International Journal of Applied Engineering Research


Volume 7, Number 1 (2012)




Corrosion and Metallurgical Properties of Friction Surfaced Materials
Authors: V. Sugandhi and V. Ravisankar


Discrete-time Averaging of Continuous Conduction Mode PWM DC-DC Converters with Feedback Considering Conduction Losses
Authors: Mohammed S. Al-Numay


Optoelectronic Hybrid Logic Gates
Authors:Hamad S. Alhokail


Bilayer Denoising of Echocardiography Images using Contourlet Transform and Iterative Noise-Free Filtering
Authors:Jerrin Thomas Panachakel and Mary George


Determination Coefficients of Infiltration Equations: Case Study of Shavoor Plain in Khuzestan Province, Iran
Authors: B. Karami, M. Golabi and K.N. Dhumal


Noise & Vibrations Mechanics: Review and Diagnostics
Authors: Prof. Deulgaonkar Vikas Radhakrishna
Prof. Dr. Kallurkar Shrikant P. and Prof. Dr. Mattani A.G.


Assessment of Properties on 316LN Austenitic Stainless Steel Material by Plasma and Salt Bath Nitriding Processes
Authors:Ram Subbiah and Dr. R. Rajavel


Application of Wavelets in Distribution System Islanding Detection

pp. 85-90
Authors: Smita Shrivastava, S. Jain and R.K. Nema


Durability of Geopolymer Coated Recycled Aggregate Concrete Exposed to Sulphuric Acid

pp. 91-103
Authors: Arundeb Gupta, Saroj Mandal and Somnath Ghosh






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