11, Number 7 (2016)
Axial Compressive Behavior of Square Concrete Columns Externally
Collared by Light Structural Steel Angle Sections
pp 4655-4666
Pamuda Pudjisuryadi, Tavio and Priyo Suprobo
The effect of Electromagnetic
Stirring during Solidification on the Copper Structure
pp 4667-4675
B. Hamri
Binding Energy of Subatomic
States of Hydrogen
pp 4676-4678
Vladimir K. Nevolin
Design and Optimization of
Rectangular Microstrip Patch Array Antenna Using Frequency Selective
Surfaces for 60 GHz
pp 4679-4687
Ehab Dheyab and Nidal Qasem
Measuring and Strengthening
Well-being at Regional Level in OECD Countries: Application of the QCA
pp 4688-4699
Young-Chool Choi and Ji-Hyun Jang
Simulation of Soil Water
Retention Curve using Artificial Neural Networks with Pseudocontinuous
Pedotransfer Functions
pp 4700-4706
M. Adams Joe and P. Rajesh Prasanna
On Secure Convex and Restrained
Convex Domination in Graphs
pp 4707-4710
Carmelita M. Loquias and Enrico L. Enriquez
Prediction of Daylight
Availability For Visual Comfort
pp 4711-4717
Sandhyalaxmi G Navada, Chandrashekhara S Adiga and Savitha G Kini
An enhancement crypto-compression
scheme for image Based on chaotic system
pp 4718-4725
Manel Dridi, Bekgacen Bouallegue, Mohaned Ali Hajjaji and Abdellatif
Application of Inquiry-Based
Science Assessment Questions on Earth Science Content Domain (V)
pp 4726-4730
Young-Tae Kong and Sang-Je Park
Case study of science writing
with Argumentation on Biological ethics (I)
pp 4731-4735
Young-Tae Kong and Myo-Jeong Kang
Analysis of TIMSS results (III):
A Trend analysis of the influence of students’ family background factors
on the international science achievement
pp 4736-4739
Young-Tae Kong
Secured Data Aggregation in
Wireless Sensor Networks
pp 4740-4745
P. Padmaja and G. V. Marutheswar
A Hybrid Filtering Technique for
Denoising the Citrus Fruit Images
pp 4746-4750
M. Renuka Devi and V. Kavitha
Power Efficient Scheduling for
Network on Chip Applications on Multicore Processor
pp 4751-4757
R. Rubavani, S. Saranraj, S. Saranya and R. Ranjani Devi
The Dimensional Reduction to
Improve the Speed and Accuracy of Neural Network in Identyfying the
Senior High Scool Students’ Major
pp 4758-4762
Arief Hermawan
Detection Of External Defects On
pp 4763-4769
Pujitha N, Swathi C, Kanchana V
Text Document Clustering Using
Dimension Reduction Technique
pp 4770-4774
A. Sudha Ramkumar and B. Poorna
Analysis on the Noise Reduction
Characteristics of a Railway Bridge with a Sound Absorption System
pp 4775-4782
Hyun-Ung Bae, Jong-Tae Lee, Young-Do Jeong, Ki-Yong Yoon and Nam-Hyoung
Temporal Reuse based MAC Protocol
in Underwater Acoustic Networks
pp 4783-4786
Sunmyeng Kim
Trust Based Security Enhancement Mechanism For Neighbor Discovery
Protocol In IPV6
pp 4787-4796
K. Perumal and M. Jessie Pauline Jeya
An Energy Saving Approach
inWireless Body Sensor Networks for Health Care Monitoring
pp 4797-4802
Sudha. R and Devapriya.M
Solar Energy Analytics Using
Internet of Things
pp 4803-4806
B. Vikas Reddy, Sai Preetham Sata, Sateesh Kumar Reddy and Bandi
Jaswanth Babu
Genetic and Greedy Optimization
Algorithms for Effective Production Scheduling Techniques with
Minimizing Makespan
pp 4807-4812
D. S. Jenaris and P. Periyasamy
A Survey on Parametric Evaluation
of Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
