12576
Siva R and Rajasekaran R

A Pioneering Smartphone Application for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy
pp. 12577-12590
A.Sirajudeen and Dr. M.Ezhilarasi

Performance Analysis of Image Fusion Approach with Noise Reduction using Multi-Dimensional Filtering Technique
pp. 12591-12606
K. Rajesh and C G Ravichandran

Quality Issues in Wireless Based Radar Wind Profiler
pp. 12607-12612
T.Lakshmibai, B.Chandrasekaran, C.Parthasarathy

Stabilized Voltage Stress Control on Single Phase Z-Source Inverter through Ripple Indexing
pp. 12613-12630
J.Shanmugapriyan, Dr. A. Chilambuchelvan and Dr. S. Vijayan

A Review on the Performance of Planetary Roller Screws
pp. 12631-12641
P. Ravi Kumar and Dr. B. Giriraj

Detection of Anomalies in MRI Images Using Multilevel Segmentation
pp. 12643-12660
K. Selva Bhuvaneswari, Dr. P. Geetha, G. Monisha, B. Priyanka, K. B. Shenbagam

An Efficient Technique for Iris Segmentation Using Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Circular Hough Transform
pp. 12661-12671
Mrs. S. Pon Sangeetha and Dr. M. Karnan

A Study of Enhanced Swirl on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine under ISO 8178-4 “C1” Eight Mode Testing Cycle
pp. 12673-12686
G. Sivakumar and S. Senthil Kumar

Performance Analysis of UWB Channels in MIMO-OFDM Systems
pp. 12687-12699
Dr. C. Venkatesh and Prof. S. Sathish

The Effect of Learning Management Competencies, Self-Efficacy and Work Motivation on the Faculties’ Performance of the Faculty of Engineering at Manado State University
pp. 12701-12713
Henny Nikolin Tambingon

Traffic Graph Based Intrusion Detection Approach for Wireless Local Area Networks Using Fuzzy Rule Sets
pp. 12715-12724
P. Kavitha and M. Usha

Comparison of Performance of Classification Accuracy of Different Attribute Dataset using ANN and ANFIS
pp. 12725-12740
B. Thanga Parvathi and S. Mercy Shalinie


Influence of Engine Parameters Optimization in the Neat Non-Edible Oil + LSD Fuel Combustion Analysis:Measurement of Cylinder Pressure and Heat Release at Various Loads
pp. 12741-12756
S. Karthikayan, Dr. G. Sankaranarayanan

Performance Investigation of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System using Nano GasTiO2 with R134a
pp. 12757-12770
B. Govindharajan, P. Meivel, C. Chelladurai, S. Manikandan

Slicing based Privacy Preserving of the Micro Data using Fuzzy based Clustering
pp. 12771-12778
V. Shyamala Susan, Dr. T. Christopher

Comparison of Naïve Bayes Using Different Feature Selection Techniques in Twitter Sentiment Analysis
pp. 12779-12786
Pranavi M V C, A J Yuganeshan, Y V S S N Deepthi K, Santhana Lakshmi S

Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Doctor of Research in Management (DRM) and Industrial Engineering (IE):Covariance-based SEM (CB-SEM) and Variance-based SEM (SEM-PLS)
pp. 12787-12795
Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija

Numerical study of the Belousov-Jabotinsky’s Reaction Models on the Basis of the Two-phase Rozenbrock’s Method with Complex Coefficients
pp. 12797-12801
R.D. Ikramov, S.A. Mustafina

Design of ACS Algorithm based Load Frequency Controller for Deregulated Power Systems with Redox Flow Batteries and Generation Rate Constraints
pp. 12802-12818
S. Ramesh Kumar, S. Ganapathy

Business Excellence and ICT as Enabler: Sustainable Supplier Evaluation Using Super Decision Software and Analytic Network Process (ANP)
pp. 12819-12826
Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija, Costan, Rizky Dwi Baity, Chainardy Congronegoro

Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Doctor of Research in Management (DRM) and Industrial Engineering (IE), Strategic Management, and Psychology: ICT Enabler within Leadership, Innovation, Organizational Learning and Performance
pp. 12827-12837
Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija

Civilizing Life time in Query-Based WSN Using Clustering Algorithm
pp. 12839-12857
Dr. R. Dhaya

Indonesia Setting and Wisdom: Doctor of Research in Management and Industrial Engineering on Leadership, Innovation, Organizational Learning and Performance
pp. 12859-12869
Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija

Irrigation Allocation Optimization of Wonorejo Reservoir
pp. 12871-12878

Embodiment and Design Calculation of Special Elements for Technological Equipment for the Treatment of the Parts of High-Precision Forming Tooling on the Five-Axis NC Machine
pp. 12879-12888
Valentin I. Svirschev, Dmitrij V. Tukachev, Daria A. Osipovich, Sergey A. Melnikov, Ruslan R. Nurgalin

Recent Investigation on Tradeoff between Energy and Mobile Attackers in MANET
pp. 12889-12900
Dr. A. Rajaram, S. Kannan

Design of Digital and Analog Controlled System with Improved Throughput
pp. 12901-12920
R. Dhanagopal, Dr. V. Krishnamurthy

Competent Scheduling for Achieving Desirable Quality on Resource Allocation in Grid Networking
pp. 12921-12935
R. Natchadalingam, Dr. K. Somasundaram

QOS Guaranteed Mobility-Prediction Based Channel Reservation Scheme for Wireless Cellular Networks
pp. 12937-12947
P. Jesu Jayarin, J. Visumathi

High Speed Charging and Discharging Current Controller Circuit to Reduce Back emf by Neuro Fuzzy Logic
pp. 12949-12960
Ramesh Palakeerthi, Dr. P. Subbaiah

Dynamic Slicing Concert and their Domination in Aspect Oriented Programming
pp. 12961-12976
K. Santhi, G. Zayaraz

Enhanced Decoy based Moving Target Defense Mechanism with Improved Quality of Service to Handle Cyber Attacks in Wireless Networks
pp. 12977-12989
M. Uma, Dr. G. Padmavathi

Extensive Survey on Software Tools and Systems Destined for Water Quality
pp. 12991-13008
Wilfred Blessing N.R, Shajulin Benedict

Recital Analysis of 64 Bit Unsigned Data Using Various Adders
pp. 13009-13020
Madugula Naga Vishnavi, V. Priyadarshini

About the Best Orthogonal Basis for Generation of the Channel Signals
pp. 13021-13026
Evgeny Georgiyevich Zhilyakov, Sergey Pavlovich Belov, Denis Vladimirovich Ursol

Implementation of V/F Control for Variable Speed Drive of a 3- ?Inverter Fed Induction Motor
pp. 13027-13045
K. Subramanian, V. Kavitha and R. Saravanakumar

Multi Classifier Analysis using Data Mining Classification Algorithms
pp. 13047-13059
Akshay Suresh, Aashish S. and Santhi B.

Stress Analysis and Effect of Misalignment in Spur Gear
pp. 13061-13071
S Prabhakaran, D S Balaji and C Joel

Design of Transmitter for Rayleigh Faded Channel for Data Transmission
pp. 13085-13094
S. Venkateswarlu and Dr. Sastry JKR

A Study on Heuristic Algorithm based Controller Optimization for pH Neutralization Process
pp. 13095-13111
M. Kandasamy and S. Vijayachitra

High Capacity and High Secure Video Encryption based on Hopfield Chaotic Neural Network
pp. 13113-13135
T. Vino and Dr. E. Logashanmugam

Seismic Strengthening of Partially in Filled Cold Formed Steel Frame Using Cement Bonded Particle Board Inserts: Experimental Investigation
pp. 13137-13163
S. Saravanan, Dr. R. Angeline Prabhavathy and Dr. G. S. Venkatasubramani

Fuzzy based LC Filter Controller for Dynamic Voltage Restorer
pp. 13165-13180
Arumugom Subramanian and Rajaram Marimuthu

Information Exchange in Cloud Environment using CEP via Web Service
pp. 13181-13191
J.Jani, R.Aroul Canessane and R. Dhanalakshmi

Influence of B4C on Physical and Mechanical Properties of AA6061-B4C-Gr Metal Matrix Composite
pp. 13193-13201
S. Prabagaran, G. Chandramohan, and P. Shanmughasundaram,

A Noval Approach for Emotion Mining from Text Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
pp. 13203-13211
Mrs. S. ShanmugaPriya, Mrs. P. K. Sheela Shantha Kumari, Mrs. P. Meenakshi

A Survey on Cooperative Diversity and its Applications in Various Wireless Networks
pp. 13213-13226
Dr. R. Gandhiraja, Mr. T. Praveen and Ms. R. Kavitha

DNA: The Building Block of an Incredible Memory Chip
pp. 13227-13233
P.Vinoth Kumar, C.Chandravathi, Prathyusha.V.V and Nikitha.S

Face Authentication Based ATM System using Sophisticated Facial Recognition Technology Combined with Keystroke Dynamics
pp. 13235-13252
A.Merry Ida, W.Ancy Breen, M.Queen Mary Vidya

Finest Price Prophecy for Finding Top-K Popular and Profitable Products Based on Skyline Analysis
pp. 13253-13263
B. Lalithadevi, Leelambika.K.V, and S.Sageengrana

Improving Performance & Security of Live Migration in Virtualized Data Centres
pp. 13265-13273
A.Vishnukumar and Dr. P. Anandha Kumar

Information Motivated Framework for Behavioral Reasoning in Blind People ATM
pp. 13275-13281
Ponnaruvi.P, Tamilmani.G and Sundar.K

Secured Data Storage with Merkle Hash Tree in Cloud Computing
pp. 13293-13290
P.K Sheela Shantha kumari, Dr.Duraipandian and Dr.Cyril

Steganography Based Information Protection Method for Information Hiding
pp. 13291-13298
S. A. Althaf Ahamed, M. Amanullah and Umamaheswair. R

Survey on Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing
pp. 13299-13315
J. Velmurugan and Dr. P. Anandha kumar

Survey on Energy Aware Resource Allocation for Data Centric in Cloud Computing
pp. 13317-13326
S.K. Manigandan and Dr. P. Anandha Kumar

The Advantages of Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Network
pp. 13327-13340
M.S.Durairajan and Dr. R. Saravanan

Multiresolution Analysis of Source Code Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
N.G. Resmi, K.P. Soman

Study on Clustering Algorithms by Comparing Different Measures on Zoo Database
pp. 13361-13373
Raghuraman S, Aditya Durai and Santhi B.

