8, Number 10, (2013)
Controllability of Impulsive Partial Neutral Functional Integro-Differential Systems with Infinite Delay
pp. 1103-1115
T. Gunasekar, M. Mallika Arjunan and F. Paul Samuel
Mobility Based Algorithm for Clustering in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
pp. 1121-1133
Authors: Sasikumar. P and Sibaram Khara
Spray Penetration Analysis of a Common Rail Injector with Different Injection and Back Pressure
pp. 1135-1146
Authors: Md. Iqbal Mahmud and Haeng Muk Cho
An Efficient and Safe Wireless Traffic Control System
pp. 1147-1158
Authors: Shriram K Vasudevan, Sankari Gopalakrishnan, Kaushik Velusamy, Deepthi Venkitaramanan and Kawshik K. Rangaraju
DDoS Attack Traceback and Chaosin a Distributed Network a Survey
pp. 1159-1169
Authors: Shanmugam.M and Saleem Basha M.S
Performance Assessment over Heuristic Population Seeding Techniques of Genetic Algorithm: Benchmark Analyses on Traveling Salesman Problems
pp. 1171-1183
Authors: M. Shanmugam, M.S. Saleem Basha, P. Victer Paul, P. Dhavachelvan and R. Baskaran
A Study on Communication Protocols and Applications in VANET
pp. 1185-1204
Authors: M. Shanmugam, M.S. Saleem Basha, P. Dhavachelvan and R. Baskaran
Optimization of Makespan in Flow Shop Scheduling Problems using Combinational NEH Family of Heuristics-An Analysis
pp. 1205-1217
Authors: Baskar A and Anthony Xavior M