International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)
Volume 17, Number 2 (2022)
Magnetic field impact on chemically reactive Powell-Eyring liquid flow with double diffusive Cattaneo-Christov heat and mass flux in the presence of internal heat generation or absorption pp. 82-96 Dr. M Sreedhar Babu Applications of Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines in Data Separation Methods in Structural Health Monitoring pp. 97-109 Hassan Fazeli, Mohammad Safi and Nemat Hassani A Unified Approach to Fraudulent Detection pp. 110-124 Anurag Dutta, Manan Roy Choudhury and Arnab Kumar De Two Phase Flow of Stratified Incompressible Viscous Fluid between Two Semi-Infinite Parallel Plates Partially Filled with Porous Medium under Transverse Magnetic Field Applied Only in the Clear Region pp. 125-128 Dr. Shiva Shanker K and Dr.Venumadav.K Superposition Model Investigation of Cr3+ doped YAl3(BO3)4 pp. 129-136 Ram Kripal and Lal Chandra Shukla Keratoeye: Deep Learning for Keratoconus Detection and Classification pp. 137-140 Prof. Priya D and Dr. G S Mamatha
Fabrication of Fixed Wing UAV with EDF Engine for Surveillance pp. 141-147 Ravi Teja Kandala and Chitti Sai Sravan Kumar Set Valued Homeomorphisms using Ideal of a Ring and Rough Approximations pp. 148-151 Mereena Joseph and Jagadeesha B Regularizing Vehicle Legalities through Machine Learning Techniques pp. 152-156 N. Kumaran, Lakshmi Priya. S and Mansikaa Reshmaa. R Development of Optimum Mix Content of River Sand for M-sand, Fly Ash - Slag based Geopolymer Concrete Cured at Ambient Curing pp. 157-168 Mahantesh N.B, Sowmya A R, Raghu Prasad B K and Amarnath K An Experimental Investigation of the Heat transfer Performance of Fe3O4 Based Nanofluids-Base Fluid Effect pp. 169-179 Kanthimathi Tumuluri and Bhramara P