Non Linear Fusion Technique Based on Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
pp. 13375-13385
C.Karthikeyan and Dr.B.Ramadoss

An Improved Thyroid Tumor Segmentation and Classification Approach using ANFIS-AABC
pp. 13387-13407
Sheeja Agustin A and S Suresh Babu

Performance of Direct Torque Control of Cascaded H Bridge Multilevel Inverter Fed Induction Motor Using SVM
pp. 13409-13424
K. Kalaiselvan and S. Senthilkumar

An Image Denosing and Rectification Techniques Using Pixel Weight Wavelet Transform
pp. 13425-13436
P.N. SundaraRajan and Dr. S. Sasikumar

Rule Based Similarity Measure for Sub Space Clustering of High Dimensional Data Set Using Deapthness Estimation Technique
pp. 13437-13447
Mrs. M. Suguna and Dr. S. Palaniammal

Low Power Heterogeneous Adder
pp. 13449-13464
Karthick S, Dr. Valarmathy S and Prabhu E

Analysis of Retinopathy Images by Examining Blood Vessels
pp. 13465-13474
E. Dhiravidachelvi and Dr. V. Rajamani

Bending Strength Analysis of a Cold Formed Steel HS-75 with Diaphragm Plates under a Laboratory Test
pp. 13475-13484
Onny Suryono Sutresman

Optimal Capacitor Placement of Distorted Distribution System by Teaching-Learning Algorithm with Backward-Forward Sweep Harmonic Load Flow
pp. 13485-13501
K. Sureshkumar and P. Vijayakumar

An Identification of Shear Wave Velocity Profile in Northeastern Thailand by Downhole Test
pp. 13503-13510
Pithan Pairojn and Supot Teachavorasinskun

Integration of Artificial Neural Networks and Biometric Techniques for Individual Authentication
pp. 13511-13537
Prabu Sevugan and Selvakumar K

Investigations of Dry-Wear Behaviour of Epoxy/Glass Fiber Nanocomposites
pp. 13549-13551
R. Ramamoorthi and P. S. Sampath

Block-based Segmentation with Arithmetic and LZW Coding for Document Image Compression
pp. 13553-13568
M. Sudha and Dr. S. Palani

A Simple, Secured Session Based on Key Exchange Scheme to Support Group Communication for Media Streaming Services over MANET – SIGCOS
pp. 13569-13587
S. Saravanan and Dr. RM. Chandrasekaran

Automotive Air Conditioning Compressor Structural Analysis of the Variable Swash Plate
pp. 13589-13597
Seo Hyun Sang and Haeng Muk Cho

Features based Spam Elimination from Online Social Networking Sites
pp. 13599-13613
Sajin S. Chandrana and Murugappan.Sb

Simulators and Emulators in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
pp. 13615-13621
Radhika Baskar, Dr. P.C. Kishore Raja, M. Reji and Christeena Joseph

Predicting High-Risk Preterm Birth Using Linguistic Fuzzy Rule Based Classification System
pp. 13623-13635
Jyothi Thomas and G. Kulanthaivel

Small Cell Security Implementation and Authentication Deliberation
pp. 13637-13644
R. Narmadha and Dr. S. Malarkkan

Equilibrium and Kinetic Modeling of Batch Adsorption – Modification of Langmuir Model
pp. 13645-13653
Tibra Mozammel and Maksudur R. Khan

Efficient Utilization of Cloud Infrastructure by Handling Heterogeneous Workloads
pp. 13655-13666
Ms. S.P. Godlin Jasil and Ms. M. Deepa

Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems using Fuzzy Transform
pp. 13667-13675
Awni M. Abu-Saman and Huda S. EL-Zerii

Monitoring and Controlling the Driving Conditions Using Control Area Network
pp. 13677-13688
G. Naga Lakshmi and K. Vijaya Vardhan

Design of a Novel Reconfigurable FIR Filter by Constant Shift Method Based on 4-Bit BCSE Technique
pp. 13689-13697
G.O. Jijina and V. Ranganathan R.Kalavathy

Rectangular Microstrip Open Slot Antenna with Dual Frequency Application
pp. 13699-13708
Sahaya Anselin Nisha. A

An Investigation on Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Low Velocity Impact Analysis of Natural Thermoplastic Composite Frontal Beams
pp. 13709-13718
Dr. S. Jeyanthi, J. Paul Chandra Kumar, N. Rajesh Kumar, S. Dhinakaran and K. Hari Prasad

Enhanced Visualization of Conceptual Model using Semantics
pp. 13719-13728
Abirami S, Shankari G and Akshaya S

DEETRA: Degree Based Energy Efficient Tree Routing Algorithm
pp. 13729-13743
V. Nithya, B. Ramachandran and Avinash Mohan P

Architecture of a Multi-Functional Programmable Secured Logic Module
pp. 13745-13762
Binu K. Mathew and Zacharia K. P

Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable FPGA Using Transducer
pp. 13763-13777
R. Saravana Ram and Dr. L. R. Karl Marx

An Efficient Data Transmission to avoid Data Collision in MANET Using MPSR
pp. 13779-13790
J. Kavitha and Dr. S. Palaniammal

Effects of Mass Transfer on Chemically Reacting Fluid Flow Past an Impulsively Started Infinite Vertical Plate with Newtonian Heating
pp. 13791-13810
A.G. Vijayakumar, B. Rushi Kumar, B.Reddappa, and S.V.K. Varma

Railway Ticket Booking System with Mobile Based Architecture Using RFID
pp. 13811-13818
J. Nagalakshmi and J. V. V. Priya darsini

SNR Estimation and Transmitter’s Identity in IFF Radars
pp. 13819-13827
B. Sindhu, J. Valarmathi, Jawed Qumar and S. Christopher

Spatiotemporal Based Frequent Pattern Mining in Mobile Environment
pp. 13829-13846
Ganeshkumar. V and Muneeswaran. K

The Effects of Induced Magnetic Field and Radiation on MHD Mixed Convective Flow over a Porous Vertical Plate in the Presence of Viscous and Magnetic Dissipation
pp. 13847-13865
A.G.Vijaya Kumar, B.Rushi Kumar, K.Nanda Gopal, B.Reddappa and S.V.K. Varma

Coordinated Voltage Control Scheme for SEIG-Based Wind Farm Using FLC STATCOM and ULTC Transformer
pp. 13867-13875
T. Bharath Kumar and Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao

Harnessing Maximum Power from Photovoltaic Systems Operating under Partial Shading Conditions based on ACO Algorithm
pp. 13877-13888
T. Logeswaran and Dr. A. Senthil Kumar

Optimizing Channel Allocation in Wireless Communication using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
pp. 13889-13897
Kadhiravan D, Gunavathy, Bharathi and Sumitha

Implementation of No Reference Distortion Patch Features Image Quality Assessment Algorithm for JPEG2000 based on Human Visual System
pp. 13889-13910
Subrahmanyam. Ch, Dr. D. Venkata Rao and Dr. N. Usha Rani

A Novel Key Exchange Algorithm for Secure Group Communication
pp. 13911-13916
Seetha. R and R. Saravanan

Identification of Plasmodium Falciparum Phase in Red Blood Cells using Artificial Neural Networks
pp. 13917-13924
Kusworo Adi, Sri Pujiyanto, Rahmat Gernowo Adi Pamungkas, Ari Bawono Putranto

Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data Set: Survey
pp. 13925-13936
Shailendra Kumar Singh, Dr. Sanchita Paul, Dhananjay Kumar, Hanifa Arfi

Survey and Comparison on Range Free-Localization Schemes Based on Anchors Count in WSN Model
pp. 13937-13951
C. Yaashuwanth and M. Venkatakrishnan


Unlocking the Phase Locked Loop for Radar Applications
pp. 13953-13970
K. Ch. Sri Kavya, Sarat K Kotamraju, N V L Supriya Adhanki,Rupesh Sasanka Chakka, Naga Pavan Kumar Chinnam

Analysis of the Presence of Friday Effect Using Dunn's Multiple Pair Comparison: A Study with Reference to Indian Stock Market
pp. 13971-13978
R. Karthik and Dr. N. Kannan

Mitigating Inter-Cell and Inter-Tier Interference in 5G HetNets with Massive MIMO
pp. 13979-13995
Minsu Kim , Woojae Kim and Wonsik Yoon

A New Approach to Improve the Efficiency of Photovoltaic Power Plant through MPPT Techniques
pp. 13997-14018
N.Venkateswarlu, K.Naresh, B.Kiran Babu

Design and Simulation of Radial Control in Continuous Variable Transmission Pulleys
pp. 14019-14039
M. D. Madhan Kumar and P. Raja

An Optimal Hybrid Hill Climbing Approach with Genetic Algorithm Based Schema Matching Technique
pp. 14041-14065
D.John Aravindhar and Dr.E.R Naganathan

Balancing the Energy Efficiency and Load Balancing based on Localization in MANET
pp. 14067-14082
R.Mohandas and Dr.A.Rajaram

A Survey on Repetitive Trust Management Mechanisms against Byzantine Attack in Delay Tolerant Networks
pp. 14083-14096
C. Ashok Baburaj and Dr. K. Alagarsamy

Attribute based Relative Key Generation for Stream Encryption in Privacy Preservation
pp. 14097-14104
P. Saveetha and S. Arumugam

A Neuro Fuzzy System Based Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signal Processing using Multi User Profile Analysis Model
pp. 14105-14120
S. T. Sadish Kumar and Dr. N. Kasthuri

L (d, 2, 1) –Labeling of Book Graph
pp. 14121-14126
S. Manimegala Devi, D. S. T. Ramesh and P. Srinivasan

Annotation of E-Learning Resources through Topic Modeling and Hash Tag Recommendation
pp. 14127-14139
T. Chellatamilan, V. Sowbakkiya, B. Magesh and K. Balaji

Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Dense Mode as Multicast Transmission Technologies in Networks
pp. 14141-14156
Danilo A. López S1, Nancy Y. Gelvez G2, Nelson E. Vera P3

Influence of Stainless Steel Metal Strip over Piston Crown on the Performance and Emission Charecteristics of a Single Cylinder Four Stroke Di Diesel Engine
pp. 14157-14169
Venkata Ramarao Mutyala, T. Raja and N. Karthik