pp 4817-4821
N. Snehalatha and Paul Rodrigues
Cubical Representation and
Minimization through Cubical Technique A Tabular Approach
pp 4822-4829
Rajesh Kumar and Saurabh Rawat
Improved Associativity Based
Routing for Multi Hop Networks Using TABU Initialized Genetic Algorithm
pp 4830-4837
H. Santhi, N. Jaisankar, Aroshi Handa and Aman Kaul
Towards a Relational Framework
for Supply Chain Analytics
pp 4838-4843
Santanu Mandal
Heirostics to Multicast Route
Discovery (HMRD): Engergy Eggicient Multicast Routing Topology for
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
pp 4844-4848
K. Seshadri Ramana and A.A. Chari
Detection and Removal of
Graphical Components in Pre-Printed Documents
pp 4849-4856
N. Shobha Rani, Vineeth,P and Deeptha Ajith
Empirical Study of Service
quality and customer satisfaction using SERVQUAL in Private and PSU
credit card service providers
pp 4857-4865
VanishreePabalkar, Pankaj Kanwal, Sachin Kushwaha and Virender Thakur
Macro Perspective: E-Waste
Environmental Impacts
pp 4866-4873
Kanchan Patil
Shared Neighbor Clustering
Approach based on Affinity Propagation
pp 4874-4877
A. Jenneth and K. Thangavel
Optimal Feeder Reconfiguration
and DG Placement in Distribution Network
pp 4878-4885
Sarfaraz Nawaz, Mohd. Imran, Avadhesh Kumar Sharma and Anjali Jain
Process and Impacts of Illegal
Land Subdivision: Its Relevance to Planning
pp 4886-4892
Swapna Sarita Swain and Omkar Mohanty
A Survey on visible light
communication appliances used in inter-vehicular and indoor
pp 4893-4897
S. Vijay and K. Geetha
An Integrated Defense Approach
for Distributed Denial of Service Attacks In Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
pp 4898-4910
Karthikeyan Thyagarajan and Arunkumar Thangavelu
The Technology of Interview
pp 4911-4916
A. Kurmanbayeva, A. Kundahbayeva, and N. B. Eshuatova and Zh.
Dynamic Ontology Based Model for
Text Classification
K. Purna Chand and G. Narsimha
Review of Tunnel Field Effect
Transistor (TFET)
pp 4922-4929
Satish M Turkane and A. K. Kureshi
Economic Implication of Power
Outage in Nigeria: An Industrial Review
pp 4930-4933
Abel Ehimen Airoboman, Peter Aigboviosa Amaize, Augustus Ehiremen Ibhaze
and Olayinka Omowunmi Ayo
Prevention of CSRF Attack using
STG pattern and JSED
pp 4934-4938
Kadambari Chaudhari and Manisha Tijare
Area Efficient and High Speed
VLSI Based Pipelined 64-Point Radix-4 Mixed Architecture Design
pp 4939-4944
K. Malathy and B. Justus Rabi
Efficient Fault Detection Model
Design “Hamming SEC-DAED-TAED-TETRA AED” Based AES Encryption and
pp 4945-4950
M. Vaidehi and B. Justus Rabi
A Combined Framework for Routing
and Channel Allocation for Dynamic Spectrum Sharing using Cognitive
pp 4951-4953
S. Arul Selvi and M.Sundararajan
Dynamic Quantum Shift Algorithm
For Load Balancing in High Performance Clysters
pp 4954-4960
Roopashree N, Roopashree N and Sneha K V
Automatic Test Generation from
UML Sequence Diagrams for Android Mobiles
pp 4961-4979
Anbunathan R and Anirban Basu
Selection of Commercial and Open
Source LMS: Multi-Criteria Analysis and Advanced Comparative Study
pp 4980-4989
Abdellah Bakhouyi, Rachid Dehbi, Mohamed Talea and Zouhair Ibn Batouta
Technology commercialization:
Exprerience of the U.S and Possibilities for Oli and Gas Industrv Russia
pp 4990-4994
Ilinoca Alina and Dmitrieva Diana
Analysis of UPS impact on voltage
