International Journal of Applied Engineering Research


Volume 5, Number 16 (2010)




Uncertainties in Temperature Measurement using Thermocouple in Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber
pp. 2747-2754
Authors: Digvijay Kulshreshtha, Saurabh Dikshit and S.A. Channiwala

Numerical Analysis of Temperature Distribution in the Solar Storage Tank with a Heat Exchanger
pp. 2755-2761
Authors: M. Basaveswara Rao, K.V. Sharma and Krishna Kumar Vempati

Generalized Dimensional Analysis - A Simplification 
pp. 2763-2774
Authors: N. Narayana Pillai and K.I. Ramachandran

Effect of Operating Parameters and Compressor Inlet Temperature on Exergetic Performance of an In-service Gas-Turbine Plant
pp. 2775-2784
Authors: F.I. Abam, D.C. Onyejekwe and G.O. Unachukwu

Virtual Prototyping an Aid to the Development of a Multifunctional Robot 
pp. 2785-2794
Authors: K. Manjunath and S. Mohankumar

Influence of Input Parameters on the Properties of A413 Alloy – Artificial Neural Networks Approach
pp. 2795-2807
Authors: K. Srinivasulu Reddy, G. Ranga Janardhana and V. Tarun Kumar

Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar AA6351 and AA5083-H111 Aluminum Alloys
pp. 2809-2816
Authors: R. Palanivel, P. Koshy Mathews and N. Murugan

A Modified Tomich Method for Solution of Rigorous Mathematical Model of a Distillation Column
pp. 2817-2828
Authors: F.O. Chukwuma and R.E. Thompson

Application of Multi-Objective Fuzzy and Stochastic Linear Programming to Irrigation Planning Project
pp. 2829-2836
Authors: D. Mathu and C. Suyambhulingom

Proportional-Integral-Derative Controller Tuning of Temperature Control System Using Genetic Algorithm
pp. 2837-2845
Authors: Seema Nara, Pooja Khatri and Jatin Garg

Testability of Object Oriented Software 
pp. 2847-2856
Authors: Santosh Kumar Swain, Subhendu Kumar Pani and Durga Prasad Mohapatra

Scan Chain Optimization using Genetic Algorithm Based Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem
pp. 2857-2866
Authors: S. Anand and B. Bala Tripura Sundari

Multi-Element Multi-Polarized Antennas for Mimo System Based on Realistic Channel Models
pp. 2867-2876
Authors: C. Poongodi and A. Shanmugam

Characterisation of Palm Oil Clinker Aggregate 
pp. 2877-2882
Authors: M. Abdullahi, H.M.A. Al-Mattarneh and B.S. Mohammed




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