Volume 16, Number 08 (2021)
Solid Waste Tracking and Route Optimization using Geotagging and K-means
pp. 633-639
Resmi N. G., Aiswarya Shajan, Jerin Jose, Jerin Peter George and
M. Harikrishnan
COVID-19 New and Dealth Case Forecasting Using Machine Learning Model
pp. 640-644
Shilpa Jackson
Designing a Media of
Active Learning for Teaching the Passive High Pass Filter (PHPF) by
developing its Bode Plot by using Excel
pp. 645-650
Humuntal Rumapea, Dahlan Sitompul and Darwis Robinson Manalu
Colombia, Case Study:
Detection of Breast Cancer Through a Neuronal Network
pp. 651-659
Ricardo Alirio Bustamante González, Albeiro Cuesta Mesa, Roberto Ferro
Escobar and Diego Alejandro Barragán Vargas
Mechanical and Low
Velocity Impact Behavior of Al based Kevlar Fabric Reinforced Epoxy
pp. 660-669
R. Lokesh, V. Jagadesh and S. Suresh
Characteristics of
Fracto-Stimulated Luminescence in Colored Alkali Halide Crystals
pp. 670-684
Manas Sahu
A Hybrid Classification
Method for Heart Disease Detection
pp. 685-689
Swapnil Ashtekar, Pranit Kotkar and Sakshat Patil
On Fuzzy Soft Perfectly
Disconnected Spaces
pp. 690-695
Rajarshi Chatterjee
A System Dynamics Model for the Study of Fixed Bed Grain Dryers
pp. 696-708
Alex Rodrigo Magalhães Pessoa and Rafael Pinheiro Amantéa
Enzymatic Association of
Phytase and Xylanase in Diets for Cage Free Laying Hens
pp. 709-717
Filipe A. Morenoa, Carlos Eduardo da Silva Soares, Fabiano Dahlke,
Marcus VN Alvarez , Valdir Silveira de Ávila, Everton Luis Krabbe and
Alex Maiorka