Optimizing Feature Extraction of Hand Written Characters Using Zoning
pp. 14171-14178
J P Ananth, G L Infant Cyril and M Shubin Aldo

Analysis of Signal in Discrete Walshand Hadamard Transform Domain for Visible Watermarking of Digital Images
pp. 14179-14191
Akansha Srivastava, Sumithra Sriram and V. Santhi

Performance Improvement of Direct Torque Control Induction Motor Drive with PI and Hybrid Fuzzy based Controller
pp. 14193-14206
1Pandian A and 2Dr. Dhanasekaran R

Tribological Behavior of Aluminium based MMC Subjected to Various Temperature
pp. 14207-14215
Anandha Moorthy A, Uvaraja V C, Natarajan N, Palani P K,
Dhanendran N, Anantha Kumar M, Satheesh K S,

A Novel Data Gathering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
pp. 14217-14232
Mr. A. Muthu Krishnan and Dr. P. Ganesh Kumar

Analysis for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using KNN Classification
pp. 14233-14241
V. Palaniammal and Dr. RM. Chandrasekaran

Analysis of Policyholders Perception on Insurance: An Empirical Study with Reference to Life Insurance
pp. 14243-14258
P. Arul Minash Rajkumar and Dr. N. Kannan

Fourier Series Based Analytical Model for Switched Reluctance Machine

pp. 14259-14267



Effect of Coal Ash as a Filler on Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Material

pp. 14269-14277

Shyamkumar Shah, Akshaykumar Patil,M. Ramachandran, Kanak Kalita


Network Information: A Data Mining Approach

pp. 14279-14289

Somali Bisoi, Tapaswini Sahoo,  Partha Sarathi Mahapatra

Application Maintenance and Support
pp. 14291-14302
Srinivasa Rao Kosiganti, Dr. Y. Prasanth and Dr. V.B. Narasimha

An Efficient Age Group Classification System Using Selected Undecimated Wavelet Coefficients of Fingerprints
pp. 14303-14318
D. Gnana Rajesh and M. Punithavalli

Implementation of GA Based Online PI Controller Parameter Tuning for Conical Tank Level Control
pp. 14319-14342
S. P. Selvaraj and A. Nirmalkumar

FPGA Implementation of Image Quality Estimation: Survey
pp. 14343-14348
Divya. V and Thirumurugan. P

Combustion Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine Fuelled with Methyl Ester of Mango Seed Oil and Diesel Blends
pp. 14349-14363
K. Vijayaraj and A.P. Sathiyagnanam

Investigation of Cutting Parameters for Difficult-to-Machine Material
pp. 14365-14374
K. Venkatapathy, K.P. Arulshri and N. Saravanakumar

An Analysis of Short-term Forecasting Model for Distributed Generations
pp. 14375-14386
Jae-Ju Song, Yoon-Su Jeong, Sang-Ho Lee

Crypto Transmission Characteristics in Wearable Communication Environment
pp. 14387-14394
Jin-Keun Hong

Comparison of Methods for Making a Radome of Having Notch Filter Characteristics in Periodic Dielectric Structures
pp. 14395-14406
Min-Nyeon Kim and Tae-Bong Lee

A Study on Optimal Parameters Incorporating Frequency: Selective Characteristics in Fiber Bragg Grating
pp. 14407-14414
Min-Nyeon Kim and Tae-Bong Lee

Online Shopping Behavior Using Social Commerce Websites: Its Benefit and Cost Factors
pp. 14415-14430
EunHee, Kim1 and SeungYeob, Yu

Strategy on the Use Behavior of LBA Technology on Smart Phones: With the Focus on Use Motives, Benefits and Cost Factors
pp. 14431-14444
Dong Sup Youm and Seung Yeob Yu

Modeling and Extraction of Grating Structure for Parameters of DFB Laser using Amplified Spontaneous Emission
pp. 14445-14456
Min-Nyeon Kim and Gyoo-Soo Chae

Design and Implementation of Web-based Evaluation System for Cooperative Learning
pp. 14457-14468
Jeong Eun Kim and Soon Young Jung

An Empirical Study on Color Preference and Buying Behavior for Masstige Home Electronic Appliances in Accordance with Consumers' Lifestyle: Based on the Cases of Color Changes for the Domestic and Overseas Side-By- Side Refrigerators
pp. 14469-14488
Sun-Yong Kim and Jong-Chan Jeon

Development of Social Networking Platform for Technological and Managerial Decision Making: For Decision Makers under Uncertainty
pp. 14489-14498
Hye Jin Cho and Eun-Ju Kim

Automatic Scoring System based on Korean Lexico-Semantic Pattern
pp. 14499-14510
Jeong-Eun Kim, Jeong-Min Chae, Soon-Young Jung

A Case Study about Impact Assessment on ID-Indicator for Personal Information
pp. 14511-14520
Hyung-Jin Mun and Youngkwan Ju

An Empirical Study on the Effects of Characteristics of SNS on Organizational Communication Satisfaction and the Morale of Troops: Focus on ROK and US Mediating Effects of Organizational Culture
pp. 14521-14532
Song Yun Kang and Kyeong-Seok Han

Efficient National R & D Research Report Registration Management System Design and Development
pp. 14533-14540
Cheol-Joo Chae, Kwang-Nam Choi, YongJu Shin, Kiseok Choi,

Error Propagation Issue for Transmission of Crypto Data Using PCBC Mode
pp. 14541-14548
Jin-Keun Hong

An Usability Improvement of Mobile Interface Design Optimized for Smart Phone and Tablet PC Environment
pp. 14549-14560
Byung Won Min

Design and Implementation of the Monitoring System for Recycling Agriculture Resourcing based on USN
pp. 14561-14572
Byung Won Min

Cases Studies: The Effectiveness of Micro Projectors on Instruction in Official Development Assistance Environments
pp. 14573-14584
Donjeong Kim, Jeongmin Bae, Yoonho Jang, Keol Lim

Critical Factors Affecting the Performance of Korean Construction Firms
pp. 14585-15596
Sang-Don Kim and Kyeong-Seok Han

Vegetation Community Extraction through a Fusion of Multi-Spectral Images and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
pp. 14597-14608
Eunsol Shin and Dongmoon Kim

Spatial Dose Distribution and Exposure Dose during Lumbar Lateral
pp. 14609-14618
Chang-Gyu, Kim

Web Shell Scanner (WSS): A High-Performance Detection Tool for Malicious Web Shells
pp. 14619-14632
Kimoon Jeong, Hyun Mi Jung, Dong-Hoon You, Jinsuk Kim

Adaptive Content Streaming Services for Consumer Devices in a Smart Building
pp. 14633-14649
Hyunjeong Lee, Wan-Ki Park, Jaedoo Huh, Ilwoo Lee, and Sang Ho Lee

A Study on the Influencing Factors of Mental Health of Mothers with Infants and Toddlers: Focusing on Social Support, Family Relations and a Role within the Family
pp. 14651-14658
Jae-Woo, Oh, Oe-Nam, Kim, Hye-Won, Kim

Behavioral Monitoring and Stability Evaluation of Korean Stone Pagoda in Magoksa Temple Using Tiltmeter Sensor
pp. 14659-14668
Young Hoon Jo and Chan Hee Lee

Presence Measurements Analysis Based on EEG Characteristics for the Personalized Time-Based Media
pp. 14669-14678
Seongsin Jeon and Won-Hyung Lee

A Study on the Physical Self-Esteem, Psychological Self-Esteem and Wellbeing of Middle School Students according to the Body Mass Index
pp. 14679-14689
Hye-Young Seo and Do-Young Lee

A Study on Distributed Computing-based on Big Data Platform and LOD Modeling
pp. 14691-14700
Changbae Roh and Wonshik Na

The Effects of Ego Resilience, Emotional Burnout, and Emotional Labor on Turnover Intentions of Hospital Nurses, with a Focus on the Moderating Effect of Peer Support
pp. 14701-14710
Minsuk Seo, Heejeong Kim, Dahye Park

A Study on Security Technology Due to the Extension of Medical Information Using Sensor
pp. 14711-14720
Changbae Roh, Young Hee Han and Wonshik Na

Comparisonof the Effects of Taping and Massage Therapy on Shoulder Pain in Elderly Patients
pp. 14721-14728
Ka-Eun Kim, Il-Young Cho, Soon-Kwon Park, Seung-Wyn Jung

Reducing Motion Artifacts from PPG Signals using Adaptive Threshold Algorithm
pp. 14729-14738
Junyeon Lee and Seung-Soo Shin

Job Creation Strategies in the Field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
pp. 14739-14750
Jin-Young Jeong, Il-Young Cho, Soon-Kwon Park, Ka-Eun Kim

An Experimental Study on Smart Phone Evacuation Information System in the Large Building Using Location Estimation System based on Wi-Fi
pp. 14751-14762
Yong-Hee Jeong, Wook-Jung Na, Won-Hwa Hong

The Relation between Cognitive Category and Depression in the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment
pp. 14763-14773
Weon-Hee, Moon and Myoung-Jin, Kwon

Analysis of Energy Consumption Patterns and Energy Saving Solutions for Industrial Buildings in Korea based on Energy Audit Grade
pp. 14775-14793
You-Hyeon Jeon, Youn-Kyu Seo, Hyuncheol Seo, Won-Hwa Hong,

Comparing Urban Public Service Using Super-Efficiency Model and Statistical Testing: Cases Using Secondary Data
pp. 14795-14802
Kyoungho Choi and Heejong Kwag

An Efficient Packet Forwarding Scheme for the Vulnerable Members of Society in Smart Grid Networks
pp. 14803-14814
Seokhoon Kim and Miyang Cha

The Control Strategy for Facial Expressions of a Character Robot Using Dimensionality Reduction
pp. 14815-14821
Eun HoKim

An Access Control Scheme for User Privacy Protect of Mobile User in U-Healthcare Environment
pp. 14823-14833
Yoon-Su Jeong and Seung-Soo Shin

The Impact of Regulatory Focus and Message Frame on Consumers' Responses to Promotional Campaigns on Social Networking Sites (SNSs)
pp. 14835-14845
Kwang-Seok, Han and Taejun (David) Lee

Comparative Analysis on Forecasting Inaccuracy for Ensuring Stabilized Link on Electric Power Forecasting System
pp. 14847-14864
Yoon-Su Jeong and Seung-Soo Shin

