International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)
Volume 8, Number 19 (2013) Special Issues
Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Study of Zinc Aluminate Nanopowders against Rhodamine –B and Crystal Violet Dyes
Interactive System with Artificial Intelligence
Wireless Remote Monitoring, Controlling and Storing Real-Time Data Using ARM CORTEX M0 Authors: Rai Suresh Jaishankar, Narayankar Sonal Ramachandra and Ukande Sushant A.
Room Temperature Synthesized Nano Metal Oxide Humidity Sensor Authors: Sreelekshmi M V, Sonali Gupta and Dr. K. Chidambaram
Controller Design for Vehicle Suspension System Using Lab View Authors: Akhil James, Neethu M S and Aish J Thaha
Authors: Monika Verma, Nayan Wasnik, T. Sai Sneha and 1Sivacoumar Rajalingam
Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring Using Labview Interfacing Authors: Deepika Vijayan, Juny Thomas and Sivacoumar Rajalingam
Power Reduction Techniques in Mobile Enviroment Authors: Mayank Saxena, Mohit Asrani and T. Shankar
Numerical Analysis of Circular Ring Arrays Using Python Authors: Srinivas Rao Zinka, Geethanjali V and Thushara Moha
Design of Meander Line Monopole Patch Antenna for LTE Applications Authors: Nitin Popatlal Kothari, Nikhil Pandurang Thakre and Prof. Thiripurasundari. D
Analysis of Multi-Carrier CDMA in MIMO Environment Authors: Prof. Noor Mohammed V, AnkurKar and PriyabrataTripathy
RF Stability Performance of Junctionless Tri-Gate Transistor Authors: Lochan Vyas, Deshpande Akshay, Jadhav Alok and K. Sivasankaran
Crosstalk Avoidance in VLSI Interconnects Using Bus Encoding Method Authors: B. Venkataramana, P. Kishore Kumar, P. Srikanth Reddy and Harish Kittur M
Design of 1-bit Full Adder Using FINFET Authors: Indraneel Suryavanshi, Ajit Gangad and Prathamesh Chodankar
Selective Match-Line Energizer Content Addressable Memory (SMLE-CAM) Authors: Mohammed Zackriya. V. and Harish M. Kittur
Design and Analysis of Double Balanced Gilbert Cell CMOS Mixer for Heterodyne receivers Authors: Arun J, Ezra K, Nithin M and Ravi S
Ethernet in Embedded Automotive Electronics for OBD-II Diagnostics Authors: Himanshu Sourav, Mohsin Ali and 1Gerardine Immaculate Mary
Secure Data Sharing of Patient Record in Cloud Environment using Attribute Based Encryption Authors: Stiffy Sunny and L. Agilandeeswari
Adaptive Network Intrusion Detection System Using Decision Tree with Sampling Authors: Pankaj R. Ambartani1, Bhushan B. Shinde2 and Prof. Usha Devi G3
Analysis of QoS in MANET Using AntHocNet Protocol Authors: Kasa Sreenivasa Reddy and Prof. Usha Devi. G
Deploying Scalable Car Reservation System Based on Cloud Using Google App Engine Authors: Patel Kishan Vinodray, Jagatap Vijayendra Krishna, L.D. Dhinesh Babu and Bidwe Nitish Nagnath&
Enhanced Methodology of Shopping Payments in Mobile Application Authors: Divya M, Soorea Likitha, C. Revathi and Prof. P. Karthikeyan
Authors: Ankur Vora
Framework for ATM Banking System Using 3G GSM Authors: Prof. Kamalakannan J, S. Shanthosh Priyanka and Raval Dhwani Jayant
Authors: Manasa.S, Mullaimalar.P and Gnanaprakash Singh.G.B., Prof. Manivannan.S.S.
Improvised Nymble Model for Blocking Misbehaving Clients in Anonymizing Networks Authors: Rutuja Shah Varsha, Anandani and Prof. S.S. Manivannan
Image Processing Techniques in Cellular Automata System Authors: J. Pavithra, R. Monisa and G. Ramya
Comparative Estimation of Methane from Flooded Paddy Fields in Andhra Pradesh Authors: Anup Matthew, Atul V. Rao, Sriram Siripurapu and Venkata Ravibabu Mandla
Identification and Mapping of Red Sandalwood using Hyperspectral Imagery Authors: Archana, Joshi, Tanushri, S. Swetha, M. and Venkata Ravibabu Mandla
Edge Detection of Images Using Fuzzy Logic Technique Authors: C. Kavitha and Dr. S. Denis Ashok
Fabrication and Analysis of Hybrid Polymer Green Composite Authors: Mohan Babu K, Ramanathan K, Viswanath S, Venkatachalam G and Narayanan S.
