Volume 12, Number 15 (2017)
An Evaluation of Digital
Image Forgery Detection Approaches
pp. 4747–4758
Abhishek Kashyap, Rajesh Singh Parmar, Megha Agarwal and Hariom Gupta
Modeling and Analysis of
Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Parameters in Machining of Inconel
pp. 4759-4764
Hulas Raj Tonday and Anand Mukut Tigga
Analysis of the Incident
Detection Technologies and Algorithms in Intelligent Transport Systems
pp. 4765-4774
Andrey B. Nikolaev, Yuliya S. Sapego, Andrey M. Ivakhnenko, Tat’yana E.
Mel'nikova and Victor Y. Stroganov
Breast Cancer Classification
using RBF and BPN Neural Networks
pp. 4775-4781
Vijayalakshmi S and Priyadarshini J
Band-notch Effect of
U-shaped Split Ring Resonator Structure at Ultra Wide-band Monopole
pp. 4782-4789
Ahmed Jamal Abdullah Al-Gburi, IM Ibrahim and Z. Zakaria
Natural Computing Based Wind
Turbine Blade Design Performance Optimization
pp. 4790-4798
Prashanth.N.A and P.Sujatha
Effect of granite/gravel
(washed) combination on fresh properties of self-compacting concrete
pp. 4799-4805
Gideon O, Bamigboye, Adeola A, Adedeji, David O, Olukanni and Kayode J,
Rehabilitation of Distressed
Concrete Beams Using External Prestressing – Experimental Study
pp. 4806-4810
R. Muthukumar and N.Balasundaram
Optimization of Twisted
Aero-Foil Blade Angle of a Structural Gas Turbine Assembly
pp. 4818-4824
Kalapala Prasad, B. Anjaneya Prasad and M. Anandarao
State-based Die Binding for
Enhancing SSD Internal Parallelism
pp. 4825-4829
S. Jin and I. Shin
Case study of the Algerian
Highway section called “East-West Autoroute”
pp. 4830-4835
Samir Bouhedja and Boualem El Kechebour
Improving SSD Simulator for
High Reliability of Performance Evaluation
pp. 4836-4839
J. Kim, M. Park and I. Shin
Working Out of an
Analytical Model of a Radial Bearing Taking into Account Dependence of
Viscous Characteristics of Micropolar Lubrication on Pressure and
pp. 4840-4846
Kamil Samedovich Akhverdiev, Murman Aleksandrovich Mukutadze, Elena
Olegovna Lagunova and Konstantin Sergeevich Solop
An Efficient Control of
Induction Generator based Variable Speed Wind Power Plant with Power
Optimization Capability
pp. 4847-4853
Neha Gupta and Yaduvir Singh
A Survey on Issues at the
GPGPU Acceleration of the Monte Carlo Tree Search
pp. 4854-4857
SeongKi Kim
A New Approach to Estimate
Hansen Solubility Parameters using Maple Software
pp. 4858-4863
Ra'id Khider Salman and Jassim Mohammed Salih
Inventory Management in
Closed Loop Structure Using KPIs
pp. 4864-4869
Sofia Rachad, Zineb El Idrissi Larabi, Benayad Nsiri and Bahloul
The Pseudo Adaptive
Algorithm of Control over a Dynamic Plant with Limited Uncertainty
pp. 4870-4876
Nikolay D. Polyakhov, Anastasiia D. Stotckaia, Irina A. Prikhodko and
Anh Tuan Ha
Effect of Vacuum Assisted
Fused Deposition Modeling on 3D Printed ABS Microstructure
pp. 4877-4881
S. Maidin, J. H. U. Wong, A. S. Mohamed and S. B. Mohamed
Thailand Logistics Trend:
Logistics Performance Index
pp. 4882-4885
Alonggot Limcharoen, Varattaya Jangkrajarng, Warisa Wisittipanich and
Sakgasem Ramingwong
MAC Protocol for Reducing
Control Packet Overhead in Underwater Acoustic Networks
pp. 4886-4892
Seongjin Han and Sunmyeng Kim
Oral Cancer Prediction
Using Gene Expression Profiling and Machine Learning
pp. 4893-4898
Wafaa K. Shams and Zaw Z. Htike
Priority Queuing Technique
Promoting Deadline Sensitive Data Transfers in Router based
Heterogeneous Networks
pp. 4899-4903
Jyothish K John and R.V.Siva Balan
A Conceptual View of
Dynamic Protocol for Effective Data Communication
pp. 4904-4907
