Volume 17, Number 1 (2022)
Characteristics of Fracto-Stimulated Luminescence in II-VI Compounds
pp. 1-15
Manas Sahu
Stochastic Modeling for
Predicting Covid-19 Prevalence in Southern States
pp. 16-20
V.Kadhirveni, P.Arumugam, P.Jose
Energy Based Volumetric Internal
Heating on Bénard-Marangoni FTC in a Ferrofluid-Porous Saturated Layer:
Effects of MFD Viscosity and Thermal Bounded Surfaces
pp. 21-29
S. Bhavya, C. E. Nanjundappa
Deep Learning Based Infant Cry
Analysis Utilizing Computer Vision
pp. 30-35
Joohyun Cha, Gimin Bae
Cut-off Frequencies for
ObliqueWaves Scattering in Three-layer Fluid
pp. 36-40
Mita Majumder and Dilip Das
Task Classification for Improving
Scheduling and Resource Management in Cloud Computing
pp. 41-50
Anupama K C, Nagaraja R, Shivakumar B R
Soil Moisture Estimation using
Remote Sensing Method
pp. 51-53
Akancha Shekher, Sanchit Shekhar, Gopal Srivastava
Effect of Biofuel-Nanoparticle
Blend on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Compression
Ignition Engine
pp. 54-65
Mr. Manjunatha ND, Dr. Sharanappa Pani, Dr. M C Navindgi
Architectural Design Quality Indicators for Educational Built
Environment in the Indian Context
pp. 66-73
Tanushree Das
Encryption Schemes Based on
Solution of Linear Diophantine Equation and System of Linear Diophantine
pp. 74-81
P. Anuradha Kameswari and Aweke Belay