International Journal of Applied Engineering Research


Volume 6, Number 5 (2011)




Modelling Absorption Heat Transformer Powered by Back Propagation Neural Network
pp. 545-557
Authors: Ali Heidari and Mohammad Heidari

Prediction of Flank Wear on End Milling of Particulate Metal Matrix Composite - RSM Approach
pp. 559-569
Authors: R. Arokiadass, K. Palaniradja and N. Alagumoorthi

Structural and Dielectric Properties of Barium Bismuth Titanate (BaBi4Ti4O15) Ceramics
pp. 571-580
Authors: T. Gopal Reddy, B. Rajesh Kumar, T. Subba Rao and J. Altaf Ahamad

3-phase Induction Motor Bearing Fault Detection and Isolation using MCSA Technique based on Neural Network Algorithm
pp. 581-591
Authors: Nawal A. Hussein, Dhari Yousif Mahmood and Isam Mahmood Abdulbaqi

A Radial Network based Approach for Power flow Controlling in Electrical Power System
pp. 593-601
Authors: Saleem Pasha and G. Tulasiram Das

Assessment of Micro-Structural Development of Cementing Products in a Stabilized Aggregate Base Using Analytical Techniques
pp. 603-614
Authors: Naji, Khoury N., Robert M. Brooks and Santoshini Yada

Risk Priority Estimation for Major Corridors by using PCA Application of Traffic Mobility in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Gaddiannaram Municipality Area Hyderabad, A.P., India
pp. 615-625
Authors: Awari Mahesh Babu, K.M. Lakshmana Rao and Arti Khaparde


Identification and Performance Improvement of Nano-positioning Devices

pp. 627-631
Authors: Sheilza Aggarwal, Akhilesh Swarup and Maneesha Garg

Environmental Impact Assessment of Seasonal Variations of Lower Krishna River Estuary, Peninsular India

pp. 633-643
Authors: G.V. Krishna Mohan, G. Jaya Prakash and S.R. Wate

Simulation of Lock-In Limit of Second-Order Analog Phase-Locked Loop with Reference to White Gaussian Noise Source

pp. 645-662
Authors: N. Haque, P.K. Boruah and T. Bezboruah

Transient Stability Improvement based on Optimal Generation Rescheduling for the Fault Duration

pp. 663-679
Authors: Abolfazl Ghaffari and Ahmad Sadeghi Yazdankhah

Analysis of Friction Characteristic at Piston Ring Assembly using Various Parameters on Single Cylinder S.I. Engine

pp. 681-697
Authors: B.M. Sutaria, D.V. Bhatt and K.N. Mistry




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