International Journal of Applied Engineering Research


Volume 6, Number 23-24 (2011)





Robust Double Exponential Smoothing
Authors:Solmaz Yaghoubi and Masoud Yarmohamadi


Coupled Field Analysis for Optimum Design of an Injection Mold Cavity
Authors:Dr. T. Nancharaiah


Impact Analysis of Mini BAJA Vehicle Roll Cage using Finite Element Analysis
Authors:Yashvir Singh, Nishant Kr. Singh
and Puneet Mangla


An Artificial Neural Networks Modeling in a PtPd/C oxygen-depolarized chlor-alkali Electrolysis
Authors:F. Farzami , E. Joudaki, F. Parvizian and S.J. Hashemi


Effect of Plastic Waste Content on Physico- Mechanical Properties of Flexible Pavements
Authors:Athanas Konin


Reactive Power Flow Control for Voltage Stability Limit Improvement Incorporating TCSC through Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm
Authors:S. Sakthivel and Dr. D. Mary


Some Studies on Energy Conservation and Cogeneration in Dry Type Indian Cement Plant
Authors:R.K. Patil, Dr. M.P. Khond and Dr. L.G. Nawale



Application of Generalized Information Measure in Coding Theory
Authors:Satish Kumar and Arun Choudhary


Automatic Speaker Recognition System
Authors:Arun Sharma, Verneek Real, Harpreet Singh and Neeru Gupta


Assignments of Vibrational Spectra of 1- Bromodecane
Authors:Devinder Singh, Neena Jaggi and Nafa Singh


The Steady-State Solution of Multiple Parallel Channels in Series and Non-Serial Servers both with Balking & Reneging due to Long Queue and some Urgent Message
Authors:Meenu Gupta, Man Singh and Deepak Gupta


BER Analysis of MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication System with MATLAB Simulink
Authors:Er. Ruchin Mangla and Er. Abhijeet Kumar


Study of Pressure-Volume Relationship of NaCl-B2 at 300K
Authors:Sangeet Bhardwaj, S.K. Srivastava, Shraddha Bhardwaj
and Pallavi Sinha


Investigating Corrosion of Locally Sourced 080M15 Steel in Concrete Structure
Authors:Onawumi A.S., Adegbola A.A. and Durowoju M.O.


Spatial Distribution and Multiple Linear Regressions Modeling of Ground Water Quality with Geostatistics
Authors:K. Sundara Kumar, Gurjeet Singh, Dr. G.V. Rao
and S. Chandra Mouli


Manufacturing and Study of Maruti 800 Gear Box
Authors:Nikhil Dev, Bhupender Singh, Mohit, Satyapal
and Pardeep Kumar


Low Power VLSI Design Approach for Self-Time SAPTL
Authors:Dayadi Lakshmaiah, Dr. M.V. Subramanyam
and Dr. K. Sathaya Prasad


Effect of Several Combinations of Infrared Radiative and Hot-Air Convective Drying on Drying Rate and Energy Consumption
Authors:Abd El-Hamid A. El-Sayed and Ahmed A. Hanafy


Repair Methodology for Fire Damaged R.C.C. Beams
Authors:J.V. Suresh Babu, Dr. M. Potharaju
and Dr. K. Manjulavani


Age Hardening Response on Strength and Microstructure of Aluminium Copper Magnesium Alloy.
Authors:Girisha H.N. and Dr. K.V. Sharma


A Novel Level Set based Approach for Scanned Oriya Document Binarisation
Authors:Lakshmi K., Parvathy R. and Soumya S.,
K.P. Soman and M.S. Manikandan


Optimal Allocation of UPFC for Congestion Management by using Interior Point Method
pp. 2801-2811
Authors: N. Venkateswarlu and M. Jyothi







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