THD at point of common coupling
pp 4995-4998
Aleksey A. Belsky and Vasiliy S. Dobush
Performance Evaluation of Wind
Turbine with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
pp 4999-5004
Agus Jamal, Slamet Suripto and Ramadoni Syahputra
Analysis and Forecast of Tourist
Traffic in the Russian Far East
pp 5005-5007
Alexander Kosolapov, Nonna Guremina and Anastasia Topchiy
Reference Sensor Pattern Noise
with Quaternion-Based Encryption for DICOM Images
pp 5008-5013
L. Saraladeve and A. Chandra Sekar
Reading and Re-reading: A Review
of Interpretations on Kamala Das’s My Story
pp 5014-5015
Jasmine Jose, V. Rajasekaran and Godwin Raj
Performance Analysis of Small
Business Servers
pp 5016-5019
N. Malarvizhi, K. Meena, D. Sujeethalakshmi, K. Rajathi and G. Tamilmani
BNIMS: Block-based Non-Iterative
Mean-Shift Segmentation algorithm for Medical Images
pp 5020-5027
P. Pedda Sadhu Naik and T. Venu Gopal
Application of LabView as real
time SCADA in power system transmission line
pp 5028-5031
Shuma Adhikari, Nidul Sinha and Thingam Dorendrajit
Multiple Intelligence based
Cooperative and Collaborative Learning
pp 5032-5037
Rajashree Jain, Viren Rao and Harshit Sunda
An Efficient Frequent Pattern
Mining Algorithm to Find the Existence of K-Selective Interesting
Patterns in Large Dataset Using SIFPMM
pp 5038-5045
Saravanan Suba and Christopher. T
DPAT based knowledge retrieval
for online buyers using Decision Making Approach
pp 5046-5051
K. Kannan and K. Raja
Steel-Trussed Sandwich
Panel-Design For Axial
pp 5052-5054
Ashraf M. Shalaby
Enhanced Functional Properties of
Mg Alloys by Cryogenic Machining
pp 5055-5059
Mohd Danish, Turnad Lenggo Ginta and Bambang Ari Wahjoedi
Integrating Instance Selection
and Bagging Ensemble using a Genetic Algorithm
pp 5060-5066
Sung-Hwan Min
Cascade Stage Artificial Neural
Network for Identifying Volcano Hotspots using Satellite Images
pp 5067-5071
S. Muni Rathnam and T. Ramashri
Methodical Approach to Evaluation
of the Russian Peat Deposits Exploitation Attractiveness Based on
Geology-Technological Criteria
pp 5072-5078
Alexey Evgenevich Cherepovitsyn and Pavel Sergeevich Tsvetkov
Hybridized Soft Computing
Approaches Based Data Mining Techniques For Protein Dataset
pp 5079-5085
A.Revathi and P. Sumathi
A robust regression scale of
residual estimator: SSAC
pp 5086-5090
Muthukrishnan R and Ravi J.
Energy Based Topology Control in
Wireless Sensor Networks
pp 5091-5096
S. Venkataramana, P.V.G.D. Prsad Reddy and S. KrishnaRao
Evolution of Children’s
Literature: Oral Tradition to Digitalization: A Literature Review
pp 5097-5102
Elizabeth Biju and K. Meenakshi
A Scalable Ensemble Architecture
for Collaborative Filtering in Recommender Systems
pp 5103-5109
T.Srikanth and M.Shashi
Investigating the Effect of
Asymmetrical Faults at Some Selected Buses on the Performance of the
Nigerian 330-kV Transmission System
pp 5110-5122
Ademola Abdulkareem, Awosope C. O. A and Adoghe A. U and Alayande, S. A
A Review of Data Dissemination
through Broadcast Channel
pp 5123-5127
Rajesh N
Experimental Investigation on the
Study of Mechanical Properties and Modelling Analysis of Hybrid
Composite Cement Beams Reinforced with Mulit-Walled Carbon Nano Tubes
and Glass Fibres
pp 5128-5131
Anand. M. Hunashyal, Nagaraj R. Banapurmath, Shankar A. Hallad3, Dr. S.