A Study on the Regulation Direction of Hybrid Message: Focusing on the Regulation of Embedded Advertising
pp. 14865-14878
Min-Wook Choi

Application of N-Screen Technology in Advertisements
pp. 14879-14892
Seung Yeob Yu and and Nami Kim

The Finite NHPP Software Cost Model Considering Half-Logistic Distribution
pp. 13893-14902
Hee-Cheul Kim and Kyeong-Su Kim

An Approach for Self-Optimization of Multimedia Content Adaptation
pp. 14903-14915
Seunghwa Lee and Eunseok Lee

Design and Implementation of Intelligent Main Distributing Frame System that Realizes the Automatic Connection Matrix
pp. 14917-14928
O-Byoung Kwon and Mee-Kyeong Park

Empirical Analysis of Reliability and Validity of Measurement Tool for Smart Literacy
pp. 14929-14937
Choi Kyungho, Cho Jung Keun, Lee Seung Joo

A Rate Control Initialization Method for H.264 AVC Coding Using Improved Spatial Complexity at Low Bit Rate
pp. 14939-14949
Yalin Wu, Sun-Woo Ko, Geun-Ho Lee, Soo-Tae Kwon

Energy Saving and Management Mechanism Based on Profiles and Rules
pp. 14951-14961
Hyunjeong Lee, Wan-Ki Park, Il-Woo Lee , Sang Ho Lee

A Quick Crash-Recovery Strategy for Scientific Federated Cloud System
pp. 14963-14971
Dada Huang, Amol Jaikar, Gyeong-Ryoon Kim, Seo-Young Noh

NPC Artificial Intelligence Based on Wolf Hunting Behavior Model
pp. 14973-19984
MyounJae Lee

A Development and Design of Vocational e-Training Content with AR and VR
pp. 14985-14993
KiHyun Park, JinGon Shon, YongKim

User Perceived Handoff Call and Service Rate Variation Analysis in Wireless Communication Networks
pp. 14995-15002
Cheul Woo Ro

The Effects of Pilates Training on Pain Level, Lumbar Mobility and Stability of Middle-Aged Women with Chronic Lower Back Pain
pp. 15003-15012
An-Na Kim,Seung-Kil Lim, Il-Young Cho

The Effect of Manual Therapy for Neck Pain of Upper Cervical Syndrome in Middle-aged Women: A Pilot Study
pp. 15013-15024
Chong-Soo Jeong, Il-Young Cho,Eun-Hwa Ju, Kyung-Rye Moon

The Mediating Effects of Hope in the Relation between Self-Esteem and Emotional Intelligence of Elementary School Students in Rural Areas
pp. 15025-15036
Jeong-Mee, Kim and Chang-Seek, Lee

Relative Levels of Parents’ Life Satisfaction and their Relationship with Children’s Self-esteem, Stress and Parenting Attitude in Multicultural lementary Schools of Rural Areas
pp. 15037-15048
Chang-Seek, Lee

A Study on Factors and Psychological Mechanisms that affect Customer Satisfaction from a B2B Industrial Marketing Perspective
pp. 15049-15058
Young Wook Sohn and Seong-Hoon Choi

Berberine Inhibits Withaferin A-induced Apoptosis and Inflammation in Rabbit Articular Chondrocytes
pp. 15059-15069
Seon Mi Yu1 and Song Ja Kim

Evaluation of Hand Hygiene Monitoring System in Korea
pp. 15071-15079
Mi-Ja, Kim and Weon-Hee, Moon

Stress Response according to the Job Stress of Call Center Workers: Focused on the Mediating Effects of Cognitive Emotional Regulation Strategies
pp. 15081-15092
Park, Jin-Kyoung, Kim, Jung-Im, Lee, Do-Young

A Systematic Review of the Literature on Simulation-based Learning in Korean Nursing Students: Focused on Respiratory and Emergency Care
pp. 15093-15104
Young-Ju Kim,Weon-Hee Moon,Sung-Yun Ahn

Ultrastructural Characteristics of Candida albicans Detected in the Vagina
pp. 15105-15113
Mi-Soon, Park, Cheong-Hwan, Lim, Byung-Soo, Chang

The Mediating Effect of Cognitive Emotional Regulation Strategies on the Subjective Well-Being of Emotional Laborers in Regards to their Job Stress
pp. 15115-15125
Lee, Do-Young and Park, Jin-Kyoung

Exposure Dose to Major Organs during Mammography
pp. 15127-15135
Dong-Hee, Hong,,Hong-Ryang, Jung, Cheong-Hwan, Lim, Jun-Gu, Choi,Gha-Jung, Kim, Beom-Hee, Han

The Influence of Self-Esteem and Empathy on the Academic Resilience of Nursing Students
pp. 15137-15147
Myoung-Jin Kwon, Sung-Yun Ahn, Keum-Sook Kim

Does Justice Encourage Innovative Behavior
pp. 15149-15157
Woojae Choi

Nurse Education Needs of Hospital Nurses
pp. 15159-15171
Mi-Ja, Kim, Yun-Jeong, Kim, Hee-Suk, Sim

Related Factors in Depression of Elderly in Arthritis
pp. 15173-15186
Park, Jin-Kyoung, Choi, Mi-Young, Lee, Do-Young, Kim, Jung-Im

FEM Based Parametric Analysis of Cogging Torque for Single-Phase Brushless DC Motor with Asymmetric Position and Size Notches
pp. 15187-15198
Young-Un Park, Ju-HeeCho, Daekyong Kim

Study on 10kW Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator considering Variable Load and Speed
pp. 15199-15206
Hak-Gyun Jeong,Kyung-il Woo, Daekyong Kim

The Cost Behavior and Agency Problems
pp. 15207-15215
Jeongmi, Choi and Milim, Chon

Inpatient Hospital Service Satisfaction Research
pp. 15217-15226
Soon-Young Yun and Min-Suk Kim

The Possibilities of Revitalizing a Provincial City from the Railway Station
pp. 15227-15238
Ye-kyeong, Shin and Bo-sik, Son

An Analysis on Evaluation Factor for Local Festival Satisfaction
pp. 15239-15246
Bok-Hee Jung and Soon Gohn Kim

Bargaining Games That Use Artificial Agents Based on Genetic Algorithms and Differential Evolution Algorithms
pp. 15247-15360
Myoung-Ho, Seong and Sang-Yong, Lee

Authentication Algorithm using OAuth Protocol in Cloud Computing Environment
pp. 15261-15271
Cheol-Joo Chae,YongJu Shin,Kiseok Choi,Kwang-Nam Choi,Jae-Soo Kim

Multi-Contact Water Level Measurement Sensor Network System
pp. 15273-15287
Ki-Bong, Kim,Seung-Won, Sue, Han-Jin, Cho

The Calculations of the Recognizer in the State Automata based on its Matrix Model
pp. 15289-15295
Lunman Deng and Jeong-Young Song

Decision Tree Classification Algorithm based on Cost and Benefit Dual-Sensitive
pp. 15297-15305
Lunman Deng, Dingrong Yuan, Jeong-Young Song

Reconfigurable Real Number Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography to Improve the Security
pp. 15307-15318
Eun-Hee, Goo and Seung-Dae, Lee

Factors Affecting Performance of Supermarkets
pp. 15319-15327
Jung-Ill, Kim,Yen-Yoo, You, Kwan-Sik, Na

Analysis of Electromagnetic Scattering from Dielectric Bodies at Very Low Frequency Range Using Loop-Star Basis Functions
pp. 15329-15338
Joong-Soo Lim and Gyoo-Soo Chae

Tissue Nulling Time According to Inversion Time Changes in Magnetic Resonance Images
pp. 15339-15349
Hyun-Og Song, Cheong-Hwan Lim, Hong-Ryang Jung,Dong-Hee Hong, Oh-Nam Yang, Min-Cheol Kim,Beom-HuiHan

Effect of Treadmill Exercise for The Obese Older Women on Strength and C-reative Protein
pp. 15351-15359
Do-Jin Kim and Jong-Hyuck Kim

Health Behaviors and Doctor’s Diagnosis of Hypertension among Residents in C City
pp. 15361-15369
Eun Ja Yoon and Misoon Jeon

Smart Phone Addiction and Mental Health in Undergraduate Students
pp. 15371-15378
Misoon Jeon, Dahye Park, Hyunjung Kim

A Study on the Image of Nurses as Seen by University Students
pp. 15379-15390
Heejeong Kim and Dahye Park

Effect of Knowledge and Attitude on Intention for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donation among College Students in Korea
pp. 15391-15401
Miok Kim and Hyunmi Ahn

Measurement of Vena Contract a Width to Assess Severity of Aortic Regurgitation using Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging

pp 15403-15412
Woo-Taek Lim, Ki-Jeong Kim Dong-Hee Hong Hye-Nam Lee Cheong-Hwan Lim Hong-Ryang Jung

Development of a Telephone Follow-Up Management Protocol and the Effects of its Application for Disabled Epileptic Patients having Dental reatment under Ambulatory General Anesthesia
pp. 15413-15422
Mi-seon Kim and Hyeon-cheol Jeong

Factors on Psychological Maladaptation of Chinese Students Studying in Korea
pp. 15423-15430
Minkyeong Kim

Study on Prostate Cancer Screening Programme in Province
pp. 15431-15440
Kyung-Hee Kang, Kwon-Seob So, Hye-Jeong Hwang

Analysis on the Geometrical Parameters of InP Ridge-Waveguide DFB Laser Diodes
pp. 15441-15454
Kee-Young, Kwon

Study on How Combined Exercise and Scalp Care Have an Effect on Heavy Metal Hair of Men with Hair Loss
pp. 15455-15463
In-Sil, Kwak, Jong-Hyuck ,Kim , So-Hyung, Kang, Il-Young, Cho

The Effect of Multicultural Adolescents' Personal, Parent-Related and School-Related Factors on their Career Development
pp. 15465-15474
Minkyeong Kim

Factors Affecting Program Satisfaction in Care Worker Education Program
pp. 15475-15485
Jung Hyun Choi and Miok Kim

Analysis on Change of Cranio-vertebral Angle and Cranial Rotation Angle Caused by Smartphone Use Hours
pp. 15487-15494
DongYeop Lee, JaeHo Yu, JiHeon Hong, HyoGyeong Park, Yeji Kim,DongGeol Lee, HyungCheon Nam, JeanSoo Kim, DongKwon, Seo