Analysis of Crack Propagation on Epoxy Plate with Circular Hole Authors: Tushar Nikam, Rushikesh Parit and Akash Mohanty
Authors: Sandipkumar Bhagat, Sandesh Patil, Nilesh Dhavale and Akash Mohanty
Design of the Crash Deterrent Bumper for Heavy Vehicle to Car Collision Authors: Hrishikesh Gadage, Siddharth Dhamke and Pravin Jadhav
Reinforcing Efficiency of Different Fiber Types on Improved Matrix Properties Authors: Jeremiah Kingston, Raj Kumar M and Kannan R and Dr. Sivakumar A
High Strength Concrete Using Recycled Aggregate Authors: Prashant Motwani, Rajendhiran, Anand Elumalaiand Dr. A.S. Santhi
Light Transmitting Concrete Using Plastic Optical Fibers Authors:P. SiddarthaReddy, Shaik.jabaulla and Dr. D. Neeraja
Extraction of Plastic Oil from Plastic by De-Polymerization Technique as an Alternative Fuel Authors: Santosh Ukamnal, Ketan Nalawade, Anil Jadhav and T. Vijayakumar
Performance and Emission Analysis of Diesel Engine Using Blended Fuel and Study of Emulsion Authors: Abhijit Kulkarni, Gauri Salvi, Mandar Gophane and Prof. B. Ashok
Comparison of Swirl, Turbulence Generating Devices in SI Engine Authors: Sarang Rajabhau Bire, Chetan Dhondiram Sagar, Yogesh Subhash Thube and Prof. K. Ravi
Fabrication and Testing of Jute Epoxy Biocomposite Authors: Subramanian Raman, Shattaki Chakraborty, Chattopadhyay Subhanjan Salil Kumar and Sharan Chandran M
Automatic Identification of Sub Assembly in an Assembly Authors: Arun Tom Mathew, Ishan Kossambe, Aniket Kavlekar and Nikhil Karve
A Machine Vision System for Biscuit Classification and Fault Detection Authors: K. Ganesan, Givith Abraham and Sachin K Jayan
Automatic Battery Terminals Disengagement Authors: Amol S. Dhotre, Sumit S. Gavasane and Ganesan K
DC-DC Buck Converter with Input Output Isolation for Li-ion Battery Management System Authors: Karthik H, Sanjay Gupta, Subramaniam C.K. and Ganesan K.
Parked Vehicle Location Finding System Authors: Jenish V Abraham, Vishnu S. Nair and K. Ganesan
Energy Based Dual Blind Wavelet Medical Image Watermarking Authors: K. Anusudhaa and N. Venkateswarenb
Novel Steganographic Algorithms Based on Colour Visual Cryptography/ Exact Histogram Matching Authors: Arun Prakash. J and Dr. G. Ramachandra Reddy
Visible Watermarking for Digital Images in Wavelet Domain Using Centralized and Zernike Moments Authors: V. Santhi and P. Arulmozhivarman
Minutiae Ranking and Its Application to Fingerprint Recognition Authors: Rajesh Muthu, Ahmed Bouridane and Fouad Khelifi
Design and Development of Vibration Monitoring System Authors: Aparna T.,Sravani B., JaswanthReddy K., ZakirHussain Sk., Venkatesh K., Sravya Rao, Niharika A., Manikanta V., Gowtham Kumar N., Anil Kumar J., Arulmozhivarman.P and Rao Tatavarti
Comparative Analysis of the Present and the Future Technologies for WDM-PON and WDM-TDM-PON Systems Authors: G. Aarthi and P. Sathya
Silicon Nanowire Embedded Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber-Supercontinuum Generation Authors: E. Gunasundari, K. Senthilnathan, S. Sivabalan, K. Nakkeeran and P. Ramesh Babu
Waveguiding Properties of Solid-Core Photonic Quasicrystal Fiber Authors: M. S. Aruna Gandhi, P. Ramesh Babu, S. Sivabalan, K. Nakkeeran and K. Senthilnathan
Authors: Ritapa Bhattacharjee, K. Senthilnathan, S. Sivabalan, K. Nakkeeran and P. Ramesh Babu
Image Feature Extraction Techniques for Biometric Recognition Systems-A Survey Authors: Rajesh Muthu, Ahmed Bouridane and Fouad Khelifi
Seeing the Light - Catching the Wind Technological Advances in Optical Air Data Systems Authors: Rao Tatavarti, Arulmozhivarman P., Kishore M.P.K., Anil Kumar J., Sanjay SarmaO.V. and Aparna T.
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