T. Vengatesh and Dr. S. Thabasu Kannan
Study of Change Detection
based on Edge Detection of Satellite Images
pp. 4908-4915
Sanjay Kumar Singh
Analysis and Evaluation of
Speckle Filters for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) Data
pp. 4916-4927
Sivasubramanyam Medasani and G. Umamaheswara Reddy
Free Vibration of
Antisymmetric Angle-Ply Composite Laminated Conical Shell under
Classical Theory
pp. 4928-4937
A.K. Nor Hafizah, K.K. Viswanathan, Z.A. Aziz and J.H. Lee
The Proof of the Method of
Variation of Parameter in the General Form
pp. 4938-4940
Hwajoon Kim
A Pattern Recognition of
the Volatile Chromatographic Peaks detected in the Korean Distilled
Liquors using Principle Component Analysis
pp. 4941-4945
Sungmin Myoung and Chang-Hwan Oh
The Influence of Building
Typology on the Economic Feasibility of Urban Developments
pp. 4946-4954
Valentina Antoniucci and Giuliano Marella
VR-based Location Aware
System Modeling: Providing Location Information for Urgent Requests
pp. 4955-4958
Changbae Mun and Ook Lee
Non-liner Great Deluge
Algorithm for Handling Nurse Rostering Problem
pp. 4959-4966
Yahya Z. Arajy, Salwani Abdullah and Saif Kifah
Shading Phenomenon Analysis
for a Medium Size 3.8 kW Standalone PV System Connected in Series
Parallel Configuration Using MATLAB Simulation
pp. 4967-4975
L. Navinkumar Rao, Sanjay Gairola, Sandhya Lavety and Noorul Islam
Unified Input Processing
Framework for Multi-User Multimodal Interaction on Large Display
pp. 4976-4984
Kiyoung Seo and Kyoung Shin Park
Remote Eye Tracking Method
for UHD Monitor Based on High-resolution Infrared Imaging
pp. 4985-4988
Eui Chul Lee
Improvement of the Triage
Process using Process Automatization and Machine Learning
pp. 4989-4999
Christian Ruiz, Iveth Tello and Sang Guun Yoo
Proposed Architecture of
MongoDB-Hive Integration
pp. 5000-5004
Subita Kumari and Pankaj Gupta
Dynamic Balance Control of
Legged Wheeled Robot
pp. 5005-5010
Patil Shubham Suresh, Vipul Arora and Krishna S.
Optical inspection and
monitoring of moisture content in Pleurotus eryngii during storage life
by refrigeration
pp. 5011-5015
Naresh Kumar Ravichandran, Seung-Yeol Lee, Hee-Young Jung, Mansik Jeon
and Jeehyun Kim
Damage Analysis of Subsea
Pipeline Due to Anchor Drag
pp. 5016-5021
Ricky Lukman Tawekal, Richo Prayudha Rante Allo and Akhmad Taufik
Collaborative Filtering to Alleviate the Cold-Start and Sparsity
pp. 5022-5030
Satya Keerthi Gorripati and Valli Kumari Vatsavayi
Image Retrieval Based on
Tuned Color Gabor Filter Using Genetic Algorithm
pp. 5031-5039
D.Madhavi and M.Ramesh Patnaik
An Efficient Inline Data
Deduplication with Data Relationship Manager for Cloud Storage
pp. 5040-5046
Venish A and Sivasankar K
Compatibility of Arduino Development Platform in Near and Far-Field
pp. 5047-5052
Stanislav Kovar, Václav Mach, Jan Valouch and Milan Adámek
Influence of the security
situation on the numbers of weapons of category D in the Czech Republic
pp. 5053-5059
Martin Ficek and Michal Gracla
Area and power efficient
OBC DA based adaptive FIR filter
pp. 5060-5066
Abhijeet SureshraoShinde and Sriadibhatla Sridevi
The Influence of Gravity
Shear Ratio on the Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Slab-Column
Connections with Shear Reinforcement
pp. 5067-5072
Faimun, Asdam Tambusay and Priyo Suprobo
Dynamic Modeling and Hybrid
Control Design with Image Tracking for a Quadrotor UAV
pp. 5073-5077
Maria A. Smirnova and Mikhail N. Smirnov
Effect of Ecological
Insulating Fiber on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Plaster.