S. Quadri, Chetan Kulkarni, Akshay Pujar M, and Ashok S. Shettar
Performance Analysis of TimeLine
Algorithm against CONS, PBS_PRO and BestGap in Grid Environment using
pp 5132-5138
Bimal VO and M. Anand Kumar
Long wavelength Tanh Soliton
Solutions of KdV Equation
pp 5139-5141
Tapas Kumar Sinha, Sanjib Malla Bujar Baruah and Joseph Mathew
Ayurvedic Plant Species
Recognition using Statistical Parameters on Leaf Images
pp 5142-5147
Pushpa BR, Anand C. and Mithun Nambiar P
Personal Identification via Hand
Feature Extraction Algorithm
pp 5148-5151
Samuel A. Daramola and Morakinyo Adefunmiyin
An Environmental Friendly
Material:Epoxide-Based Resin from Vegetables Oil for Bio-Fiber
Reinforced Composites
pp 5152-5155
Flora Elvistia Firdaus
Investigation of Neural and Fuzzy
Neural Networks for Diagnosis of Endogenous Intoxication Syndrome in
Patients with Chronic Renal Failure
pp 5156-5162
V. I. Gorbachenko, O. Yu. Kuznetsova and D. S. Silnov
Numerical Analysis of Spring
Stiffness in Vehicle Design Development Stage
pp 5163-5168
Muhammad Zahir Hassan, Mohd Kamarul Hafis Abdul Aziz and Frank
Delbressine and Matthias Rauterberg
A Study of Dynamic
Characteristics of the Meteorological Tower of the Pole Shape in Case of
with and Without Guys
pp 5169-5176
Dongchan Shin and Kibong Han
Fuel Sector Development in Russia
in the First Half of the 20th Century
pp 5177-5181
Irina V. Voloshinova and Anton B. Mokeev
Comparison of Micro and Nano
Level Reinforcements in Polymer Based Composites for Structural
pp 5182-5187
Shankar A. Hallad, Nagaraj R. Banapurmath, Anand. M. Hunashyal, Akshay
Pujar M, Chetan Kulkarni, Ashok S. Shettar and Narasimha H. Ayachit
Garbage Collection Technique
using Erasure Interval for NAND Flash Memory-based Storage Systems
pp 5188-5194
Sung Ho Kim, Jong Wook Kwak
Development of Automated Body
Mass Index Calculation Device
pp 5195-5201
Bernard Mark S. Baladad, Julius V. Magsombol, Joshua Nathaniel B. Roxas,
Evelyn L. De Castro and Joselito A. Dolot
Impact of Brand Equity on
Customers Purchase Decision Making while Choosing Branded over Unbranded
Apparel in Andhra Pradesh
pp 5202-5209
M. Sandeep Kumar, D. Prasanna Kumar and M. Srinivasa Narayana
Calculation of Path Losses at CM3
for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) by using Different Types of
K. SaiSanathKumar, K. Naveen Kumar Reddy, V. Pushpavathy, P. Raja Reddy,
Dinesh Sharma, Purnima K Sharma and B. Vamsi Krishna
The Impact of SARFAESI Act 2002
in recovering the Non Performance Assets in Public Sector Banks: A study
on Recovery in SBI, CBI, CB, BOB and PNB (2008 to 2014)
pp 5218-5224
Chandra Shaardha and Ajay Jain
Analysis of Solar PV Performance
with change in Temperature
Arjyadhara Pradhan and S. M. Ali
A Fragmented Approach: Audio
Steganography using Phase Coding and LSB
pp 5228-5230
Joel T George and A.Arokiaraj Jovith
Card Less Access to POS
pp 5231-5236
Y. Dileepsai and S. Sudarvizhi and S. Sudarvizhi
HTTP Performance Analyzer Tool
pp 5237-5243
Manikrao Dhore and Rushi Chandurkar, Sanket Joglekar, Parikshit Budhe
and Pranayan Choudhary
Secret sharing schemes for
Multipartite access structures