Perception and Attitude to Multicultural Families of Undergraduate Students
pp. 15495-15503
Misoon Jeon and Hyunjeong Kim

Oral Health Behavior and Its Relationship with Major Oral Diseases
pp. 15505-15516
Youn-Soo, Shim and So-Young, Park

Factors Influencing Quality of Life (QOL) in Married Immigrant Women in Korea
pp. 15517-15525
Min-Sook Seo and Dahye Park

Work-Family Conflict, Perceived Health Status, Fatigue,Health Promoting Behavior and Health-related Quality of Life for Married Working Women
pp. 15527-15546
Eunhee Shin and Heekyung Kim

Literature Analysis on the Life Quality of Korean Terminal Cancer Patients
pp. 15547-15553
Young-Ju Kim and Sung-Yun Ahn

Osteoporosis Awareness and Bone Mineral Density among College Women
pp. 15555-15567
Yun-Mi Kim and Myoung-Hee Kim

Secure Electronic Payment Systems using a Smartphone
pp. 15569-15580
Seung Man Jin and Su Youn Lee

A Study of Integrated Control System for Effective Energy Saving of Buildings
pp. 15581-15593
Jeong-Kyoon, Lee, Seung-Hee, Park Ki-Young, Lee

Software Assessment of Reproducibility of Computed Tomography Equipment Coronary Artery Calcification Score Using Phantom
pp. 15595-15606
Ki-Jeong, Kim1,and Hong-Ryang, Jung

A Study of Personal Information Protection System for Privacy Protection in National R&D Report
pp. 15607-15614
YongJu Shin,Kwang-Nam Choi, Cheol-Joo Chae, kiseok Choi, Yong-Hee Yae

The Impact of Coaches' Servant Leadership on Athletes'Performance
pp. 15615-15624
Kim, Sung-Duck and Kim, Ill-Gwang

Study on the Leisure Activities Status and Leisure Restriction of the Foreign Married Immigrant Women in South Korea
pp. 15625-15635
Kim, Young-Mee, Kim, Ill-Gwang, Park, Su-Sun

Queueing Analysis of Retransmission Schemes over Fading Wireless Channels
pp. 15637-15646
Kilhwan Kim

A Comparison Study on Flexural Strength of Monosymmetric Beam with Noncompact Flange Section Based on AISC, AS4100, EC3 and Finite lement Analysis
pp. 15647-15660
Albert Surla andJong-Sup Park

Inelastic Flexural Strength Trends of Doubly and Singly Symmetric Stepped I-Beams with Five Loadings
pp. 15661-15676
Albert Surla, Hannah Reynoand Jong-Sup Park

A Study on Formulation Types of Diagnostic Ultrasound Transmission Media
pp. 15677-15688
Hye-Nam, Lee, Cheong-Hwan, Lim

Analyzing the English Needs of Current and Future Radiologic Technologists
pp. 15689-15696
Sunhee Choi

A Restful Web Service Facilitating Administration of Collaborative Software Testing Tasks
pp. 15697-15705
Shueh-Cheng Hu and I-Ching Chen

Towards an Experimental Analysis of Android Phone: GSM Network Positioning
pp. 15707-15714
MAN Ka Lok, WANG Wei, LIU Dawei, TAYAHI Moncef,HSU Hui-Huang, and LIM Eng Gee

Strategic Analysis and Success Factors of the Enterprises through the Convergence
pp. 15715-15726
Ji-Won Han and Heui-Seok Lim

Temporal Analysis of Water Quality Factors
pp. 15727-15733
A. Clementking and C. Jothi Venkateswaran

Enhanced Certificate-based Access Control System for Protection of Personal Information
pp. 15735-15739
Cheol-Joo Chae, Kwang-Nam Choi, YongJu Shin, Yong-Hee Yae

Application of Carbonate Additives in Compositions of Masonry Mortars
pp. 15741-15747
Natalya Nikolaevna Onoprienko,Shark Matrasulovich Rahimbaev,Natalya Maksimovna Tolypina,Svetlana Igorevna Shatohina

City Transport System Improvement through the Use of Simulation Modeling System
pp. 15749-15755
Irina V. Makarova, Eduard I. Belyaev,Vadim G. Mavrin, Ilnar F. Suleimanov

Construction of the Publication and Patent Clusters Produced by the Arbitrary Terms with the Use of the Specialized Google Tools
pp. 15757-15776
Vladimir M. Moskovkin, Sergey I. Chernyshev, Maria V. Moskovkina,Ruslan V. Lesovik, Konstantin I. Logachev, Vadim V. Shaptala

Determination of Gas-Material Flow Parameters of Ball Mills
pp. 15777-15789
Vasily Stepanovich Bogdanov,Denis Vasilievich Bogdanov,Sergey Igorevich Antsiferov,Pavel Sergeevich Gorshkov

Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Wood Insulation Materials in Conditions of Non-Stationary Heat Transfer
pp. 15791-15800
Alexander Andreevich Lukash, 1 Natalya Petrovna Lukutsova,Nina Ivanovna Minko

Environmentally Safe Schungite-Based Nano-Dispersion Additive to Concrete
pp. 15801-15809
Lukuttsova Natalya Petrovna, Kolomatskiy Alexander Sergeevich,PykinAlexei Alexeevich,Nikolaenko Andrey Vladimirovich,Kalugin Anatoley Anatolevich,Tugicova Marina Yrievna,

Fiber-Reinforced Concretes Made of Technogenic Raw Materials and Composite Binders for Industrial Building Floors
pp. 15811-15824
Ruslan Valeryevich Lesovik, Sergey Vasilyevich Klyuev, Alexander Vasilyevich Klyuev, Sergey Alexeyevich Kazlitin Alexey Viktorovich Netrebenko and Andrey Viktorovich Durachenko

High-Performance Fine Concrete Modified with Nano-Dispersion Additive
pp. 15825-15833
Lukuttsova Natalya Petrovna, Luginina Iya Germanovna,Karpikov Evgeniy Gennadievich,

Improving Technology of Non-Autoclave Foam Concrete
pp. 15835-15841
Natalya. M. Krasinikova, Vadim G. Khozin, Nikolay M. Morozov,Igor V. Borovskikh, Elvira V. Eruslanova

Increasing the Load Capacity of Ball-And-Screw Transmissions by Improving the Process of their Assembly
pp. 15843-15849
?lbert V. Korolev, Boris M. Iznairov, Alexei N. Vasin

Mathematical Modeling of Training and Dynamics of Scientific Personnel
pp. 15851-15860
Vladimir M. Moskovkin, Bilal N.E. Suleiman, Ruslan V. Lesovik,Evgeniy I. Evtushenko, Valeriy A. Kuznetsov

Mathematical Model for the Formation of University Contingents on the Basis of Population Dynamics Equations
pp. 15861-15875
Vladimir M. Moskovkin, Bilal N.E. Suleiman RuslanV.Lesovik

Mathematical Model of Demand and Supply in the Market of Education Services
pp. 15877-15888
VladimirM. Moskovkin, BilalN. E. Suleiman, RuslanV. Lesovik

Mechanism of Information Exchange Management within Portal Network of Environmental Monitoring Subjects
pp. 15889-15894
Sergej Aleksandrovich Lazarev, Olga Alexandrovna Ivashchuk,Igor Sergeevich Konstantinov, Konstantin Anatol'evich Rubcov

Multifactor Model of Technological Hazards Prediction
pp. 15895-15901
Konstantin Anatol'evich Rubcov, Olga Alexandrovna Ivashchuk Igor Sergeevich Konstantinov, Sergej Aleksandrovich Lazarev

Nano-Disperse Additive Based on Titanium Dioxide
pp. 15903-15911
Lukuttsova Natalya Petrovna,Lesovik Valeriy Stanislavovich,Postnikova Olga Andreevna, Gornostaeva Elena Yrevna,Vasunina Svetlana Vladimirovna, Suglobov Artem Vladimirovich

Research in the Field of Automated Environmental Safety Control for Industrial and Regional Clusters
pp. 15913-15920
Olga Alexandrovna Ivashchuk, Igor Sergeevich Konstantinov Sergej Aleksandrovich Lazarev, Vjacheslav Igorevich Fedorov

Research of Multiple-Factor Dependence of Wear of an Electrode Tool and Development of a Technique of its Optimization at an Electroerosive nsertion of Small Openings
pp. 15921-15936
Elena Ivanovna Puzacheva and Anatoly Fedorovich Bojko

Slag-Alkaline Concrete-Efficient Building Material
pp. 15937-15942
Andrey V. Uglyanica, Tatyna V. Khmelenko, Kirill D. Solonin

Social and Economic Development of the State in the Context of the Innovative Environment Formation
pp. 15943-15953
Alexander Yakovlevich Arkatov,Evgeni Ivanovich Evtushenko,Andrey Viktorovich Manin,Elena Sergeevna Dolzhenko,Farhad Idrisovich Ragimov

Sound Management of the Cement Clinker Burning with the Use of Information Technology
pp. 15955-15964
Victor Korneevich Klassen,Pavel Alexeevich Trubaev,Alexey Gennadevich Novosyolov,Maksim Vladimirowich Nuss

Technogenic Sands as an Integrated Industrial Waste Aggregation for Construction Industry
pp. 15965-15970
Lesovik Ruslan Valerievich, Mestnikov A E , Bazhenov Yu M

The Assessment of the Sector R&D Potential: On the Example of the Belgorod Region
pp. 15971-15980
Yury Anatolievich Doroshenko, Sofia Miroslavovna Bukhonova,Lyudmila Alekseevna Minaeva, Irina Vladimirovna Somina,Andrew Viktorovich Manin,Zhanna Nikolaevna Avilova

The Development of the Business Strategy based on the Commercialization of Innovations
pp. 15981-15990
Ekaterina Danilovna Schetinina, Maria Sergeevna Starikova,Kseniya Sergeevna Borzenkova, Elena Nikolaevna Chizhova

Theoretical Bases of the Calculation of the Energy, which it Spends for the Process of Materials Grinding in Accordance with Geometrical and Technological Characteristics of the Chamber of the Barrel-Shaped Form
pp. 15991-16002
Ludmila Vasilievna Ryadinskaya,Svetlana Yurievna Lozovaya,Vitaliy Sergeevich Sablin