pp. 5078-5088
Youssef Maaloufa, Soumia Mounir, Abdelhamid Khabbazi and Yassine
GMSK Based Real Time Video
Transmission on SDR Platform
pp. 5089-5093
Rupali B. Patil, K.D. Kulat and A.S.Gandhi
The Development of Rotor
Brakes for Wind Turbines
pp. 5094-5100
JongHun Kang and HyoungWoo Lee
Optimal Scheduling
Algorithms to Minimize Total Flowtime on a Two-Machine Permutation
Flowshop with Limited Waiting Times and Ready Times of Jobs
pp. 5101-5109
Seong-Woo Choi
Dynamic analysis of a
spindle-bearing system based on finite element method
pp. 5110-5126
Khairul Jauhari
Method to Remove the Noisy
Data from Captured Image of Iris and Identifying the Pupil by Detecting
Its Centroid
pp. 5127-5130
Abhilash.KS. and V.S.Dharun
A Novel Approach for Early
Software Operational Profile Estimation
pp. 5131-5136
Amrita and Dilip Kumar Yadav
A Novel Framework for
Automated image set preparation for moving objects in under water videos
pp. 5137-5145
N.Jayachandra and A. R. Nadira Banu Kamal
A Low Cost Digital Pen
Based on Raspberry PI
pp. 5146-5150
M. Sudhakar, Vandana Khare and Vijay Krishna Kanth
Hybrid Symmetrical Cascaded
Multilevel Inverter having reduced number of Switches and DC Sources
pp. 5151-5155
Lipika Nanda, A. Dasgupta and Dr. U.K. Rout
Speed Control Schemes of
Four Quadrant Operating PMSM Drive For Electric Vehicles Applications
pp. 5156-5162
Ritu Tak, Sudhir Y Kumar and B.S.Rajpurohit
Scene Text Extraction by
Combining Edge Based Stroke Segmentation and Morphological Filtering
pp. 5163-5168
Kumuda.T and L.Basavaraj
Development of RF MEMS
cantilever beam to maximize capacitance in an activated state
pp. 5169-5172
G.K. Alagashev and E.A. Savin
Lightweight Optimization of
Joint Type Seatback including Plastic Materials
pp. 5173-5180
Yeong Jo Ju and Euy Sik Jeon
Computation and Management
of Bigdata Using Cloud Map Table Framework
pp. 5181-5186
Sheikh Ikhlaq and Bright Keswani
Using Enhanced-Color
Mapping Algorithm for Object Boundary Segmentation
pp. 5187-5190
Byoung Hwan Ko and Hi Seok Kim
The Influence of Optimizing
the Difference of Water Flow Rate to Energy Efficiency in Water Cooled
Plant System
pp. 5191-5197
Dany Watanabe and Wegie Ruslan
A study on the Method of
Manufacturing Horseshoe using Polycarbonate and the Analysis of
Mechanical Properties of Horseshoe
pp. 5198-5201
Seungtae Seo
Effect of Operating
Conditions on Molasses fermentation for Bioethanol production
pp. 5202-5506
Hamid Zentou, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Mustapha Zouanti and Darren Greetham
Integrated Organization of
the System for Forming the Information Support of Aeronautical Simulator
pp. 5207-5213
Vladimir R. Roganov, Aigerim B. Sagyndyk, Raziya F. Akhtarieva, Aigul K.
Beisenbayeva and Svetlana I. Sannikova
Influence of Mud Filtrate
on the Stress Distribution in the Row Zone of the Well'
pp. 5214-5217
Pavel Aleksandrovich Blinov, Mikhail Vladimirovich Dvoynikov, Kulemin
Maksim Sergeevich and Arslanova Elza Rustamovna
Study on the Residue
Resulted from the Metallic Minerals separations to the Coastal Iron-sand
of Yogyakarta Indonesia
pp. 5218-5225
Mohammad Nurcholis and Djoko Mulyanto
Link-To-System MIMO
Interference Analysis for LTE Coexistence in 2.6 GHz Frequency Band
pp. 5226-5233
A. Hameed, Lway F. Abdulrazak, Zaid A. Aljawary and Fahad L. Malallah
A Reconfigurable Method for
Time-Correlated Mimo Channels with a Decision Feedback Receiver
pp. 5234-5241
R.Karthick and M. Sundararajan
Data Cleaning and
Prototyping Using K-Means to Enhance Classification Accuracy
pp. 5242-5247
Lutfi Fanani and Nurizal Dwi Priandani
Real time location system
(RTLS) focused on the optimization of efficiency for hospital center
pp. 5248-5253
Wilson Aguilar Urrea and Holman Montiel Ariza
