International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)



Volume 14, Number 20  (2019)





Market Analysis: A Bigdata Solution
pp. 3820-3822
Mohith Nirmal Kumar, Sathyam Lokare, Sai Vighneshwaran and Ms. Sindhu

Evaluation of Learning Programs in Indonesian Naval Technology College with the Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) Model
pp. 3823-3827
Alexander V. Bukit, Avando Bastari and Gemma Eka Putra

Comparing Feature and Matching Score Fusion Levels of Multimodal Biometrics Recognition System using Particle Swarm Optimization
pp. 3828-3834
Mohammed Safy Moussa and Ola Mohammed Ali

Research of Asphalt Concrete Rutting Resistance with Application of Forta FI Fibers
pp. 3835-3840
Nguyen Van Long, Podolsky Vl.P. and Mordovtseva T.V.

Refining Software Code Quality Metrics Extraction in SVS Model
pp. 3841-3849
A. R. Visagan, Dr. M. Sumathi and Dr.G. Sujatha

Enhanced Antimicrobial Activities of Silver Nanoparticles using Polyrhodanine Nanotubes
pp. 3850-3858
Corli de Klerk, Elvis Fosso-Kankeu and Frans Waanders

Synthesis of a Hydrogel Composite of K-carrageenan and Tetraethylortho-Silicate for Improved Removal of Lead and Nickel from Aqueous Solution
pp. 3859-3868
Fosso-Kankeu E, Grobler I and Waanders F

Impact of Change Characteristics in Planning for Future Professional Career
pp. 3869-3878
Ahmed Osman Ahmed, Mohammedlnour Eltahir Ahmed, Manal Mohamed EL Mekebbaty, Awad Mohamed Osman, Anas Satti Mohamed, Ghada Mohamed Alhaj, Osman Saad Shidwan and Mutasem k. Alsmadi

The Role of Media Technology and the Concept of Traffic Safety for Youth
pp. 3879-3889
Samir A. Jaradat

Crisis Management Leadership and Organizational Culture Improvement: the Case of POSCO M-Tech in Republic or Korea
pp. 3890-3899
Hee Myung Lee and Min Jae Park

ATtiny Microcontrollers Collection Guide
pp. 3900-3905
Dr. Ahlam Fadhil Mahmood, Ola Marwan Aseem and Warqa Younis Ibrahim

Atomic theory of Fracture and Quantization of Fracture Toughness
pp. 3906-3916
Thirunavukkarasu. A

Analysis and Implementation of AES and RSA for cloud
pp. 3917-3922
Manoj Tyagi, Manish Manoria and Bharat Mishra

Investigation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Performance in Surakarta City for Design of Home Energy System
pp. 3923-3928
Wiji Lestari, Rudi Susanto, Herliyani Hasanah, Nuryani Nuryani and Budi Purnama

Algicidal Activity of an Algicidal Bacterium and its Algicidal Effect on the Growth of Bacillariohpyceae and Livefood Organisms
pp. 3929-3934
Seong-Yun Jeong

The Hall Currents and Ion Slip Effects on a Peristaltic MHD Nanofluid with Suspended Particles
pp. 3935-3945
Nabil T. M. El-dabe, Galal M. Moatimid, Mohamed A. Hassan and Wessam A. Godh

Using the Statistical Features of the Data to Detect Potential Failure of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
pp. 3946-3952
Ahmad M. Alos and Zouhair. Dahrouj

Survey and Analysis for Achieving the Security of Data in Cloud
pp. 3953-3958
Manoj Tyagi, Manish Manoria and Bharat Mishra





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