Theoretical Justification of Reducing Temperature of Concrete Products Thermal Treatment
pp. 16003-16015
Shark Matrasulovich Rakhimbayev,Igor Sharkovich Rakhimbayev,Sergey Valerievich Minakov,Anastasia Valerievna Polovneva

Analysis of the Change in Position of the Countries' Sets of Leading Universities and Research Centers in the World Web-Metrics Ranking: With the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Region Taken as an Example
pp. 16017-16027
Vladimir M. Moskovkin,Elena V. Pupynina,Elena N. Kamyshanchenko

Error Correction Method Results in a Multiplication of the Supercomputer
pp. 16029-16036
Nikolay Ivanovich Korsunov, Igor Sergeevich Konstantinov,Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Nachetov

Humanitarian Measurements of Innovative Development of the Higher School
pp. 16037-16044
Dr Nikolai Danakin,Dr Andrey Shutenko,Petr Ospishev

Revisiting a Selection of Natural and Technogenic Raw Materials for Geopolymer Binders
pp. 16045-16055
N.I.Kozhuhova, I.V.Zhernovskiy, M.S.Osadchaya,V.V. Strokova, R.V.Tchizhov

Simulation of the Initial Stages of Software Development
pp. 16057-16064
Aleksandr Korotkov, Alla G. Kravets, Yuriy F. Voronin, Andrey D. Kravets

The Adaptive Determination of the Relative Importances of the Objects on the Basis of the Qualitive Pair Comparisons
pp. 16065-16075
E.G.Zhilyakov, N.P. Putivzeva, S.V. Igrunova

Decision Making Support System in Multi-Objective Issues of Quality Management in the Field of Information Technology
pp. 16077-16084
Elena G. Semenova, Maria S. Smirnova, Vladimir A. Tushavin

The Modular Structure of the Adaptive Machine Learning System
pp. 16085-16090
Vladimir Vasilievich Lomakin, Rustam Gennadievich Asadullaev,Aleksandr Vasilievich Mamatov, Mark Yurievich Pogorelyy,Vadim Vasilievich Mishunin

Synthesis of the Optimal Control for a Class of Systems with the Hysteresis Nonlinearities
pp. 16091-16097
Mikhail E. Semenov, Elena A. Abapolova,Vladimir V. Mikhailov

A Study on Analysis of Operation Pattern for Energy Consumption Optimization of Maglev Train
pp. 16099-16108
Kyoung Bok Lee


Evaluation of QoS and QoE for H.264/SVC Video Transmission with DCF and EDCA
pp. 16109-16112
John Petearson Anzola A and Andrés Camilo Jiménez A

Design Of Controllers For Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Soft Computing Techniques
pp. 16131-16142
Belsam Jeba Ananth. M Vennila.M Anitha Thulasi.J

Secure Key-Tree Architecture For Double Cluster Based Routing In WSN
pp. 16143-16157
D. Suresh, K. Selvakumar

Design of Adder Circuit with Fault Tolerant Technique for Power Minimization
pp. 16159-16168
Prajoona Valsalan and Dr. K.Sankaranarayanan

The amazing world of Java – An overview of some interesting concepts of the language.
pp. 16169-16180

Collusion Resistance Threshold Self-Healing Key Distribution for MANET
pp. 16181-16196
Sudha Nagamalai, Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi

A Secure Intrusion – Detection With Higher Malicious – Behavior – Detection Rate System For Manet
pp. 16197-16210
D.Rajalakshmi, G.Murugaboopathi, C.S.Sanoj

Mathematical Modeling on The Effect of Exercise on The Interactions of Glucose And Insulin
pp. 16211-16221
Jamal Hussain and Denghmingliani Zadeng

An Efficient Iris Recognition System using Pupillary and Collarette Features
pp. 16223-16238
N. Poonguzhali, M. Ezhilarasan

Comparative Analysis of Cuckoo Search And Imperialistic Competitive Algorithm For Unit Commitment Problem
pp. 16239-16250
J.Chitra and Dr.C.S.Ravichandran

Telephonic Ddos Attack Detection In SIP Based Voip Networks
pp. 16251-16267
V.Srihari1, P.Kalpana, R.Anitha

Preserving User’s Privacy in Personalized Search
pp. 16269-16276
S.L. Jany Shabu and Manoj Kumar.K

The Need to Preserve and Promote Rejomulyo Batik Designs as Semarang’s Local Products
pp. 16277-16292
Muh Fakhrihun Na’am and Arif Hidayat

Improved Experimental Method to Determination the Center of Gravity of Free-Flying Dynamically Similar Models
pp. 16293-16304
A. Shakoori, A.V. Betin, D.A. Betin, M. Mortazavi

Trace Based Real Time Service Selection And Composition For Secure Cloud Computing In Smart Grids
pp. 16305-16316
Sivapragash Chidambaram and Prof. Dr.S. Suresh Kumar

2D Causal ARMA Model for Texture Analysis,Synthesis And Classification
pp. 16317-16328
A D. Vaishali, B. Dr. R. Ramesh, C. J. Anita Christaline

Surface Topography on Miniaturization of A Thin Circular Cylinder By An Impact Loading
pp. 16329-16340
Hairul Arsyad, ING Wardana,Wahyono Suprapto, Anindito Purnowidodo

Low Power Design Finite State Machine on Field Programmable Gate Arrays
pp. 16341-16352
Siwar ben haj hassin, Mehdi Jemai, Bouraoui Ouni

Design of LQR With Estimator And 2-DOF PID For A CSTR System
pp. 16353-16361
Dr. D. Subbulekshmi

The Simulation of Ultracapacitor Based Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Advisor
pp. 16363-16378
Nurul Hasan Ibrahim, Dr. R. Saravana Kumar

Cut Detection of Cut Vertices In Wireless Sensor Networks
pp. 16379-16394
E. Annadevi , J.Martin Leo Manickam

Wear Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Ceramic Coatings on Mild Steel Substrate
pp. 16395-16401
A.Anderson, R.Prakash, B.Vignesh,S.K.Syed Musthak

Testing Knowledge on The Basis of Stochastic Analysis
pp. 16403-16412
Elena Valerevna Zargaryan, Yuriy Arturovich Zargaryan, Inna Valerjevna Pushnina, Valery Ivanovich Finaev, Elena Alexandrovna Shestova

Decision Making Models Within The Process of Knowledge Testing Under Indeterminacy Conditions
pp. 16413-16422
Elena Valerevna Zargaryan, Yuriy Arturovich Zargaryan, Inna Valerjevna Pushnina, Valery Ivanovich Finaev, Elena Alexandrovna Shestova

Information Support For The Processing of The Results of Testing Knowledge Under Uncertainty
pp. 16423-16433
Elena Valerevna Zargaryan, Yuriy Arturovich Zargaryan, Inna Valerjevna Pushnina, Valery Ivanovich Finaev, Elena Alexandrovna Shestova

Query Tree Based Dependency Rule Generation For Query Optimization To Reduce Query Processing Time
pp. 16435-16444
Mrs.Tejy Johnson and Dr.S.K.Srivatsa

Video Coding Based on H.264 Interframe Predictions Using Fibonacci Spiralblock Matching Algorithm With Dct
pp. 16445-16454
L.C.Manikandan, Dr.R.K.Selvakumar

Flow Design Optimization of Automobile ECV Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
pp. 16455-16460
Wangwenhai And Haengmuk, Cho

Trust Based Resource Selection Policies To Optimize Aco Scheduler In Grid Environment
pp. 16461-16474
Saravana Kumar.E, Sumathi. A

Region Properties Based Ant Colony Optimization Approach For Cancer Cell Segmentation
pp. 16475-16492
Kalaiselvi T.C. Asokan R

Automatic Headlamp Leveling System Using Occupant Detection Scheme For M1 Category Vehicles: An Alternative Method To Replace Manual Switching
pp. 16493-16502
Surender Dhanasekaran, Siva Kumar, ImmanuelDinesh Paul, Thamarai Kannan, Gokul Chandrasekaran and Vidhyadharan Rajendiran

Prioritisation of Buyers In Selling By-Product of A Sugar Plant By Analytical Hierarchy Process
pp. 16503-16519
Rajkumara and P. Malliga

Fuzzy System Based Analysis Of Neem Biodiesel For Electric Power Generation Using Labview
pp. 16521-16534
G. Vijaya gowri and N. Kanagarajx

Software Reliability Prediction: A Literature Review
pp. 16535-16545
S. Anna Suganthi, K. Karnavel

Jacquard Fabrics: Fabrication With Different Compounds For Multifunctional Properties
pp. 16547-16564
Latha, M, Ramachandran, T and Elayarajah, B

Solid Phase Synthesis And Sintering Without Pressure Technologies To Create Material Based on Bismuth Ferrite
pp. 16565-16569
Verbenko I.A., Shilkina L.A., Abubakarov A.G., Reznichenko L.A., O. N.Razumovskaya, Sorokun T.N.