pp 5244-5249
Appala Naidu Tentu, V. Kamakshi Prasad and V. Ch. Venkaiah
Smart E-Service Implementation as
mobile Agent in a Smart E-Government Platform
pp 5250-5255
Sinan Adnan Diwan, Sundresan Perumal and Dhyaa Shaheed Siber
DFIG Control Scheme of Wind Power
Using ANFIS Method in Electrical Power Grid System
pp 5256-5262
Ramadoni Syahputra and Indah Soesanti
The Study of an Air Intake the
Throttle of the Engine by CFD in Spark Ignition Engine
pp 5263-5266
Chang Chun Xu and Haeng Muk Cho
Influence by Technological
Process onto Mineral Resources Sector Enterprise Power Supplies
Reliability Parameters
pp 5267-5270
Denis Anatolyevich Ustinov and Sergey Vasilyevich Baburin
Prospects of Ecological
Technologies Development in the Russian Oil Industry
pp 5271-5276
Liubov A. Nikolaichuk and Pavel S. Tsvetkov
A Robust Method to Detect and
Track Moving Targets in Cluttered Scenes with Respect to Illumination
pp 5277-5283
Seyed Aliakbar Mousavi, Putra Sumari, Zahra Hanifeloof and Muhammad
Rafie Mohd Arshad
On the Definition of Limit Zones
in the Layered Array with the Development of Various Flow Conditions
pp 5284-5287
M. Ye. Yeskaliyev, G. I. Salgarayeva, N. Kurmanbekkyzy, N. S. Katayev
and O. Auelbaekov
Innovative Design Strategy to
Develop Facades Opening for a Commercial Building in Amman, Jordan
pp 5288-5292
Hind Alshoubaki and Tasneem Rawashdeh and Khaled Alomari And Rizq Hammad
An Efficient Authentication
Protocol to amplify collision resistance using Dynamic Cryptographic
Hash Function & LSB Hop based Image Steganographic Technique
pp 5293-5296
B. Madhuravani and DSR Murthy
Mining PPIs using recent methods
and algorithms
pp 5297-5303
M. Thillainayaki and M. Hemalatha
Effect of Meterological
Parameters on Prediction of Daily Solar Radiations
pp 5304-5311
Anand Mohan, Piyush Kuchhal and M.G. Sharma
A Novel and Hybrid Approach that
Comprises Condensation of Nodes and Implication of Multi-Graph for
Message Diffusion in the Social Network
pp 5312-5315
Shruthi S
Enhanced De-key Approach to
Reduce Data De-Duplication in Cloud Storage
pp 5316-5320
Antony Xavier Bronson, V. Sai Shanmuga Raja and SP. Rajagopalan
Role of Link expiration time to
make reliable link between the nodes in MANETs: A Review
pp 5321-5325
Gopal Singh, Deepak Saini, Rahul Rishi and Harish Rohil
Boundary Detection Algorithm for
Brain Tumor Position and Area Detection Using OPENCV
pp 5326-5331
E. T. Merlin Sathia Raj and M. Kumaresan
Dynamic Detection and Protection
Mechanism against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks using Fuzzy
pp 5332-5337
M. Parameswari and S. Sukumaran
Survey on Web Content Extraction
pp 5338-5341
Jincymol Joseph and J.R. Jeba
Challenges in Data Aggregation
in Wireless Sensor Network-A Review
pp 5342-5345
Siva Rama Krishnan S, Karthik Balasubramanian and Arun Kumar T
Experimental Study on the
Performanace of an Acetylene aspirated Diesel Engine using EGR
pp 5346-5351
Shaik Khader Basha, P.Srinivasa Rao, K. Rajagopal and K. Ravi Kumar
Low Noise Amplifier Selection
for Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
pp 5352-5356
Gayathri K.M. and Thangadurai N