Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications


Volume 4, Number (2014)





Velocity Perturbations Analysis of the Briz-M Rocket (Arabsat-4A) Explosion

pp. 1-9

Authors: ArjunTan, Sam Sheng and Mark Dokhanian


Analysis of the Briz-M Propellant Tank (35698) Fragmentation Using the Velocity Perturbations of the Fragments
pp. 11-19
Authors: Arjun Tan, Vernessa Edwards and Marius Schamschula

Fragments Analyses of the Soviet Anti-Satellite Tests–Round 1
pp. 21-33
Authors: Arjun Tan, Vernessa Edwards and Marius Schamschula


Fragments Analyses of the Soviet Anti-Satellite Tests-Round 2

pp. 35-43

Authors: ArjunTan, Vernessa Edwards and Marius Schamschula
























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