Feature Extraction Studies In A Heterogeneous Web World
pp. 16571-16579
Kolla Bhanu Prakash, M A Dorai Rangaswamy, T V Ananthan

Study of Intelligent PI-Fuzzy supervisory speed control scheme for 4 Phase Sensorless SRM drive
pp. 16581-16594
J.Uma and A. Jeevanandham

Tracing of Fetal abdominal circumference using Bioinspired Computation
pp. 16595-16603
Nithya J and Prof. Madheswaran M

Mammogram Contrast Enhancement with Brightness Preservation Algorithms
pp. 16605-16611
T.Venkat Narayana Rao and Dr. A. Govardhan

Investigation of An Induction Motor Performance Working As Generator With Motor Parameters
pp. 16613-16623
T.Elango and A. Senthil Kumar

Detecting And Revocation Of Compromised Nodes In Zone-Based Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Using A Two Stage Approach
pp. 16625-16636
R. Murugesan and  Dr. M. Vijayaraj

Optimizing Energy Efficient performance of Transmission Capacity on Path-Loss Attenuation and MAC Protocol Design in MANETs
pp. 16637-16649
V.S. Suresh Kumar and Dr. K. Ravi Kumar

Monitoring Burr Type XII Software Quality Using SPC
pp. 16651-16660
Dr.R.Satya Prasad, K.V.Murali Mohan and G.Sridevi

Haralick Statistical Features Based Surface Grading of Ceramic Tiles
pp. 16661-16670
M Senthilkumar, Dr V Palanisamy

Optimized Real Time Scheduling Service For Cloud Application
pp. 16671-16681
A SandanaKaruppan, Dr.N.Ramaraj

Experimental Study on Process Reductions And To Improve The Performance of Lcvr Assembly By Using Analytical Tools
pp. 16683-16691
R.Thamaraikannan , M.Anish , B.Kanimozhi Aravindh.P, Anbarasan.M,

Strength of Reinforced Concrete Hollow Beams
pp. 16693-16707
Arun, M and Arunachalam, N

PSO Mode of Adaptive Fuzzy C Means Clustering Algorithm for Segmentation of M-FISH Images for Classification of Chromosomes
pp. 16709-16723
V.A.Pravina and V.S.Jayanthi

Data Aware High Speed Low power Architecture using Modified Lifting Scheme for 2D DWT
pp. 16725-16736
S.Senthil Kumar and R.Radhakrishnan

Safe Drive Antiglare System For Automobile Headlights
pp. 16737-16742
Karthick G, Aravind E, Ramya Sundaram B, Harithaa S, Shriram K Vasudevan

Ontology Based Fuzzy Rule Mining Technique for Web usage Analysis
pp. 16743-16753
Mr.T.Subha Mastan Rao, Dr.G.Rama Krishna and Mrs.T.L.Deepika Roy

Implementation of Decimation Filter Using Farrow Structure And Cubic Polynomial Approximation
pp. 16755-16762
S.Arun Kumar, P.Ganesh Kumar

Utilization Of Industrial Waste Copper Slag In Concrete
pp. 16763-16772
Jagmeet Singh, Jaspal Singh and Manpreet Kaur

Design and Simulation of All Terrain Robot with Rocker Lambda Mechanism
pp. 16773-16782
Ayyagari Suma, Venkata Sai Naga Subhash Battula,Ambati Akshay and Saurabh Ravi Kulkarni

Observation and Characterization of Tweek Characteristics at Adelaide Station
pp. 16783-16792
Norbayah Yusop, S.A.M. Chachuli, Zawani Ali, N.R. Mohamad and Maizatul Alice Meor Said

Comprehensive Evaluation of customer satisfaction beverage packaging
pp. 16793-16800
Wang Da-ao, Zhou Qing-hua1, Wang Hui

Performance analysis of Seam welded joints in Multi phase steel pipes under torsional loading and correlation with metallurgical parameters
pp. 16801-16814
A.Sudheer and S. Jose

Comparative study on Data centric - Wireless Sensor network protocols
pp. 16815-16820
S.Sibi Chakkaravarthy, R.Prabhakaran, M.Sureshkumar, S.Thiyagarajan,K.Kalaiarasan

Dynamic Group Audit Control Mechanism for Cloud Computing Using k-means Inter-Batch Cluster Method
pp. 16821-16835
S. Srinivasan and K. Raja

Fabrication, Modeling and Impact Analysis of Polyurethane Matrix Composites
pp. 16837-16848
R.Anbazhagana and Dr.G.P.Rajamanib

CE and SE Based Fault Characterization Approach To Minimize Testing Cost
pp. 16849-16855
Dr.T.Prem Jacob and M.Divya

Study on the use of cloud computing technology to monitor the environment contamination
pp. 16857-16861
P.ShanmugaSundari, Dr.M.Subaji and Dr.C.Srimathi, Dr. J. Karthikeyan

Dictionary Based Compression Using Clustering: An Application of Ratio Scale Data
pp. 16863-16871
Biku Abraham, Varghese Paul and Nebu John Abraham

Survey of Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix Techniques on Image Texture Classification
pp. 16873-16884
T.G. Manikumar, B. Vijayalakshmi , Dr. V. Mohan

Enhancing The Efficiency Of The Processor Using Semaphore In RTOS Environment
pp. 16885-16894
Dr. R. Kanthavel, S. Lalitha Nachal, C. Poornima, A. Arun

Effects Of Water Quality On Hydration And Compressive Strength Of Plain Cement Concrete
pp. 16895-16908
V.Nandakumar, and S.Robert Ravi

Fuzzy Based Analysis of Inverter Fed Micro Grid in Islanding Operation
pp. 16909-16916
T.Yuvaraja, M.Gopinath

A Secure And Efficient Groub Transmission In Wireless Networks Using A Random Key Generation And Encryption
pp. 16917-16932
B.T.Geetha1 M.V.Srinath V.Perumal

Automated Traffic Control and Route Assisting System for Emergency Services

pp. 16933-16945

R V Keshava Rao, M. Prasanth, G. Shubhang, G Jayachandra Dr. K Sreenivasa Ravi

Overinvesting Activities and Tax Avoidance: The Case of South Korea
pp. 16947-16959
SungMan Yoon and KangYoung Lee

Cost Effective Solution for Optimal Placement and size of Multiple FACTS Using Particle Swarm Optimization
pp. 16961-16978
K. Kumarasamy and R. Raghavan

Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Stages Exploiting an ANFIS Classifier
pp. 16979-16990
R.Sampath and Dr.A.Saradha

On Exploitation Of RRFQ Approach For Effective Load Balance In MANET
pp. 16991-16998
G. Rajiv Suresh Kumar and Dr. K.M. Mohana Sundaram

Design of Gain Scheduled PI Controller based Neuro Controller for Non Linear System
pp. 16999-17008
D.Dinesh Kumar, B. Meenakshipriya, C. Divya


Design and Simulation of an Adaptive Radial Basis Function Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ARBNFIS) for Speed Control of Induction Motor
pp. 17009-17025
M. Gowrisankar and Dr. A. Nirmal Kumar

Automatic System for Pre-Processing and Enhancement of Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI)
pp. 17027-17041
K.Rajiv Gandhi,N.Nandhagopal, R.Sivasubramanian

Prediction of Delamination by Fuzzy Logic in Drilling of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) by Special Drill Bits and Experimental Validation
pp. 17043-17049
R. Raja, Dr G. Chandramohan, Dr V. Krishnaraj

Eigen Based Video Indexing in Web Engine
pp. 17051-17062
PackiaLatha. A and ChandraSekar

Modeling and Analysis of Worm Propagation in Homogeneous Network
pp. 17063-17082
Bimal Kumar Mishraa and Sounak Paul

Incorporation of optimized AND, OR gates and Half adder into Carry Select Adder using CMOS technique
pp. 17083-17095
P. Radhika and Dr. T. Vigneswaran

Hi-Clustering for Maximizing the Sub Cluster in Gene Expression Data
pp. 17097-17113
K. Vengatesan and Dr. S. Selvarajan

Sustainable Construction Management
pp. 17115-17126
B. Sarath Chandra Kumar and Gupta, S. K.

Application of Response Surface Methodology Describing the Performance of Micro-Turning with Chemically Pure Titanium
pp. 17127-17145
S. Selvakumar, R. Ravikumar, P. Ranjithkumar

S – Genetic Algorithm for Encryption Key Generation
pp. 17147-17153
S.G. Saravana Kumar and Dr. A. Shanmugam

A Fight against Digital Video Content Infringement over Internet
pp. 17155-17166
Baggam Srinivas, Koduganti Venkata Rao, P Suresh Varma

Effect of Compression Ratio, Injection Timing and Injection Pressure on the Performance of Diesel Engine Fuelled with B20 Blend of Jatropha Methyl Ester
pp. 17167-17180
A. Karthikeyan and R. Rajasekar

A Unified Reversible Design of Binary and Binary Coded Decimal Adder / Subtractor
pp. 17181-17198
Praveena. M and Dr. Thanushkodi. K

Node Clone Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
pp. 17217-17242
Govindharajan Uma Gowri,, Rajagopal Sivakumar,

Structural Clustering Approach: To Enhancing Performance of Automation Reference Tool GRASP
pp. 17267-17275
M.Saravanan and Sneha Mathew

Comparative Study of Speed Controller Design for Pemanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Systems
pp. 17277-17293
N. Mohanapriyaa, Dr. K. Ayyar and Dr. A. Nirmalkumar

Face and Fingerprint Biometric Fusion: Multimodal Feature Template Matching Algorithm
pp. 17295-17315
A.Manchula and Dr.S.Arumugam

Exergy Analysis of a Domestic Refrigerator Using Eco-Friendly R441A Refrigerant Mixture as an Alternative to R134A
pp. 17317-17325
C. Prabha and P. Koshy Mathews

An Automated Lung Cancer Detection from CT Images Based on Using Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Clustering Methods
pp. 17327-17343
K. Jalal Deen and Dr. R. Ganesan

Investigation of Reactive Power Compensation in Grid Connected Wind farm under Varying Wind Conditions
pp. 17345-17354
M.G. Sugirtha and P. Latha

Finger Print Recognition Using Contour Identitiy Cross Detection Technique
pp. 17355-17369
Mr. J. Stanly Jayaprakash and Dr. S. Arumugam

Miniaturized Patch Antennas for Wireless Applications using Slot-type Complementary Split Ring Resonator Loading
pp. 17371-17380
Gayathri Rajaraman, M. Anitha, Alok K. Singhal,Khagindra Sood and Rajeev Jyoti

Implementation of Radar Range Tracking Algorithm in FPGA
pp. 17381-17392
Lavanya Nalluri Mallaiah Akula Satish Dhavan Vadlamudi Koteswara Rao Vaddempudi

A PCM/FM Demodulator using Complexity Reduction Techniques
pp. 17393-17404
Minho Choi and Wonsik Yoon

Effect of the Chemical Reaction and Radiation Absorption on Unsteady Free Convection Flow Past a Vertical Moving Plate in an Aligned Magnetic Field
pp. 17405-17424
A.G. Vijaya Kumar

Induction Surface Modification of Borided AISI 4340 Steel
pp. 17425-17432

Contemporary Research on Robotics
pp. 17433-17441
R. Sonia Priyadarshini and V. Khanna

EE-PHND: Energy Efficient Pre-Handshaking Neighbor Discovery Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
pp. 17443-17458
R.U. Anitha and Dr. G. M. Kadhar Nawaz

Reactive Power Allocation through STATCOM using Firefly Algorithm
pp. 17459-17467
S. Uma Mageswaran and Dr. N.O. Guna Sekhar

Multi Variant Features Based Identity Management Using Keystroke Dynamics for Improved Authentication
pp. 17469-17475
V. Chandrasekar and Dr. S. Suresh Kumar

User Interactive Hierarchical Text to Graphics Generation Using Fuzzy Rule Sets and Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques
pp. 17481-17492
S. Deepa and Dr. P. Kumar

Multi Agent Probabilistic Inference Model for Distributed Decisive Support System based on Fuzzy Rule Sets Using Data Mining
pp. 17493-17501
M. Inbavalli and Dr. Tholkappia Arasu

Harmonic Optimization Strategy for Single Phase Cascaded Eleven Level Inverter by Using Bee Algorithm
pp. 17513-17524
R. Tamilselvan and V. Padmathilagam

Optimization of Reducing Pressure Loss in Annular Combustor Diffuser of Gas Turbine Engine
pp. 17525-17536
Purusothaman. M and Nagaraj

An Implementation of FIS for Diabetes Data with Fuzzy Petri Net Representation
pp. 17537-17553
S. Jayasudha1, K. Ramanathan and A. KumaraVe

An Approach to Adaptive Cube Selection Algorithm for Improved 3D-DCT Based Video Coding
pp. 17569-17581
Augustin Jacob J. and Dr. Senthilkumar N.