A 3-Dimensional Finite
Element Analysis of the Insole Shoe Orthotic for Foot Deformities
pp. 5254-5260
P.W. Anggoro, E. Saputra, M. Tauviqirrahman, J. Jamari and A.P. Bayuseno
Size Effect on the Load
Carrying Capacity of Normal and Lightweight Concrete Filled Square Steel
Tube Composite Columns
pp. 5261-5266
Samoel Mahdi Saleh
Synthesis of Nanorod
Ba(Nd)0.015Fe12O19 Using Starch as Template
pp. 5267-5273
Kerista Sebayanga, Nasruddin MNa, Syahwinb, Muhammad Zarlisa and Bambang
Management System of
Underground Water-Facilities using RFID
pp. 5274-5279
Moon, Jeom Hwan and Choi, Seung Pil
Analytical Tension
Stiffening Model for Concrete Beam Reinforced with Inoxydable Steel
pp. 5280-5288
Sophia C. Alih, Abdelouahab Khelil, Mohammadreza Vafaei and Nur Hajarul
Falahi Abd Halim
Analytical comparison
between the performances of Field-Oriented Control and Direct Torque
Control for Induction Motor Drives
pp. 5289-5298
Nassira Medjadji, Abdelkader Chaker and Meabet Alia
A Study on Recovery in
Voice Analysis through Vocal Changes before and After Speech Using
Speech Signal Processing
pp. 5299-5303
Seong-Geon Bae and Myung-Jin Bae
An Analysis of Animated
Character Dubbing as Voice Acting Using Audio and Video Signal
pp. 5304-5307
Jin-Yeong Lee, Seong-Geon Bae and Myung-Jin Bae
New Model to evaluate User
Reliability Dynamically for Social Network Services
pp. 5308-5317
Youngsook Lee, Younsung Choi, Changhoon Lee and Dongho Won
Estimating Distribution
from Data of malware-infected websites
pp. 5318-5323
DongYoung Lee and Jinho Yoo
Strategic Planning for the
Placement and Protection of Indonesian Labor in restraining non
Procedural Indonesian Labor: A Study on BNP2TKI
pp. 5324-5331
Eko Sugiyanto
Substance Flow Analysis of
Mercury from Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities
pp. 5332-5338
Hyunhee Kim, Yong-Chul Jang and Yong-Seok Hong
A Negative Voltage
Converter with Wide Operating Voltage Range for Energy Harvesting
pp. 5339-5344
Eun-Jung Yoon, Jong-Tae Park and Chong-Gun Yu
Estimation of Reservoirs
Fracture Network Properties Using an Artificial Intelligence Technique
pp. 5345-5350
Reda Abdel Azim and Tariq Shehab
Control of UPFC for Voltage
Stability constrained Available Transfer Capability (VSATC)
pp. 5351-5358
A.N.Venkateswarlu, S.S. Tulasi Ram and P.Sangameswara Raju
Studies on Potential of
Water Quality Trading at Industrial Zone Palsana, Surat
pp. 5359-5366
H S Shah and J P Ruparelia
Effect of Volute Tongue
Radius on the Performance of a Centrifugal Blower – A Numerical Study
pp. 5367-5373
Anudeep Mallarapu, K. Vasudeva Karanth, N. Yagnesh Sharma and Madhwesh N
Energy Balance Packet
Forwarding for Lifetime Maximization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
pp. 5374-5382
Arvind Kumar and Sushil Kumar
On decomposition of a
singularly perturbed dynamical system model with perturbation parameters
of different orders of magnitude
pp. 5383-5388
Alexander Bobryakov, Otto Derzhavin, Elena Sidorova and Gennady
Appraisal Of Improving the
Robustness Of Multiresolution Watermarking
pp. 5389-5392
S.Thabasu Kannan and S. Azhagu Senthil
A Unique Class Prediction
Classifier for Redundant Multi-Label Values to Support Efficient
pp. 5393-5401
Krishnaiah Nallam and G Narsimha
Enhancement of FBMC
Communication through Equlaisation Techniques
pp. 5402-5410
N. Thinakaran and D. Kumar
Anode Film Formation on
Graphite Electrode
pp. 5411-5415
A.V. Guntsov and N.M. Khlynova
Structure and Properties
of Electrolytic Copper Alloys with Low-Melting Metals
pp. 5416-5420
V V Povetkin, T E Ivanova and A V Ismagilova
Improvement of the Methods
of Extraction of Plant Raw Materials
pp. 5421-5429
V G Popov, S N Khabarov, G D Kadochnikova and V M Poznyakovsky