International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)



Volume 16, Number 10  (2021)






Design and Development of Bluetooth Based Home Automation System Using FPGA
pp. 830-838
Thingom Devachandra Singh and Dr. Manoj Kumar

State Space Approach to Unsteady FreeConvection Effects on Perfectly Conducting Viscoelastic Fluid
pp. 839-845
Prof.V.Dhanalaxmi and Prof.V.Dhanalaxmi

Computer-Aided Design Module for the Design and Optimization of Liquid- Gas Vaporizers
pp. 846-853
Umar Isah Abubakar and Kolawole Rasheed Onifade

Crowdsourcing Concepts and Benefits in Business Environment
pp. 854-857
Suganthy. A and Arokia Berdila Anand. M