An Intelligent Medical Diagnosis System Using Weight Adopted Feature Selection and Hidden Naïve Bayes
pp. 17583-17599
P.S. Jeetha Lakshmi, Dr. S. Saravan Kumar, Dr. A. Suresh

Improving the Security of Smart Cards through Multi- Curve ECC
pp. 17601-17611
G. Prakash and S. Sakthivel

Thermal Diffusion and Radiation Effects on Unsteady MHD Flow Past a Linearly Accelerated Vertical Plate with Variable Temperature and Mass Diffusion
pp. 17613-17629
A.G. Vijaya Kumar

An Analysis of DC Distribution Systems
pp. 17631-17644
Dr. L.V. Narasimha Rao

Design and Implementation of Efficient Multiplier Using Proposed Carry Select Adder
pp. 17645-17653
Prof. S. Murugeswari and Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen

Management of Erosion at Ennore Coastal Line in Chennai
pp. 17655-17666
Sampathkumar. V, Vanjinathan. J and Phani Madhavi.T

A Comparative Study on Different Algorithms for finding Longest Route in a Project Network
pp. 17667-17687
H.R. Apoorva, M.C.Viswanath and Dr. K.M. Roopa,

Image Processing of Human Lumbar Spine during Manual Lifting of Loads Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm: An Ergonomic Study
pp. 17689-17702
1K.Manoharan and 2Dr.N.Devarajan


Face Identification in Video Surveillance

pp. 17703-17708

K. Reshmi and L. K. Joshila Grace


An Improved Highly Dynamic Choice Routing Scheme (IHDCR) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

pp. 17709-17718

M. Varghese and Dr. V. Parthasarathy


Fracture Analysis of an Adhesive Joint using Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) Test Method

pp. 17719-17730

M.D.Mohan Gifta, P.Selvakumarb, S.John Alexisc


Review of Literature on Hydrophobic Materials

pp. 17731-17744

Thirunavukkarasu. A. and Pankaj. B. Tambe


Analytical I-V Modeling of Accumulation Mode Cylindrical Surrounding Gate Nanowire Mosfets

pp. 17745-17758
M.Karthigai Pandian1, Dr.N.B.Balamurugan2 and S. Manikandan3


A Three Stage Method Based on Kruskal’s Algorithm to Maximize Loss Saving in a Radial Distribution System

pp. 17759-17770
N.Gnanasekaran, Dr.S.Chandramohan, Dr.T.D.Sudhakar, P.Sathish Kumar

Design of Conversion Module from Korean Video to English Text for English Subtitle Generator Using Hidden Markov Model Algorithm
pp. 17771-17781
Elizabeth Irenne Yuwono, Caecilia Citra Lestari, M.Kom.

Lysozyme Adsorption Onto Immobilised Metal Affinity Chromatographic Adsorbent: Effect of pH and Ionic Strength
pp. 17783-17792
Sofiah Hamzah1, FatinMohd Nasir, and Amirah Hamzah

Fluid Dynamic Analysis on Vertical Axis Tidal Turbine Design for Predicting Its Performance for Indonesian Ocean
pp. 17793-17800
Nu RhahidaArini, TeguhHady Arywibowo1, Setyo Nugroho

Designing Service Quality Model for Vocational Higher Education
pp. 17801-17811
Aisyah Larasati1, Laili Hidayati, and LismiAnimatul Chisbiyah

Spatial Individual Pattern of Building Damage Hazard Due To Earthquake in the City of Banda Aceh, Indonesia
pp. 17813-17825
Irwansyah. E, Winarko. E

Synthesis of Nano-modified Ceramic Materials Based on YSZ and Their Properti
pp. 17827-17834
I.V.Chernetskiy, A.V Vlasov, V.V.Kartashov, E.I.Denisova

Collaborative Decision Making for Solid Waste Management: A Delphi Analytical Hierarchy ProcessApproach
pp. 17835-17850
Hamsah, Mary Selintung, Syarif Burhanuddin,Tri Harianto

Modeling Structure of Powders During Hot Pressing
pp. 17851-17858
A.V. Vlasov, I.V.Chernetskiy, V.V. Kartashov, E.I.Denisova

A Cooperative Coevolution Genetic Algorithm for Generating Security Trading Strategies
pp. 17859-17869
Runee Kraithong and Ohm Sornil

Knowledge, Understanding, Behaviors, and Risks of Social Media Usage According to Thailand’s Computer-Related Crime Act
pp. 17871-17882
Kannikar Paripremkul1 and Ohm Sornil

T1-Fuzzy vs T2-Fuzzy Stabilize Quadrotor Hover with Payload Position Disturbance
pp. 17883-17894
Hendi Wicaksono and Buyung Christophorus

Measurement of Public Service Motivation: A Case in Central Java Province, Indonesia
pp. 17895-17902
Mahfudz, ImanSudirman, JokoSiswanto, and BudhiPrihartono

Experimental Investigation on Melting Heat Transfer of Paraffin Wax-Al2O3 Storage System
pp. 17903-17910
Hamdani1, Razali Thaib, Irwansyah, Dailami, T.M.I. Mahlia

Application the Temperature Dependent Forms of Adsorption Isotherm Models on the Adsorption Equilibrium of Biocidal Compound onto Organo-Bentonite
pp. 17911-17920
Felycia Edi Soetaredjo1 andSuryadi Ismadji

Characteristics of Business System Requirement for Creative Industries SME’s in Bandung
pp. 17921-17927
Joko Siswanto, Sribagjawati Suparman, Iman Sudirman and Sukoyo,Made Andriani

Waste PaphiaUndulata Shellas a Potential heterogeneous Catalyst for Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Production
pp. 17929-17938
Hendra D Tantra, Edo Tandean, Nani Indraswati, Felycia Edi Soetaredjo,Suryadi Ismadji

Improving Disparity Map of A Specific Object in A Stereo Image Using Camera Calibration, Image Rectification, and Object Segmentation
pp. 17939-17949
Hermawan Syahputra, AgusHarjoko, Retantyo Wardoyo, Reza Pulungan

Domestic Microwave-Maceration Extraction (DMME) of PhenolicCompounds from Peanut (Arachishypogeae L.) Shell using Full Factorial Design of Experiment
pp. 17951-17962
Aning Ayucitra, Rendy Christian Diharja, Tonny Mulyadi1, Nani Indraswati

The Service Quality of Internet Banking and Impact to Customer Satisfaction: A Preliminary Finding
pp. 17963-17970
Sevenpri Candra

Antecedents and Drivers for Virtually Collocated Team: An Insight from Concurrent Engineering Perspective
pp. 17971-17982
Geraldy Dadriyansyah, Amlus Ibrahim, MohamadGhozali Hassan

T-wave identification in ECG Signal using Symmetric Distance Coefficient
pp. 17983-17990
Nemuel Daniel Pah

Greening the Business Environment
pp. 17991-18001
MohamadGhozali Hassan, Rahimi Abidin, Norani Nordin, RushamiZien Yusoff

Requirement Engineering Strategy for Multinational Original Equipment Manufacturer Partnership
pp. 18003-18012
Astie Darmayantie, I Made Wiryana

Utilizing Claims, Complaints, and Company Initiatives as Voc in a Product Development using QFD-Kano Approach
pp. 18013-18024
Mokh Suef, Suparno, Moses L. Singgih1, Ronald Sukwadi, Eny Widawati

Java Characters Recognition using Evolutionary Neural Network and Combination of Chi2 and Backpropagation Neural Network
pp. 18025-18036
GregoriusSatiaBudhi and Rudy Adipranata

Experimental Study on Characteristics of Asphalt Concrete Bearing Coarse (AC BC) Mixture Using Buton Granular Asphalt (BGA)
pp. 18037-18045
Abdul Gaus, Tjaronge M. W., Nur Ali, Rudy Djamaluddin

The Degree of DeacetylationChitosanVarious Marine Shells
pp. 18047-18051
Sinardi,Prayatni Soewondo, Suprihanto Notodarmojo, Cynthia Radiman

Retrieval and Sorting of Image Similarity Using Rbiorthogonal Wavelet and Best Position Algorithm
pp. 18054-18064
Abdul Haris Rangkuti, Djunaidi Santoso

Zonation of Earthquake Building Damage Hazard Area Using Kohonen Neural Network (NN) and Kriging Algorithm
pp. 18065-18073
Irwansyah E. and Sri Hartati

Real-Time Automatic Identification System of Waste Disposal in Nickel Mining
pp. 18075-18086
Andani Achmad, Syafaruddin, Wilem Musu

Microstructure Characteristics of Self Compacting Concrete using Sea Water
pp. 18087-18095
Erniati, Tjaronge M. W., Rudy Djamaluddin , Victor Sampebulu4

Correlationof Settlement Aspects and Productive House at Fishermen Settlement Kenjeran Beach Surabaya
pp. 18097-18106
Wiwik Widyo Widjajanti and Failasuf Herman Hendra

Innovative Design of Electricity Power Plant Using Double Shaft Vertical Wind Turbine
pp. 18107-18113
Julius Mulyono, Hadi Santosa, Albert Gunadhi







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